path: root/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search
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authorDavid Thompson <>2024-06-24 13:49:08 -0400
committerDavid Thompson <>2024-06-24 13:52:17 -0400
commitd283f7e661e14d6ae1881fe803e5b4f1ed0689ff (patch)
tree84d3811c6dcb7d7f02aecadad7b2dfacce83bd4f /2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search
parent3d9dcd3099fb252fa35697148fbbd541eb9eecc9 (diff)
Add 2024 Guix social talk.HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to '2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search')
3 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/plugin.js b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe38343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Handles finding a text string anywhere in the slides and showing the next occurrence to the user
+ * by navigatating to that slide and highlighting it.
+ *
+ * @author Jon Snyder <>, February 2013
+ */
+const Plugin = () => {
+ // The reveal.js instance this plugin is attached to
+ let deck;
+ let searchElement;
+ let searchButton;
+ let searchInput;
+ let matchedSlides;
+ let currentMatchedIndex;
+ let searchboxDirty;
+ let hilitor;
+ function render() {
+ searchElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ searchElement.classList.add( 'searchbox' );
+ = 'absolute';
+ = '10px';
+ = '10px';
+ = 10;
+ //embedded base64 search icon Designed by Sketchdock -
+ searchElement.innerHTML = `<input type="search" class="searchinput" placeholder="Search..." style="vertical-align: top;"/>
+ </span>`;
+ searchInput = searchElement.querySelector( '.searchinput' );
+ = '240px';
+ = '14px';
+ = '4px 6px';
+ = '#000';
+ = '#fff';
+ = '2px';
+ = '0';
+ = '0';
+ = '0 2px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)';
+['-webkit-appearance'] = 'none';
+ deck.getRevealElement().appendChild( searchElement );
+ // searchButton.addEventListener( 'click', function(event) {
+ // doSearch();
+ // }, false );
+ searchInput.addEventListener( 'keyup', function( event ) {
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 13:
+ event.preventDefault();
+ doSearch();
+ searchboxDirty = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ searchboxDirty = true;
+ }
+ }, false );
+ closeSearch();
+ }
+ function openSearch() {
+ if( !searchElement ) render();
+ = 'inline';
+ searchInput.focus();
+ }
+ function closeSearch() {
+ if( !searchElement ) render();
+ = 'none';
+ if(hilitor) hilitor.remove();
+ }
+ function toggleSearch() {
+ if( !searchElement ) render();
+ if ( !== 'inline') {
+ openSearch();
+ }
+ else {
+ closeSearch();
+ }
+ }
+ function doSearch() {
+ //if there's been a change in the search term, perform a new search:
+ if (searchboxDirty) {
+ var searchstring = searchInput.value;
+ if (searchstring === '') {
+ if(hilitor) hilitor.remove();
+ matchedSlides = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ //find the keyword amongst the slides
+ hilitor = new Hilitor("slidecontent");
+ matchedSlides = hilitor.apply(searchstring);
+ currentMatchedIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matchedSlides) {
+ //navigate to the next slide that has the keyword, wrapping to the first if necessary
+ if (matchedSlides.length && (matchedSlides.length <= currentMatchedIndex)) {
+ currentMatchedIndex = 0;
+ }
+ if (matchedSlides.length > currentMatchedIndex) {
+ deck.slide(matchedSlides[currentMatchedIndex].h, matchedSlides[currentMatchedIndex].v);
+ currentMatchedIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Original JavaScript code by Chirp Internet:
+ // Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
+ // 2/2013 jon: modified regex to display any match, not restricted to word boundaries.
+ function Hilitor(id, tag) {
+ var targetNode = document.getElementById(id) || document.body;
+ var hiliteTag = tag || "EM";
+ var skipTags = new RegExp("^(?:" + hiliteTag + "|SCRIPT|FORM)$");
+ var colors = ["#ff6", "#a0ffff", "#9f9", "#f99", "#f6f"];
+ var wordColor = [];
+ var colorIdx = 0;
+ var matchRegex = "";
+ var matchingSlides = [];
+ this.setRegex = function(input)
+ {
+ input = input.trim();
+ matchRegex = new RegExp("(" + input + ")","i");
+ }
+ this.getRegex = function()
+ {
+ return matchRegex.toString().replace(/^\/\\b\(|\)\\b\/i$/g, "").replace(/\|/g, " ");
+ }
+ // recursively apply word highlighting
+ this.hiliteWords = function(node)
+ {
+ if(node == undefined || !node) return;
+ if(!matchRegex) return;
+ if(skipTags.test(node.nodeName)) return;
+ if(node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ for(var i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++)
+ this.hiliteWords(node.childNodes[i]);
+ }
+ if(node.nodeType == 3) { // NODE_TEXT
+ var nv, regs;
+ if((nv = node.nodeValue) && (regs = matchRegex.exec(nv))) {
+ //find the slide's section element and save it in our list of matching slides
+ var secnode = node;
+ while (secnode != null && secnode.nodeName != 'SECTION') {
+ secnode = secnode.parentNode;
+ }
+ var slideIndex = deck.getIndices(secnode);
+ var slidelen = matchingSlides.length;
+ var alreadyAdded = false;
+ for (var i=0; i < slidelen; i++) {
+ if ( (matchingSlides[i].h === slideIndex.h) && (matchingSlides[i].v === slideIndex.v) ) {
+ alreadyAdded = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! alreadyAdded) {
+ matchingSlides.push(slideIndex);
+ }
+ if(!wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()]) {
+ wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()] = colors[colorIdx++ % colors.length];
+ }
+ var match = document.createElement(hiliteTag);
+ match.appendChild(document.createTextNode(regs[0]));
+ = wordColor[regs[0].toLowerCase()];
+ = "inherit";
+ = "#000";
+ var after = node.splitText(regs.index);
+ after.nodeValue = after.nodeValue.substring(regs[0].length);
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(match, after);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // remove highlighting
+ this.remove = function()
+ {
+ var arr = document.getElementsByTagName(hiliteTag);
+ var el;
+ while(arr.length && (el = arr[0])) {
+ el.parentNode.replaceChild(el.firstChild, el);
+ }
+ };
+ // start highlighting at target node
+ this.apply = function(input)
+ {
+ if(input == undefined || !input) return;
+ this.remove();
+ this.setRegex(input);
+ this.hiliteWords(targetNode);
+ return matchingSlides;
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ id: 'search',
+ init: reveal => {
+ deck = reveal;
+ deck.registerKeyboardShortcut( 'CTRL + Shift + F', 'Search' );
+ document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
+ if( event.key == "F" && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) ) { //Control+Shift+f
+ event.preventDefault();
+ toggleSearch();
+ }
+ }, false );
+ },
+ open: openSearch
+ }
+export default Plugin; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/search.esm.js b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/search.esm.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df84b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/search.esm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * Handles finding a text string anywhere in the slides and showing the next occurrence to the user
+ * by navigatating to that slide and highlighting it.
+ *
+ * @author Jon Snyder <>, February 2013
+ */
+const e=()=>{let e,t,n,l,i,o,r;function s(){t=document.createElement("div"),t.classList.add("searchbox"),"absolute","10px","10px",,t.innerHTML='<input type="search" class="searchinput" placeholder="Search..." style="vertical-align: top;"/>\n\t\t</span>',n=t.querySelector(".searchinput"),"240px","14px","4px 6px","#000","#fff","2px","0","0","0 2px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",["-webkit-appearance"]="none",e.getRevealElement().appendChild(t),n.addEventListener("keyup",(function(t){if(13===t.keyCode)t.preventDefault(),function(){if(o){var t=n.value;""===t?(r&&r.remove(),l=null):(r=new c("slidecontent"),l=r.apply(t),i=0)}l&&(l.length&&l.length<=i&&(i=0),l.length>i&&(e.slide(l[i].h,l[i].v),i++))}(),o=!1;else o=!0}),!1),d()}function a(){t||s(),"inline",n.focus(),}function d(){t||s(),"none",r&&r.remove()}function c(t,n){var l=document.getElementById(t)||document.body,i=n||"EM",o=new RegExp("^(?:"+i+"|SCRIPT|FORM)$"),r=["#ff6","#a0ffff","#9f9","#f99","#f6f"],s=[],a=0,d="",c=[];this.setRegex=function(e){e=e.trim(),d=new RegExp("("+e+")","i")},this.getRegex=function(){return d.toString().replace(/^\/\\b\(|\)\\b\/i$/g,"").replace(/\|/g," ")},this.hiliteWords=function(t){if(null!=t&&t&&d&&!o.test(t.nodeName)){if(t.hasChildNodes())for(var n=0;n<t.childNodes.length;n++)this.hiliteWords(t.childNodes[n]);var l,p;if(3==t.nodeType)if((l=t.nodeValue)&&(p=d.exec(l))){for(var u=t;null!=u&&"SECTION"!=u.nodeName;)u=u.parentNode;var h=e.getIndices(u),f=c.length,y=!1;for(n=0;n<f;n++)c[n].h===h.h&&c[n].v===h.v&&(y=!0);y||c.push(h),s[p[0].toLowerCase()]||(s[p[0].toLowerCase()]=r[a++%r.length]);var g=document.createElement(i);g.appendChild(document.createTextNode(p[0])),[p[0].toLowerCase()],"inherit","#000";var v=t.splitText(p.index);v.nodeValue=v.nodeValue.substring(p[0].length),t.parentNode.insertBefore(g,v)}}},this.remove=function(){for(var e,t=document.getElementsByTagName(i);t.length&&(e=t[0]);)e.parentNode.replaceChild(e.firstChild,e)},this.apply=function(e){if(null!=e&&e)return this.remove(),this.setRegex(e),this.hiliteWords(l),c}}return{id:"search",init:n=>{e=n,e.registerKeyboardShortcut("CTRL + Shift + F","Search"),document.addEventListener("keydown",(function(e){"F"==e.key&&(e.ctrlKey||e.metaKey)&&(e.preventDefault(),t||s(),"inline"!}),!1)},open:a}};export{e as default};
diff --git a/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/search.js b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/search.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa3ad93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/search/search.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):(e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).RevealSearch=t()}(this,(function(){"use strict";
+ * Handles finding a text string anywhere in the slides and showing the next occurrence to the user
+ * by navigatating to that slide and highlighting it.
+ *
+ * @author Jon Snyder <>, February 2013
+ */return()=>{let e,t,n,i,o,l,r;function s(){t=document.createElement("div"),t.classList.add("searchbox"),"absolute","10px","10px",,t.innerHTML='<input type="search" class="searchinput" placeholder="Search..." style="vertical-align: top;"/>\n\t\t</span>',n=t.querySelector(".searchinput"),"240px","14px","4px 6px","#000","#fff","2px","0","0","0 2px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",["-webkit-appearance"]="none",e.getRevealElement().appendChild(t),n.addEventListener("keyup",(function(t){if(13===t.keyCode)t.preventDefault(),function(){if(l){var t=n.value;""===t?(r&&r.remove(),i=null):(r=new c("slidecontent"),i=r.apply(t),o=0)}i&&(i.length&&i.length<=o&&(o=0),i.length>o&&(e.slide(i[o].h,i[o].v),o++))}(),l=!1;else l=!0}),!1),d()}function a(){t||s(),"inline",n.focus(),}function d(){t||s(),"none",r&&r.remove()}function c(t,n){var i=document.getElementById(t)||document.body,o=n||"EM",l=new RegExp("^(?:"+o+"|SCRIPT|FORM)$"),r=["#ff6","#a0ffff","#9f9","#f99","#f6f"],s=[],a=0,d="",c=[];this.setRegex=function(e){e=e.trim(),d=new RegExp("("+e+")","i")},this.getRegex=function(){return d.toString().replace(/^\/\\b\(|\)\\b\/i$/g,"").replace(/\|/g," ")},this.hiliteWords=function(t){if(null!=t&&t&&d&&!l.test(t.nodeName)){if(t.hasChildNodes())for(var n=0;n<t.childNodes.length;n++)this.hiliteWords(t.childNodes[n]);var i,f;if(3==t.nodeType)if((i=t.nodeValue)&&(f=d.exec(i))){for(var u=t;null!=u&&"SECTION"!=u.nodeName;)u=u.parentNode;var p=e.getIndices(u),h=c.length,y=!1;for(n=0;n<h;n++)c[n].h===p.h&&c[n].v===p.v&&(y=!0);y||c.push(p),s[f[0].toLowerCase()]||(s[f[0].toLowerCase()]=r[a++%r.length]);var g=document.createElement(o);g.appendChild(document.createTextNode(f[0])),[f[0].toLowerCase()],"inherit","#000";var v=t.splitText(f.index);v.nodeValue=v.nodeValue.substring(f[0].length),t.parentNode.insertBefore(g,v)}}},this.remove=function(){for(var e,t=document.getElementsByTagName(o);t.length&&(e=t[0]);)e.parentNode.replaceChild(e.firstChild,e)},this.apply=function(e){if(null!=e&&e)return this.remove(),this.setRegex(e),this.hiliteWords(i),c}}return{id:"search",init:n=>{e=n,e.registerKeyboardShortcut("CTRL + Shift + F","Search"),document.addEventListener("keydown",(function(e){"F"==e.key&&(e.ctrlKey||e.metaKey)&&(e.preventDefault(),t||s(),"inline"!}),!1)},open:a}}}));