path: root/chapter-2/function-combinators.scm
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-;;; Copyright © 2021 Gerald Sussman and Chris Hanson
-;;; Copyright © 2021 David Thompson <>
-;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with this program. If not, see
-;;; <>.
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
-;; 2.1.1 Function combinators
-(define (compose f g)
- (lambda args
- (f (apply g args))))
-((compose (lambda (x) (list 'foo x))
- (lambda (x) (list 'bar x)))
- 'z)
-(define (identity x) x)
-;; Could use (ice-9 curried-definitions) and use the exact code in the
-;; book.
-(define (iterate n)
- (lambda (f)
- (if (= n 0)
- identity
- (compose f ((iterate (- n 1)) f)))))
-(define (square x) (* x x))
-(((iterate 3) square) 5)
-(define (parallel-combine h f g)
- (lambda args
- (h (apply f args) (apply g args))))
-((parallel-combine list
- (lambda (x y z) (list 'foo x y z))
- (lambda (u v w) (list 'bar u v w)))
- 'a 'b 'c)
-;; Arity
-(define (get-arity f)
- (let ((arity (procedure-minimum-arity f)))
- (if arity (car arity) 0)))
-(define (restrict-arity f n)
- (set-procedure-minimum-arity! f n 0 #f)
- f)
-(define-syntax-rule (assert cond)
- (unless cond
- (error "assertion failed" 'cond)))
-(define (spread-combine h f g)
- (let* ((n (get-arity f))
- (m (get-arity g))
- (t (+ n m)))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) t))
- (h (apply f (list-head args n))
- (apply g (list-tail args n))))
- (restrict-arity the-combination t)))
-((spread-combine list
- (lambda (x y) (list 'foo x y))
- (lambda (u v w) (list 'bar u v w)))
- 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)
-;; Exercise 2.1: Arity repair
-(define (compose f g)
- (let ((n (get-arity f))
- (m (get-arity g)))
- (assert (= n 1))
- (define (the-composition . args)
- (assert (= (length args) m))
- (f (apply g args)))
- (restrict-arity the-composition m)))
-(define (parallel-combine h f g)
- (let ((n (get-arity h))
- (m (get-arity f))
- (l (get-arity g)))
- (assert (= m l))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) m))
- (h (apply f args) (apply g args)))
- (restrict-arity the-combination m)))
-;; Exercise 2.2: Arity extension
-;; Not sure how to accomplish this in Guile, honestly. There is no
-;; equivalent of procedure-arity-max that I can find.
-;; Multiple values
-(define (compose f g)
- (let ((n (get-arity g)))
- (define (the-composition . args)
- (assert (= (length args) n))
- (call-with-values (lambda () (apply g args))
- f))
- (restrict-arity the-composition n)))
-(define (spread-apply f g)
- (let* ((n (get-arity f))
- (m (get-arity g))
- (t (+ n m)))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) t))
- (let-values ((fv (apply f (list-head args n)))
- (gv (apply g (list-tail args n))))
- (apply values (append fv gv))))
- (restrict-arity the-combination t)))
-(define (spread-combine h f g)
- (compose h (spread-apply f g)))
-((spread-combine list
- (lambda (x y) (values x y))
- (lambda (u v w) (values u v w)))
- 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)
-;; Exercise 2.4: A quickie
-(define (parallel-combine h f g)
- (let ((n (get-arity h))
- (m (get-arity f))
- (l (get-arity g)))
- (assert (= m l))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) m))
- (let-values ((fv (apply f args))
- (gv (apply g args)))
- (apply h (append fv gv))))
- (restrict-arity the-combination m)))
-((parallel-combine list
- (lambda (x y z) (values x y z))
- (lambda (u v w) (values u v w)))
- 'a 'b 'c)
-;;; A small library
-(define (list-remove l i)
- (if (= i 0)
- (cdr l)
- (cons (car l) (list-remove (cdr l) (- i 1)))))
-(define (discard-argument i)
- (assert (and (exact-integer? i) (>= i 0)))
- (lambda (f)
- (let ((m (+ (get-arity f) 1)))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) m))
- (apply f (list-remove args i)))
- (assert (< i m))
- (restrict-arity the-combination m))))
-(((discard-argument 2)
- (lambda (x y z) (list 'foo x y z)))
- 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-(define (list-insert l i x)
- (if (= i 0)
- (cons x l)
- (cons (car l) (list-insert (cdr l) (- i 1) x))))
-(define (curry-argument i)
- (lambda args
- (lambda (f)
- (assert (= (length args) (- (get-arity f) 1)))
- (lambda (x)
- (apply f (list-insert args i x))))))
-((((curry-argument 2) 'a 'b 'c)
- (lambda (x y z w) (list 'foo x y z w)))
- 'd)
-(define (make-permutation permspec)
- (define (the-permuter lst)
- (map (lambda (p) (list-ref lst p))
- permspec))
- the-permuter)
-(define (permute-arguments . permspec)
- (let ((permute (make-permutation permspec)))
- (lambda (f)
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (apply f (permute args)))
- (let ((n (get-arity f)))
- (assert (= n (length permspec)))
- (restrict-arity the-combination n)))))
-(((permute-arguments 1 2 0 3)
- (lambda (x y z w) (list 'foo x y z w)))
- 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-;; Exercise 2.4: As compositions?
-(define (discard-argument i)
- (assert (and (exact-integer? i) (>= i 0)))
- (lambda (f)
- (let ((n (+ (get-arity f) 1)))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) n))
- (apply values (list-remove args i)))
- (assert (< i n))
- (compose f (restrict-arity the-combination n)))))
-(((discard-argument 2)
- (lambda (x y z) (list 'foo x y z)))
- 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-(define (curry-argument i)
- (lambda args
- (lambda (f)
- (assert (= (length args) (- (get-arity f) 1)))
- (compose f (lambda (x)
- (apply values (list-insert args i x)))))))
-((((curry-argument 2) 'a 'b 'c)
- (lambda (x y z w) (list 'foo x y z w)))
- 'd)
-(define (permute-arguments . permspec)
- (let ((permute (make-permutation permspec)))
- (lambda (f)
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (apply values (permute args)))
- (let ((n (get-arity f)))
- (assert (= n (length permspec)))
- (compose f (restrict-arity the-combination n))))))
-(((permute-arguments 1 2 0 3)
- (lambda (x y z w) (list 'foo x y z w)))
- 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-;; Exercise 2.5: Useful combinators
-;; a - generalized {discard,curry}-argument
-(define (make-discarder discard-spec)
- (define (the-discarder lst)
- (let loop ((spec discard-spec)
- (lst lst))
- (if (null? spec)
- lst
- (loop (cdr spec) (list-remove lst (car spec))))))
- the-discarder)
-(define (discard-arguments . discard-spec)
- (let ((discarder (make-discarder discard-spec)))
- (lambda (f)
- (let ((n (+ (get-arity f) (length discard-spec))))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) n))
- (apply values (discarder args)))
- (assert (< (length discard-spec) n))
- (compose f (restrict-arity the-combination n))))))
-(((discard-arguments 0 2)
- (lambda (x y) (list 'foo x y)))
- 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-(define (make-currier curry-spec args)
- (define (the-currier lst)
- (let loop ((spec curry-spec)
- (lst lst)
- (args args))
- (if (null? spec)
- args
- (let ((i (car spec)))
- (loop (cdr spec) (cdr lst) (list-insert args i (car lst)))))))
- the-currier)
-(define (curry-arguments . curry-spec)
- (lambda args
- (let ((currier (make-currier curry-spec args)))
- (lambda (f)
- (let ((n (length curry-spec)))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) n))
- (apply values (currier args)))
- (assert (= (length args) (- (get-arity f) n)))
- (compose f (restrict-arity the-combination n)))))))
-((((curry-arguments 1 2) 'a 'b 'c)
- (lambda (x y z w v) (list 'foo x y z w v)))
- 'd 'e)
-;; b - other useful combinators
-(define (memoize f)
- (let ((cache (make-hash-table))
- (n (get-arity f)))
- (define (the-combination . args)
- (assert (= (length args) n))
- (let ((cached-values (hash-ref cache args)))
- (if cached-values
- (apply values cached-values)
- (let-values ((fv (apply f args)))
- (hash-set! cache args fv)
- (apply values fv)))))
- (restrict-arity the-combination n)))
-(define memoize-test
- (memoize
- (lambda (x)
- (* x 3))))
-(memoize-test 2) ; cache miss
-(memoize-test 3) ; cache miss
-(memoize-test 2) ; cache hit
-;; c - compose with any number of args
-(define (compose . procs)
- (cond
- ((null? procs)
- (error "must pass at least one procedure"))
- ((null? (cdr procs))
- (car procs))
- (else
- (let* ((f (car procs))
- (g (apply compose (cdr procs)))
- (n (get-arity g)))
- (define (the-composition . args)
- (assert (= (length args) n))
- (call-with-values (lambda () (apply g args))
- f))
- (restrict-arity the-composition n)))))
-((compose (lambda (x) (list 'foo x))
- (lambda (x y z) (list 'bar x y z))
- (lambda (x y) (values 'baz x y)))
- 'z 'w)