path: root/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/gulpfile.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/gulpfile.js')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/gulpfile.js b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/gulpfile.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003616e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/gulpfile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+const pkg = require('./package.json')
+const glob = require('glob')
+const yargs = require('yargs')
+const through = require('through2');
+const qunit = require('node-qunit-puppeteer')
+const {rollup} = require('rollup')
+const terser = require('@rollup/plugin-terser')
+const babel = require('@rollup/plugin-babel').default
+const commonjs = require('@rollup/plugin-commonjs')
+const resolve = require('@rollup/plugin-node-resolve').default
+const sass = require('sass')
+const gulp = require('gulp')
+const tap = require('gulp-tap')
+const zip = require('gulp-zip')
+const header = require('gulp-header')
+const eslint = require('gulp-eslint')
+const minify = require('gulp-clean-css')
+const connect = require('gulp-connect')
+const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
+const root = yargs.argv.root || '.'
+const port = yargs.argv.port || 8000
+const host = || 'localhost'
+const banner = `/*!
+* reveal.js ${pkg.version}
+* ${pkg.homepage}
+* MIT licensed
+* Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Hakim El Hattab,
+// Prevents warnings from opening too many test pages
+const babelConfig = {
+ babelHelpers: 'bundled',
+ ignore: ['node_modules'],
+ compact: false,
+ extensions: ['.js', '.html'],
+ plugins: [
+ 'transform-html-import-to-string'
+ ],
+ presets: [[
+ '@babel/preset-env',
+ {
+ corejs: 3,
+ useBuiltIns: 'usage',
+ modules: false
+ }
+ ]]
+// Our ES module bundle only targets newer browsers with
+// module support. Browsers are targeted explicitly instead
+// of using the "esmodule: true" target since that leads to
+// polyfilling older browsers and a larger bundle.
+const babelConfigESM = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( babelConfig ) );
+babelConfigESM.presets[0][1].targets = { browsers: [
+ 'last 2 Chrome versions',
+ 'last 2 Safari versions',
+ 'last 2 iOS versions',
+ 'last 2 Firefox versions',
+ 'last 2 Edge versions',
+] };
+let cache = {};
+// Creates a bundle with broad browser support, exposed
+// as UMD
+gulp.task('js-es5', () => {
+ return rollup({
+ cache: cache.umd,
+ input: 'js/index.js',
+ plugins: [
+ resolve(),
+ commonjs(),
+ babel( babelConfig ),
+ terser()
+ ]
+ }).then( bundle => {
+ cache.umd = bundle.cache;
+ return bundle.write({
+ name: 'Reveal',
+ file: './dist/reveal.js',
+ format: 'umd',
+ banner: banner,
+ sourcemap: true
+ });
+ });
+// Creates an ES module bundle
+gulp.task('js-es6', () => {
+ return rollup({
+ cache: cache.esm,
+ input: 'js/index.js',
+ plugins: [
+ resolve(),
+ commonjs(),
+ babel( babelConfigESM ),
+ terser()
+ ]
+ }).then( bundle => {
+ cache.esm = bundle.cache;
+ return bundle.write({
+ file: './dist/reveal.esm.js',
+ format: 'es',
+ banner: banner,
+ sourcemap: true
+ });
+ });
+gulp.task('js', gulp.parallel('js-es5', 'js-es6'));
+// Creates a UMD and ES module bundle for each of our
+// built-in plugins
+gulp.task('plugins', () => {
+ return Promise.all([
+ { name: 'RevealHighlight', input: './plugin/highlight/plugin.js', output: './plugin/highlight/highlight' },
+ { name: 'RevealMarkdown', input: './plugin/markdown/plugin.js', output: './plugin/markdown/markdown' },
+ { name: 'RevealSearch', input: './plugin/search/plugin.js', output: './plugin/search/search' },
+ { name: 'RevealNotes', input: './plugin/notes/plugin.js', output: './plugin/notes/notes' },
+ { name: 'RevealZoom', input: './plugin/zoom/plugin.js', output: './plugin/zoom/zoom' },
+ { name: 'RevealMath', input: './plugin/math/plugin.js', output: './plugin/math/math' },
+ ].map( plugin => {
+ return rollup({
+ cache: cache[plugin.input],
+ input: plugin.input,
+ plugins: [
+ resolve(),
+ commonjs(),
+ babel({
+ ...babelConfig,
+ ignore: [/node_modules\/(?!(highlight\.js|marked)\/).*/],
+ }),
+ terser()
+ ]
+ }).then( bundle => {
+ cache[plugin.input] = bundle.cache;
+ bundle.write({
+ file: plugin.output + '.esm.js',
+ name:,
+ format: 'es'
+ })
+ bundle.write({
+ file: plugin.output + '.js',
+ name:,
+ format: 'umd'
+ })
+ });
+ } ));
+// a custom pipeable step to transform Sass to CSS
+function compileSass() {
+ return through.obj( ( vinylFile, encoding, callback ) => {
+ const transformedFile = vinylFile.clone();
+ sass.render({
+ data: transformedFile.contents.toString(),
+ file: transformedFile.path,
+ }, ( err, result ) => {
+ if( err ) {
+ callback(err);
+ }
+ else {
+ transformedFile.extname = '.css';
+ transformedFile.contents = result.css;
+ callback( null, transformedFile );
+ }
+ });
+ });
+gulp.task('css-themes', () => gulp.src(['./css/theme/source/*.{sass,scss}'])
+ .pipe(compileSass())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/theme')))
+gulp.task('css-core', () => gulp.src(['css/reveal.scss'])
+ .pipe(compileSass())
+ .pipe(autoprefixer())
+ .pipe(minify({compatibility: 'ie9'}))
+ .pipe(header(banner))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')))
+gulp.task('css', gulp.parallel('css-themes', 'css-core'))
+gulp.task('qunit', () => {
+ let serverConfig = {
+ root,
+ port: 8009,
+ host: 'localhost',
+ name: 'test-server'
+ }
+ let server = connect.server( serverConfig )
+ let testFiles = glob.sync('test/*.html' )
+ let totalTests = 0;
+ let failingTests = 0;
+ let tests = Promise.all( filename => {
+ return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
+ qunit.runQunitPuppeteer({
+ targetUrl: `http://${}:${serverConfig.port}/${filename}`,
+ timeout: 20000,
+ redirectConsole: false,
+ puppeteerArgs: ['--allow-file-access-from-files']
+ })
+ .then(result => {
+ if( result.stats.failed > 0 ) {
+ console.log(`${'!'} ${filename} [${result.stats.passed}/${}] in ${result.stats.runtime}ms`.red);
+ // qunit.printResultSummary(result, console);
+ qunit.printFailedTests(result, console);
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log(`${'✔'} ${filename} [${result.stats.passed}/${}] in ${result.stats.runtime}ms`.green);
+ }
+ totalTests +=;
+ failingTests += result.stats.failed;
+ resolve();
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ console.error(error);
+ reject();
+ });
+ } )
+ } ) );
+ return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
+ tests.then( () => {
+ if( failingTests > 0 ) {
+ reject( new Error(`${failingTests}/${totalTests} tests failed`.red) );
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log(`${'✔'} Passed ${totalTests} tests`.green.bold);
+ resolve();
+ }
+ } )
+ .catch( () => {
+ reject();
+ } )
+ .finally( () => {
+ server.close();
+ } );
+ } );
+} )
+gulp.task('eslint', () => gulp.src(['./js/**', 'gulpfile.js'])
+ .pipe(eslint())
+ .pipe(eslint.format()))
+gulp.task('test', gulp.series( 'eslint', 'qunit' ))
+gulp.task('default', gulp.series(gulp.parallel('js', 'css', 'plugins'), 'test'))
+gulp.task('build', gulp.parallel('js', 'css', 'plugins'))
+gulp.task('package', gulp.series(() =>
+ gulp.src(
+ [
+ './index.html',
+ './dist/**',
+ './lib/**',
+ './images/**',
+ './plugin/**',
+ './**/*.md'
+ ],
+ { base: './' }
+ )
+ .pipe(zip('')).pipe(gulp.dest('./'))
+gulp.task('reload', () => gulp.src(['index.html'])
+ .pipe(connect.reload()));
+gulp.task('serve', () => {
+ connect.server({
+ root: root,
+ port: port,
+ host: host,
+ livereload: true
+ })
+ const slidesRoot = root.endsWith('/') ? root : root + '/'
+ slidesRoot + '**/*.html',
+ slidesRoot + '**/*.md',
+ `!${slidesRoot}**/node_modules/**`, // ignore node_modules
+ ], gulp.series('reload'))
+['js/**'], gulp.series('js', 'reload', 'eslint'))
+['plugin/**/plugin.js', 'plugin/**/*.html'], gulp.series('plugins', 'reload'))
+ 'css/theme/source/**/*.{sass,scss}',
+ 'css/theme/template/*.{sass,scss}',
+ ], gulp.series('css-themes', 'reload'))
+ 'css/*.scss',
+ 'css/print/*.{sass,scss,css}'
+ ], gulp.series('css-core', 'reload'))
+['test/*.html'], gulp.series('test'))