path: root/2d
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authorDavid Thompson <>2013-09-02 16:47:30 -0400
committerDavid Thompson <>2013-09-02 16:47:30 -0400
commit25e559518f9087b0891dbf8500a217d71f0f15d8 (patch)
tree36178b9860ebbb06fbc2dc42c7e97d52cfba21e5 /2d
parent8e2eb9968603accf980a4b5a6a25709f82e2e20d (diff)
Add mvars module.
Diffstat (limited to '2d')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2d/mvars.scm b/2d/mvars.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba6ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2d/mvars.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+(define-module (2d mvars)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-8) ; receive
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) ; records
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 threads)
+ #:export (new-mvar mvar? mvar-empty?
+ take-mvar put-mvar read-mvar swap-mvar
+ try-take-mvar try-put-mvar try-read-mvar
+ with-mvar modify-mvar modify-mvar*))
+(define-record-type <mvar>
+ (make-mvar contents empty? mutex condvar)
+ mvar?
+ (contents mvar-contents set-mvar-contents!)
+ (empty? mvar-empty? set-mvar-empty?!)
+ (mutex mvar-mutex)
+ (condvar mvar-condvar))
+ <mvar>
+ (lambda (mvar port)
+ (display "#<mvar " port)
+ (display (number->string (object-address mvar) 16) port)
+ (display " " port)
+ (write (receive (x full?) (try-read-mvar mvar)
+ (if full? (list x) '()))
+ port)
+ (display ">" port)))
+(define new-mvar
+ (case-lambda
+ "Return a freshly allocated mvar. The optional argument, if provided,\n\
+specifies the initial contents of the mvar, otherwise it will be empty."
+ (() (make-mvar #f #t (make-mutex) (make-condition-variable)))
+ ((x) (make-mvar x #f (make-mutex) (make-condition-variable)))))
+(define (take-mvar mvar)
+ "Block until MVAR is full, then atomically remove and return its contents."
+ (with-mutex (mvar-mutex mvar)
+ (when (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (wait-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar) (mvar-mutex mvar))
+ (when (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (error "take-mvar: expected full mvar after waiting")))
+ (let ((x (mvar-contents mvar)))
+ (set-mvar-contents! mvar #f)
+ (set-mvar-empty?! mvar #t)
+ (signal-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar))
+ x)))
+(define (put-mvar mvar x)
+ "Block until MVAR is empty, then put X into it."
+ (with-mutex (mvar-mutex mvar)
+ (unless (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (wait-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar) (mvar-mutex mvar))
+ (unless (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (error "put-mvar: expected empty mvar after waiting")))
+ (set-mvar-contents! mvar x)
+ (set-mvar-empty?! mvar #f)
+ (signal-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar))
+ *unspecified*))
+(define (read-mvar mvar)
+ "Block until MVAR is full, then return its contents, leaving MVAR unchanged."
+ (with-mutex (mvar-mutex mvar)
+ (when (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (wait-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar) (mvar-mutex mvar))
+ (when (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (error "read-mvar: expected full mvar after waiting")))
+ (mvar-contents mvar)))
+(define (swap-mvar mvar new)
+ "Block until MVAR is full, and then atomically swap its contents\n\
+with NEW and return the previous contents."
+ (with-mutex (mvar-mutex mvar)
+ (when (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (wait-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar) (mvar-mutex mvar))
+ (when (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (error "swap-mvar: expected full mvar after waiting")))
+ (let ((old (mvar-contents mvar)))
+ (set-mvar-contents! mvar new)
+ old)))
+(define (try-take-mvar mvar)
+ "If MVAR is full, return its contents and #t, else return #f and #f."
+ (with-mutex (mvar-mutex mvar)
+ (if (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (values #f #f)
+ (let ((x (mvar-contents mvar)))
+ (set-mvar-contents! mvar #f)
+ (set-mvar-empty?! mvar #t)
+ (signal-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar))
+ (values x #t)))))
+(define (try-put-mvar mvar x)
+ "If MVAR is empty, put X into it and return #t, else return #f."
+ (with-mutex (mvar-mutex mvar)
+ (and (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (begin
+ (set-mvar-contents! mvar x)
+ (set-mvar-empty?! mvar #f)
+ (signal-condition-variable (mvar-condvar mvar))
+ #t))))
+(define (try-read-mvar mvar)
+ "If MVAR is full, return its contents and #t, else return #f and #f."
+ (with-mutex (mvar-mutex mvar)
+ (if (mvar-empty? mvar)
+ (values #f #f)
+ (values (mvar-contents mvar) #t))))
+(define (with-mvar mvar proc)
+ "Take a value from MVAR and apply PROC to it. If an exception is raised,\n\
+the original value is put back into MVAR. This procedure is atomic only if\n\
+there are no other producers for MVAR."
+ (let ((x (take-mvar mvar)))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () (proc x))
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (put-mvar mvar x)
+ (apply throw key args)))))
+(define (modify-mvar mvar f)
+ "Take a value x from MVAR, and then put back (F x). If an exception is\n\
+raised, the original value is put back into MVAR. This procedure is\n\
+atomic only if there are no other producers for MVAR."
+ (let ((old (take-mvar mvar)))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () (put-mvar mvar (f old)))
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (put-mvar mvar old)
+ (apply throw key args)))))
+(define (modify-mvar* mvar f)
+ "Take a value x from MVAR, and apply F to it. (F x) should return one\n\
+or more values: the new value to be put back into MVAR, and zero or more\n\
+additional values to be returned from MODIFY-MVAR*. If an exception is\n\
+raised, the original value is put back into MVAR. This procedure is\n\
+atomic only if there are no other producers for MVAR."
+ (let ((old (take-mvar mvar)))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda ()
+ (receive (new . results) (f old)
+ (put-mvar mvar new)
+ (apply values results)))
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (put-mvar mvar old)
+ (apply throw key args)))))