path: root/chapter-7/propagators.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chapter-7/propagators.scm')
1 files changed, 659 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chapter-7/propagators.scm b/chapter-7/propagators.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3d0cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapter-7/propagators.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+;;; Copyright © 2024 David Thompson <>
+;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see
+;;; <>.
+(use-modules (ice-9 match)
+ (srfi srfi-9)
+ (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ ((hoot hashtables) #:select (make-weak-key-hashtable
+ weak-key-hashtable-ref
+ weak-key-hashtable-set!))
+ ((hoot lists) #:select (fold))
+ ((hoot numbers) #:select (truncate))
+ (hoot ffi))
+(define-foreign timeout
+ "window" "setTimeout"
+ (ref extern) f64 -> i32)
+(define-foreign document-body
+ "document" "body"
+ -> (ref null extern))
+(define-foreign make-text-node
+ "document" "makeTextNode"
+ (ref string) -> (ref extern))
+(define-foreign make-element
+ "document" "makeElement"
+ (ref string) -> (ref extern))
+(define-foreign append-child!
+ "element" "appendChild"
+ (ref extern) (ref extern) -> (ref extern))
+(define-foreign attribute-set!
+ "element" "setAttribute"
+ (ref extern) (ref string) (ref string) -> none)
+(define-foreign value
+ "element" "getValue"
+ (ref extern) -> (ref string))
+(define-foreign set-value!
+ "element" "setValue"
+ (ref extern) (ref string) -> none)
+(define-foreign add-event-listener!
+ "element" "addEventListener"
+ (ref extern) (ref string) (ref extern) -> none)
+(define-foreign replace-with!
+ "element" "replaceWith"
+ (ref extern) (ref extern) -> none)
+(define (lset-adjoin = list . rest)
+ (define pred
+ (if (or (eq? = eq?) (eq? = eqv?))
+ =
+ (lambda (x y) (= y x))))
+ (let lp ((ans list) (rest rest))
+ (match rest
+ (() ans)
+ ((x . rest*)
+ (lp (if (member x ans pred)
+ ans
+ (cons x ans))
+ rest*)))))
+(define (any pred lst)
+ (let lp ((lst lst))
+ (match lst
+ (() #f)
+ ((x . rest)
+ (or (pred x) (lp rest))))))
+(define (every pred lst)
+ (let lp ((lst lst))
+ (match lst
+ (() #t)
+ ((x . rest)
+ (and (pred x) (lp rest))))))
+(define procedure->external*
+ (let ((cache (make-weak-key-hashtable)))
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (or (weak-key-hashtable-ref cache proc)
+ (let ((extern (procedure->external proc)))
+ (weak-key-hashtable-set! cache proc extern)
+ extern)))))
+(define (queue-task! thunk)
+ (timeout (procedure->external* thunk) 0.0))
+(define-record-type <nothing>
+ (make-nothing)
+ %nothing?)
+(define (print-nothing nothing port)
+ (display "#<nothing>" port))
+(set-record-type-printer! <nothing> print-nothing)
+(define nothing (make-nothing))
+(define (nothing? x) (eq? x nothing))
+(define-record-type <contradiction>
+ (make-contradiction details)
+ contradiction?
+ (details contradiction-details))
+(define (print-contradiction contradiction port)
+ (format port "#<contradiction ~a>"
+ (contradiction-details contradiction)))
+(set-record-type-printer! <contradiction> print-contradiction)
+(define contradiction (make-contradiction nothing))
+(define-record-type <relations>
+ (%make-relations name parent children)
+ relations?
+ (name relations-name)
+ (parent relations-parent)
+ (children relations-children set-relations-children!))
+(define (print-relations relations port)
+ (match relations
+ (($ <relations> name parent children)
+ (format port "#<relations ~a ↑ ~a ↓ ~a>"
+ name parent children))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <relations> print-relations)
+(define current-parent (make-parameter #f))
+(define (make-relations name)
+ (%make-relations name (current-parent) '()))
+(define (add-child! parent child)
+ (when parent
+ (set-relations-children! parent (cons child (relations-children parent)))))
+(define-record-type <cell>
+ (%make-cell relations neighbors content strongest
+ equivalent? merge find-strongest handle-contradiction)
+ cell?
+ (relations cell-relations)
+ (neighbors cell-neighbors set-cell-neighbors!)
+ (content cell-content set-cell-content!)
+ (strongest cell-strongest set-cell-strongest!)
+ ;; Dispatch table:
+ (equivalent? cell-equivalent?)
+ (merge cell-merge)
+ (find-strongest cell-find-strongest)
+ (handle-contradiction cell-handle-contradiction))
+(define (print-cell cell port)
+ (match cell
+ (($ <cell> ($ <relations> name) _ _ strongest)
+ (display "#<cell " port)
+ (display name port)
+ (display " " port)
+ (display strongest port)
+ (display ">" port))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <cell> print-cell)
+(define-record-type <propagator>
+ (%make-propagator relations inputs outputs activate)
+ propagator?
+ (relations propagator-relations)
+ (inputs propagator-inputs)
+ (outputs propagator-outputs)
+ (activate propagator-activate))
+(define (print-propagator propagator port)
+ (match propagator
+ (($ <propagator> ($ <relations> name) inputs outputs)
+ (display "#<propagator " port)
+ (display name port)
+ (display " " port)
+ (display inputs port)
+ (display " -> " port)
+ (display outputs port)
+ (display ">" port))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <propagator> print-propagator)
+(define default-equivalent? equal?)
+;; But what about partial information???
+(define (default-merge old new) new)
+(define (default-find-strongest content) content)
+(define (default-handle-contradiction cell) (values))
+(define* (make-cell name #:key
+ (equivalent? default-equivalent?)
+ (merge default-merge)
+ (find-strongest default-find-strongest)
+ (handle-contradiction default-handle-contradiction))
+ (let ((cell (%make-cell (make-relations name) '() nothing nothing
+ equivalent? merge find-strongest
+ handle-contradiction)))
+ (add-child! (current-parent) cell)
+ cell))
+(define (cell-name cell)
+ (relations-name (cell-relations cell)))
+(define (add-cell-neighbor! cell neighbor)
+ (set-cell-neighbors! cell (lset-adjoin eq? (cell-neighbors cell) neighbor)))
+(define (add-cell-content! cell new)
+ (match cell
+ (($ <cell> _ neighbors content strongest equivalent? merge
+ find-strongest handle-contradiction)
+ (let ((content* (merge content new)))
+ (set-cell-content! cell content*)
+ (let ((strongest* (find-strongest content*)))
+ (cond
+ ;; New strongest value is equivalent to the old one. No need
+ ;; to alert propagators.
+ ((equivalent? strongest strongest*)
+ (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*))
+ ;; Uh oh, a contradiction! Call handler.
+ ((contradiction? strongest*)
+ (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*)
+ (handle-contradiction cell))
+ ;; Strongest value has changed. Alert the propagators!
+ (else
+ (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*)
+ (for-each alert-propagator! neighbors))))))))
+(define (alert-propagator! propagator)
+ (queue-task! (propagator-activate propagator)))
+(define (make-propagator name inputs outputs activate)
+ (let ((propagator (%make-propagator (make-relations name)
+ inputs outputs activate)))
+ (add-child! (current-parent) propagator)
+ (for-each (lambda (cell)
+ (add-cell-neighbor! cell propagator))
+ inputs)
+ (alert-propagator! propagator)
+ propagator))
+(define (unusable-value? x)
+ (or (nothing? x) (contradiction? x)))
+(define (primitive-propagator name f)
+ (match-lambda*
+ ((inputs ... output)
+ (define (activate)
+ (let ((args (map cell-strongest inputs)))
+ (unless (any unusable-value? args)
+ (add-cell-content! output (apply f args)))))
+ (make-propagator name inputs (list output) activate))))
+(define (compound-propagator name inputs outputs build)
+ (let ((built? #f))
+ (define (maybe-build)
+ (unless (or built?
+ (and (not (null? inputs))
+ (every unusable-value? (map cell-strongest inputs))))
+ (parameterize ((current-parent (propagator-relations propagator)))
+ (build)
+ (set! built? #t))))
+ (define propagator (make-propagator name inputs outputs maybe-build))
+ propagator))
+(define (constraint-propagator name cells build)
+ (compound-propagator name cells cells build))
+(define-record-type <reactive-id>
+ (%make-reactive-id name clock)
+ reactive-id?
+ (name reactive-id-name)
+ (clock reactive-id-clock set-reactive-id-clock!))
+(define (print-reactive-id id port)
+ (display "#<reactive-id " port)
+ (display (reactive-id-name id) port)
+ (display ">" port))
+(set-record-type-printer! <reactive-id> print-reactive-id)
+(define (make-reactive-id name)
+ (%make-reactive-id name 0))
+(define (reactive-id-tick! id)
+ (let ((t (1+ (reactive-id-clock id))))
+ (set-reactive-id-clock! id t)
+ `((,id . ,t))))
+;; Partial value structure for FRP
+(define-record-type <ephemeral>
+ (make-ephemeral value timestamps)
+ ephemeral?
+ (value ephemeral-value)
+ ;; Association list mapping identity -> time
+ (timestamps ephemeral-timestamps))
+(define (ephemeral-fresher? a b)
+ (let ((b-inputs (ephemeral-timestamps b)))
+ (let lp ((a-inputs (ephemeral-timestamps a)))
+ (match a-inputs
+ (() #t)
+ (((key . a-time) . rest)
+ (match (assq-ref b-inputs key)
+ (#f (lp rest))
+ (b-time
+ (and (> a-time b-time)
+ (lp rest)))))))))
+(define (merge-ephemeral-timestamps ephemerals)
+ (define (adjoin-keys alist keys)
+ (fold (lambda (key+value keys)
+ (match key+value
+ ((key . _)
+ (lset-adjoin eq? keys key))))
+ keys alist))
+ (define (check-timestamps id)
+ (let lp ((ephemerals ephemerals) (t #f))
+ (match ephemerals
+ (() t)
+ ((($ <ephemeral> _ timestamps) . rest)
+ (match (assq-ref timestamps id)
+ ;; No timestamp for this id in this ephemeral. Continue.
+ (#f (lp rest t))
+ (t*
+ (if t
+ ;; If timestamps don't match then we have a mix of
+ ;; fresh and stale values, so return #f. Otherwise,
+ ;; continue.
+ (and (= t t*) (lp rest t))
+ ;; Initialize timestamp and continue.
+ (lp rest t*))))))))
+ ;; Build a set of all reactive identifiers across all ephemerals.
+ (let ((ids (fold (lambda (ephemeral ids)
+ (adjoin-keys (ephemeral-timestamps ephemeral) ids))
+ '() ephemerals)))
+ (let lp ((ids ids) (timestamps '()))
+ (match ids
+ (() timestamps)
+ ((id . rest)
+ ;; Check for consistent timestamps. If they are consistent
+ ;; then add it to the alist and continue. Otherwise, return
+ ;; #f.
+ (let ((t (check-timestamps id)))
+ (and t (lp rest (cons (cons id t) timestamps)))))))))
+(define (merge-ephemerals old new)
+ (cond
+ ((nothing? old) new)
+ ((nothing? new) old)
+ ((ephemeral-fresher? new old) new)
+ (else old)))
+(define (ephemeral-wrap proc)
+ (match-lambda*
+ ((and ephemerals (($ <ephemeral> args) ...))
+ (match (merge-ephemeral-timestamps ephemerals)
+ (#f nothing)
+ (timestamps (make-ephemeral (apply proc args) timestamps))))))
+(define* (primitive-reactive-propagator name proc)
+ (primitive-propagator name (ephemeral-wrap proc)))
+(define-syntax-rule (define-primitive-reactive-propagator name proc)
+ (define name (primitive-reactive-propagator 'name proc)))
+(define (r:attribute input elem attr)
+ (let ((attr (symbol->string attr)))
+ (define (activate)
+ (match (cell-strongest input)
+ (($ <ephemeral> val)
+ (attribute-set! elem attr (obj->string val)))
+ ;; Ignore unusable values.
+ (_ (values))))
+ (make-propagator 'r:attribute (list input) '() activate)))
+(define-record-type <binding>
+ (make-binding id cell default group)
+ binding?
+ (id binding-id)
+ (cell binding-cell)
+ (default binding-default)
+ (group binding-group))
+(define* (binding id cell #:key (default nothing) (group '()))
+ (make-binding id cell default group))
+(define (obj->string obj)
+ (if (string? obj)
+ obj
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (port)
+ (write obj port)))))
+(define (string->obj str)
+ (call-with-input-string str read))
+(define* (r:binding binding elem)
+ (match binding
+ (($ <binding> id cell default group)
+ (define (update new)
+ (unless (nothing? new)
+ (let ((timestamp (reactive-id-tick! id)))
+ (add-cell-content! cell (make-ephemeral new timestamp))
+ ;; Freshen timestamps for all cells in the same group.
+ (for-each (lambda (other)
+ (unless (eq? other cell)
+ (match (cell-strongest other)
+ (($ <ephemeral> val)
+ (add-cell-content! other (make-ephemeral val timestamp)))
+ (_ #f))))
+ group))))
+ ;; Sync the element's value with the cell's value.
+ (define (activate)
+ (match (cell-strongest cell)
+ (($ <ephemeral> val)
+ (set-value! elem (obj->string val)))
+ (_ (values))))
+ ;; Initialize element value with the default value.
+ (update default)
+ ;; Sync the cell's value with the element's value.
+ (add-event-listener! elem "input"
+ (procedure->external
+ (lambda (event)
+ (update (string->obj (value elem))))))
+ (make-propagator 'r:binding (list cell) '() activate))))
+(define (cell->elem cell)
+ (let ((exp (cell-strongest cell)))
+ (if (unusable-value? exp)
+ (make-text-node "")
+ (sxml->dom exp))))
+(define (sxml->dom exp)
+ (match exp
+ ;; The simple case: a string representing a text node.
+ ((? string? str)
+ (make-text-node str))
+ ((? number? num)
+ (make-text-node (number->string num)))
+ ;; A cell containing SXML (or nothing)
+ ((? cell? cell)
+ (let ((elem (cell->elem cell)))
+ (r:dom cell elem)
+ elem))
+ ;; An element tree. The first item is the HTML tag.
+ (((? symbol? tag) . body)
+ ;; Create a new element with the given tag.
+ (let ((elem (make-element (symbol->string tag))))
+ (define (add-children children)
+ ;; Recursively call sxml->dom for each child node and
+ ;; append it to elem.
+ (for-each (lambda (child)
+ (append-child! elem (sxml->dom child)))
+ children))
+ (match body
+ ((('@ . attrs) . children)
+ (for-each (lambda (attr)
+ (match attr
+ (((? symbol? name) (? string? val))
+ (attribute-set! elem
+ (symbol->string name)
+ val))
+ (((? symbol? name) (? number? val))
+ (attribute-set! elem
+ (symbol->string name)
+ (number->string val)))
+ (((? symbol? name) (? cell? cell))
+ (r:attribute cell elem name))
+ ;; The value attribute is special and can be
+ ;; used to setup a 2-way data binding.
+ (('value (? binding? binding))
+ (r:binding binding elem))))
+ attrs)
+ (add-children children))
+ (children (add-children children)))
+ elem))))
+(define (r:dom input elem)
+ (define (activate)
+ (match (cell-strongest input)
+ (($ <ephemeral> exp)
+ (let ((new (sxml->dom exp)))
+ (replace-with! elem new)
+ (set! elem new)))
+ (_ (values))))
+ (make-propagator 'dom (list input) '() activate))
+(define-record-type <rgb-color>
+ (rgb-color r g b)
+ rgb-color?
+ (r rgb-color-r)
+ (g rgb-color-g)
+ (b rgb-color-b))
+(define-record-type <hsv-color>
+ (hsv-color h s v)
+ hsv-color?
+ (h hsv-color-h)
+ (s hsv-color-s)
+ (v hsv-color-v))
+(define (assert-real x)
+ (unless (real? x)
+ (error "expected real number" x)))
+(define (fmod x y)
+ (assert-real x)
+ (assert-real y)
+ (- x (* (truncate (/ x y)) y)))
+(define (rgb->hsv rgb)
+ (match rgb
+ (($ <rgb-color> r g b)
+ (let* ((cmax (max r g b))
+ (cmin (min r g b))
+ (delta (- cmax cmin)))
+ (hsv-color (cond
+ ((= delta 0.0) 0.0)
+ ((= cmax r)
+ (let ((h (* 60.0 (fmod (/ (- g b) delta) 6.0))))
+ (if (< h 0.0) (+ h 360.0) h)))
+ ((= cmax g) (* 60.0 (+ (/ (- b r) delta) 2.0)))
+ ((= cmax b) (* 60.0 (+ (/ (- r g) delta) 4.0))))
+ (if (= cmax 0.0)
+ 0.0
+ (/ delta cmax))
+ cmax)))))
+(define (hsv->rgb hsv)
+ (match hsv
+ (($ <hsv-color> h s v)
+ (let* ((h' (/ h 60.0))
+ (c (* v s))
+ (x (* c (- 1.0 (abs (- (fmod h' 2.0) 1.0)))))
+ (m (- v c)))
+ (define-values (r' g' b')
+ (cond
+ ((<= 0.0 h 60.0) (values c x 0.0))
+ ((<= h 120.0) (values x c 0.0))
+ ((<= h 180.0) (values 0.0 c x))
+ ((<= h 240.0) (values 0.0 x c))
+ ((<= h 300.0) (values x 0.0 c))
+ ((<= h 360.0) (values c 0.0 x))))
+ (rgb-color (+ r' m) (+ g' m) (+ b' m))))))
+(define (uniform->byte x)
+ (inexact->exact (round (* x 255.0))))
+(define (rgb->int rgb)
+ (match rgb
+ (($ <rgb-color> r g b)
+ (+ (* (uniform->byte r) (ash 1 16))
+ (* (uniform->byte g) (ash 1 8))
+ (uniform->byte b)))))
+(define (rgb->hex-string rgb)
+ (list->string
+ (cons #\#
+ (let lp ((i 0) (n (rgb->int rgb)) (out '()))
+ (if (= i 6)
+ out
+ (lp (1+ i) (ash n -4)
+ (cons (integer->char
+ (let ((digit (logand n 15)))
+ (+ (if (< digit 10)
+ (char->integer #\0)
+ (- (char->integer #\a) 10))
+ digit)))
+ out)))))))
+(define (rgb-hex->style hex)
+ (string-append "background-color: " hex ";"))
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color rgb-color)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color-r rgb-color-r)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color-g rgb-color-g)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color-b rgb-color-b)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color hsv-color)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color-h hsv-color-h)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color-s hsv-color-s)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color-v hsv-color-v)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb->hsv rgb->hsv)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv->rgb hsv->rgb)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb->hex-string rgb->hex-string)
+(define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-hex->style rgb-hex->style)
+(define (r:components<->rgb r g b rgb)
+ (define (build)
+ (r:rgb-color r g b rgb)
+ (r:rgb-color-r rgb r)
+ (r:rgb-color-g rgb g)
+ (r:rgb-color-b rgb b))
+ (constraint-propagator 'r:components<->rgb (list r g b rgb) build))
+(define (r:components<->hsv h s v hsv)
+ (define (build)
+ (r:hsv-color h s v hsv)
+ (r:hsv-color-h hsv h)
+ (r:hsv-color-s hsv s)
+ (r:hsv-color-v hsv v))
+ (constraint-propagator 'r:components<->hsv (list h s v hsv) build))
+(define (r:rgb<->hsv rgb hsv)
+ (define (build)
+ (r:rgb->hsv rgb hsv)
+ (r:hsv->rgb hsv rgb))
+ (constraint-propagator 'r:rgb<->hsv (list rgb hsv) build))
+(define (render exp)
+ (append-child! (document-body) (sxml->dom exp)))
+(define* (slider id name min max default #:optional (step "any"))
+ `(div (@ (class "slider"))
+ (label (@ (for ,id)) ,name)
+ (input (@ (id ,id) (type "range")
+ (min ,min) (max ,max) (step ,step)
+ (value ,default)))))
+(define (uslider id name default) ; [0,1] slider
+ (slider id name 0 1 default))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-cells (name ...) body . body*)
+ (let ((name (make-cell 'name #:merge merge-ephemerals)) ...) body . body*))
+(with-cells (r g b rgb h s v hsv hex style)
+ (define color (make-reactive-id 'color))
+ (define rgb-group (list r g b))
+ (define hsv-group (list h s v))
+ (r:components<->rgb r g b rgb)
+ (r:components<->hsv h s v hsv)
+ (r:rgb<->hsv rgb hsv)
+ (r:rgb->hex-string rgb hex)
+ (r:rgb-hex->style hex style)
+ (render
+ `(div
+ (h1 "Color Picker")
+ (div (@ (class "preview"))
+ (div (@ (class "color-block") (style ,style)))
+ (div (@ (class "hex")) ,hex))
+ (fieldset
+ (legend "RGB")
+ ,(uslider "red" "Red"
+ (binding color r #:default 1.0 #:group rgb-group))
+ ,(uslider "green" "Green"
+ (binding color g #:default 0.0 #:group rgb-group))
+ ,(uslider "blue" "Blue"
+ (binding color b #:default 1.0 #:group rgb-group)))
+ (fieldset
+ (legend "HSV")
+ ,(slider "hue" "Hue" 0 360 (binding color h #:group hsv-group))
+ ,(uslider "saturation" "Saturation" (binding color s #:group hsv-group))
+ ,(uslider "value" "Value" (binding color v #:group hsv-group))))))