diff options
authorDavid Thompson <>2014-11-30 22:59:29 -0500
committerDavid Thompson <>2014-11-30 22:59:29 -0500
commit5454c435e2c10e2e07ac7855528c12bcdb605494 (patch)
parent34376403fe741cd7f2f0f7f97d1b3b2abe58c725 (diff)
Update README.
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 0526c67..7316c06 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
-* Sly
+* Sly - The Living, Breathing Game Engine
- Sly is a free software game engine written in GNU Guile Scheme. It
+ Sly is a free software game engine written in [[][Guile Scheme]]. It
provides an abstraction layer above SDL and OpenGL for common game
programming requirements such as:
- - Meshes
+ - Animation
- Shaders
- Sprites
- - Animation
- Tilesets
- Scene graph
- - Keyboard/mouse input
+ - Keyboard/mouse/joystick input
- Scripting
- Sly differentiates itself from other game engines by providing an
- interactive development environment via Guile's read-eval-print-loop
- (REPL), exposing a functional API instead of an object-oriented one,
- and encouraging reactive programming.
+ Sly differentiates itself from most other game engines by
+ encouraging [[][live coding]] and emphasizing [[][functional reactive
+ programming]].
** Inspiration
Every programming language should have a fun, easy to use game
- library. Sly draws its inspiration from great libraries/engines
- such as [[][LÖVE]], [[][Pygame]], and [[][Pyglet]]. Sly's functional reactive nature
- is heavily inspired by the [[][Elm]] programming language.
+ library. Guile is no exception. Sly draws its inspiration from
+ easy-to-use libraries/engines such as [[][LÖVE]], [[][Pygame]], and [[][Pyglet]].
+ Sly's functional reactive nature is heavily inspired by the [[][Elm]]
+ programming language.
** Example
@@ -31,17 +30,22 @@
#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
(use-modules (sly game)
- (sly sprite)
- (sly window))
+ (sly window)
+ (sly math vector)
+ (sly render camera)
+ (sly render group)
+ (sly render sprite))
- (define sprite
- (load-sprite "images/p1_front.png"
- #:position #(320 240)))
+ (define scene
+ (group-move (vector2 320 240)
+ (group (load-sprite "gnu.png"))))
- (add-hook! draw-hook (lambda (dt alpha) (draw-sprite sprite)))
+ (define camera (orthographic-camera 640 480))
- (with-window (make-window #:title "Simple Sprite Demo")
- (run-game-loop))
+ (add-hook! draw-hook (lambda _ (draw-group scene camera)))
+ (with-window (make-window #:title "Hello, world!")
+ (start-game-loop))
** Features
@@ -68,164 +72,30 @@
-*** Sprites
- Sprites encapsulate the presentation of an image or a region of an
- image.
- The simplest way to get started with sprites is to use the
- =load-sprite= procedure. All arguments except the filename are
- optional keyword arguments.
- Sly uses the FreeImage library and can load many different image
- formats. See the FreeImage [[][features page]] for a full list of
- supported formats.
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- (use-modules (sly sprite))
- (define sprite
- (load-sprite "cirno.png"
- #:position #(320 240)
- #:scale #(1 1)
- #:rotation 45
- #:color white
- #:anchor 'center))
- Alternatively, you can make a sprite from an existing texture. The
- same keyword arguments in =load-sprite= are also available here.
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- (define sprite (make-sprite (load-texture "cirno.png")))
- Position, scale, rotation, color, and anchor are mutable.
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- (set-sprite-position! sprite #(100 100))
- Drawing a sprite is simple.
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- (draw-sprite sprite)
-*** Keyboard and Mouse Input
- There are hooks within the =(sly keyboard)= and =(sly mouse)=
- modules that can be used to respond to user input.
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- (use-modules (sly keyboard)
- (sly mouse))
- ;; Quit when ESC is pressed.
- (add-hook! key-press-hook
- (lambda (key unicode)
- (when (eq? key 'escape)
- (quit-game))))
- ;; Print coordinates when the mouse is moved.
- (add-hook! mouse-move-hook
- (lambda (x y)
- (format #t "pos: (~d, ~d)\n" x y)))
- In the future, there will be more convenient ways to respond to
- user input similar to how keymaps work in Emacs.
-*** Coroutines and the Agenda
- The ability to write scripts is very important for most games. A
- script for an RPG NPC could look like this:
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- ;; Walk up one tile and then down one tile, forever.
- (while #t
- (walk 'up)
- (walk 'down))
- Unfortunately, running this script as it is means completely
- locking up the program in an unbounded loop. However, coroutines
- (and a scheduler known as the "agenda") are here to save the day!
- Coroutines are procedures that can be exited at any point and
- resumed later.
- It would be nice if after every call to =walk=, the NPC would wait
- for one second before taking its next step. This is where the
- agenda comes in. The agenda is used to schedule procedures to be
- run after an arbitrary number of game updates (1 by
- default). Since coroutines and the agenda go hand in hand, there
- exists a =wait= procedure to pause a coroutine and schedule it to
- be resumed later.
- Using a coroutine and the agenda, the NPC script can be rewritten
- such that it does not halt further program execution.
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- (use-modules (sly agenda)
- (sly coroutine))
- (coroutine
- (while #t
- (walk 'up)
- (wait 60)
- (walk 'down)
- (wait 60)))
- =coroutine= is a useful macro that evaluates a block of code as a
- coroutine. =wait= aborts the procedure and schedules the
- continuation inside of the agenda. In this example, the script is
- paused for 1 second after each step. Since Sly enforces a fixed
- timestep and updates 60 times per second by default, 60 ticks is
- equivalent to 1 second.
- You can also use the agenda to schedule the evaluation of any
- thunk even if it isn't a coroutine.
- #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
- (define (hello)
- (display "Hello, world! Sorry I'm late!\n"))
- (schedule hello 600)
- =schedule= accepts a thunk (a procedure that takes no arguments)
- and schedules it to be applied after a certain number of ticks, or
- after 1 tick by default. In this example, the text "Hello, world!
- Sorry I'm late!" is displayed after 10 seconds. There are other
- ways to schedule procedures, too. =schedule-interval= applies a
- thunk periodically, and =schedule-each= applies a thunk upon every
- tick.
*** Functional Reactive Programming
- Games are composed of values that evolve as time passes. The
- player's score, the current stage, an enemy's hit points, etc. all
- change in response to events that happen at discrete points in
- time. Typically, this means that a number of callback procedures
- are registered to react to events which mutate data structures
- and/or assign to variables. However, this approach, while simple
- and effective, comes at the price of readability and
- comprehension. Instead of explicitly mutating data and entering
- "callback hell", Sly abstracts and formalizes the process using a
- functional reactive programming style.
- Time-varying values are called "signals", and they are created in
- a declarative and functional manner. Rather than describing the
- process of mutation procedurally, one describes the relationship
- between signals instead. Signal relationships are described in a
- functional style using =signal-map=, =signal-fold=,
+ Game state is a function of time. The player's score, the current
+ stage, an enemy's hit points, etc. all change in response to
+ events that happen at discrete points in time. Typically, this
+ means that a number of callback procedures are registered to
+ respond to events which mutate the relevant data structures.
+ However, this approach, while simple and effective, comes at the
+ price of readability, comprehension, and expression. Instead of
+ explicitly mutating data and entering "callback hell", Sly
+ abstracts and formalizes the process using a functional reactive
+ programming style.
+ In Sly, time-varying values are called "signals", and they are
+ defined in a declarative and functional manner. Rather than
+ describing the process of mutation procedurally, one describes the
+ relationship between signals instead. Signal relationships are
+ described in a functional style using =signal-map=, =signal-fold=,
=signal-filter=, and others.
#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
(define-signal position
- (signal-fold v+ #(320 240)
+ (signal-fold v+ (vector2 320 240)
(signal-map (lambda (v) (v* v 4))
(signal-sample 1 key-arrows))))
@@ -235,7 +105,7 @@
to trigger a signal update upon every game tick that provides the
current state of the arrow keys. =key-arrows= is a vector that
maps to the current state of the arrow keys, allowing for 8
- direction movement. This vector is then scaled 4x to make the
+ directional movement. This vector is then scaled 4x to make the
player move faster. Finally, the scaled vector is added to the
previous player position via =signal-fold=. The player's position
is at (320, 240) initially. As you can see, there are no
@@ -250,15 +120,15 @@
*** REPL Driven Development
- The read-eval-print-loop present in Guile allows you to develop
- your game while it is running! This allows you to see in real time
- what your changes do to the game without having to restart the
- program every time.
+ Guile's read-eval-print-loop allows you to develop your game while
+ it is running! This allows you to see in real-time what your
+ changes do to the game without having to kill, recompile, and
+ restart the program every time a change is made.
- Sly integrates Guile's cooperative REPL server with the game loop.
+ Sly integrates Guile's [[][cooperative REPL server]] into the game loop.
To activate this feature, import the =(sly repl)= module and call
=(start-sly-repl)=. To connect to the REPL server, use the [[][Geiser]]
- extension for GNU Emacs or telnet.
+ extension for GNU Emacs.
@@ -266,13 +136,7 @@
M-x connect-to-guile
- Use the default host and port settings.
- *Telnet*
- #+BEGIN_SRC sh
- telnet localhost 37146
+ Use the default host and port settings when prompted.
** Building
@@ -337,6 +201,7 @@
- [[][guile-sdl]] >= 0.5.0
- SDL 1.2
- FreeImage >= 3.0
+ - GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
** Community