path: root/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/highlight/plugin.js
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authorDavid Thompson <>2024-06-24 13:49:08 -0400
committerDavid Thompson <>2024-06-24 13:52:17 -0400
commitd283f7e661e14d6ae1881fe803e5b4f1ed0689ff (patch)
tree84d3811c6dcb7d7f02aecadad7b2dfacce83bd4f /2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/highlight/plugin.js
parent3d9dcd3099fb252fa35697148fbbd541eb9eecc9 (diff)
Add 2024 Guix social talk.HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to '2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/highlight/plugin.js')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/highlight/plugin.js b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/highlight/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26a7f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024-06-18-guix-social/reveal.js/plugin/highlight/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+import hljs from 'highlight.js';
+/* highlightjs-line-numbers.js 2.8.0 | (C) 2018 Yauheni Pakala | MIT License | */
+!function(r,o){"use strict";var e,i="hljs-ln",l="hljs-ln-line",h="hljs-ln-code",s="hljs-ln-numbers",c="hljs-ln-n",m="data-line-number",a=/\r\n|\r|\n/g;function u(e){for(var n=e.toString(),t=e.anchorNode;"TD"!==t.nodeName;)t=t.parentNode;for(var r=e.focusNode;"TD"!==r.nodeName;)r=r.parentNode;var o=parseInt(t.dataset.lineNumber),a=parseInt(r.dataset.lineNumber);if(o==a)return n;var i,l=t.textContent,s=r.textContent;for(a<o&&(i=o,o=a,a=i,i=l,l=s,s=i);0!==n.indexOf(l);)l=l.slice(1);for(;-1===n.lastIndexOf(s);)s=s.slice(0,-1);for(var c=l,u=function(e){for(var n=e;"TABLE"!==n.nodeName;)n=n.parentNode;return n}(t),d=o+1;d<a;++d){var f=p('.{0}[{1}="{2}"]',[h,m,d]);c+="\n"+u.querySelector(f).textContent}return c+="\n"+s}function n(e){try{var n=o.querySelectorAll("code.hljs,code.nohighlight");for(var t in n)n.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(n[t].classList.contains("nohljsln")||d(n[t],e))}catch(e){r.console.error("LineNumbers error: ",e)}}function d(e,n){if("object"==typeof e)e.innerHTML=f(e,n)}function f(e,n){var t,r,o=(t=e,{singleLine:function(e){return!!e.singleLine&&e.singleLine}(r=(r=n)||{}),startFrom:function(e,n){var t=1;isFinite(n.startFrom)&&(t=n.startFrom);var r=function(e,n){return e.hasAttribute(n)?e.getAttribute(n):null}(e,"data-ln-start-from");return null!==r&&(t=function(e,n){if(!e)return n;var t=Number(e);return isFinite(t)?t:n}(r,1)),t}(t,r)});return function e(n){var t=n.childNodes;for(var r in t){var o;t.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(o=t[r],0<(o.textContent.trim().match(a)||[]).length&&(0<o.childNodes.length?e(o):v(o.parentNode)))}}(e),function(e,n){var t=g(e);""===t[t.length-1].trim()&&t.pop();if(1<t.length||n.singleLine){for(var r="",o=0,a=t.length;o<a;o++)r+=p('<tr><td class="{0} {1}" {3}="{5}"><div class="{2}" {3}="{5}"></div></td><td class="{0} {4}" {3}="{5}">{6}</td></tr>',[l,s,c,m,h,o+n.startFrom,0<t[o].length?t[o]:" "]);return p('<table class="{0}">{1}</table>',[i,r])}return e}(e.innerHTML,o)}function v(e){var n=e.className;if(/hljs-/.test(n)){for(var t=g(e.innerHTML),r=0,o="";r<t.length;r++){o+=p('<span class="{0}">{1}</span>\n',[n,0<t[r].length?t[r]:" "])}e.innerHTML=o.trim()}}function g(e){return 0===e.length?[]:e.split(a)}function p(e,t){return e.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g,function(e,n){return void 0!==t[n]?t[n]:e})}hljs?(hljs.initLineNumbersOnLoad=function(e){"interactive"===o.readyState||"complete"===o.readyState?n(e):r.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){n(e)})},hljs.lineNumbersBlock=d,hljs.lineNumbersValue=function(e,n){if("string"!=typeof e)return;var t=document.createElement("code");return t.innerHTML=e,f(t,n)},(e=o.createElement("style")).type="text/css",e.innerHTML=p(".{0}{border-collapse:collapse}.{0} td{padding:0}.{1}:before{content:attr({2})}",[i,c,m]),o.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e)):r.console.error("highlight.js not detected!"),document.addEventListener("copy",function(e){var n,t=window.getSelection();!function(e){for(var n=e;n;){if(n.className&&-1!==n.className.indexOf("hljs-ln-code"))return 1;n=n.parentNode}}(t.anchorNode)||(n=-1!==window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge")?u(t):t.toString(),e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain",n),e.preventDefault())})}(window,document);
+ * reveal.js plugin that adds syntax highlight support.
+ */
+const Plugin = {
+ id: 'highlight',
+ hljs,
+ /**
+ * Highlights code blocks within the given deck.
+ *
+ * Note that this can be called multiple times if
+ * there are multiple presentations on one page.
+ *
+ * @param {Reveal} reveal the reveal.js instance
+ */
+ init: function( reveal ) {
+ // Read the plugin config options and provide fallbacks
+ let config = reveal.getConfig().highlight || {};
+ config.highlightOnLoad = typeof config.highlightOnLoad === 'boolean' ? config.highlightOnLoad : true;
+ config.escapeHTML = typeof config.escapeHTML === 'boolean' ? config.escapeHTML : true;
+ Array.from( reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( 'pre code' ) ).forEach( block => {
+ block.parentNode.classList.add('code-wrapper');
+ // Code can optionally be wrapped in script template to avoid
+ // HTML being parsed by the browser (i.e. when you need to
+ // include <, > or & in your code).
+ let substitute = block.querySelector( 'script[type="text/template"]' );
+ if( substitute ) {
+ // textContent handles the HTML entity escapes for us
+ block.textContent = substitute.innerHTML;
+ }
+ // Trim whitespace if the "data-trim" attribute is present
+ if( block.hasAttribute( 'data-trim' ) && typeof block.innerHTML.trim === 'function' ) {
+ block.innerHTML = betterTrim( block );
+ }
+ // Escape HTML tags unless the "data-noescape" attrbute is present
+ if( config.escapeHTML && !block.hasAttribute( 'data-noescape' )) {
+ block.innerHTML = block.innerHTML.replace( /</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g, '&gt;' );
+ }
+ // Re-highlight when focus is lost (for contenteditable code)
+ block.addEventListener( 'focusout', function( event ) {
+ hljs.highlightElement( event.currentTarget );
+ }, false );
+ } );
+ // Triggers a callback function before we trigger highlighting
+ if( typeof config.beforeHighlight === 'function' ) {
+ config.beforeHighlight( hljs );
+ }
+ // Run initial highlighting for all code
+ if( config.highlightOnLoad ) {
+ Array.from( reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( 'pre code' ) ).forEach( block => {
+ Plugin.highlightBlock( block );
+ } );
+ }
+ // If we're printing to PDF, scroll the code highlights of
+ // all blocks in the deck into view at once
+ reveal.on( 'pdf-ready', function() {
+ [] reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( 'pre code[data-line-numbers].current-fragment' ) ).forEach( function( block ) {
+ Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView( block, {}, true );
+ } );
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Highlights a code block. If the <code> node has the
+ * 'data-line-numbers' attribute we also generate slide
+ * numbers.
+ *
+ * If the block contains multiple line highlight steps,
+ * we clone the block and create a fragment for each step.
+ */
+ highlightBlock: function( block ) {
+ hljs.highlightElement( block );
+ // Don't generate line numbers for empty code blocks
+ if( block.innerHTML.trim().length === 0 ) return;
+ if( block.hasAttribute( 'data-line-numbers' ) ) {
+ hljs.lineNumbersBlock( block, { singleLine: true } );
+ var scrollState = { currentBlock: block };
+ // If there is more than one highlight step, generate
+ // fragments
+ var highlightSteps = Plugin.deserializeHighlightSteps( block.getAttribute( 'data-line-numbers' ) );
+ if( highlightSteps.length > 1 ) {
+ // If the original code block has a fragment-index,
+ // each clone should follow in an incremental sequence
+ var fragmentIndex = parseInt( block.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ), 10 );
+ if( typeof fragmentIndex !== 'number' || isNaN( fragmentIndex ) ) {
+ fragmentIndex = null;
+ }
+ // Generate fragments for all steps except the original block
+ highlightSteps.slice(1).forEach( function( highlight ) {
+ var fragmentBlock = block.cloneNode( true );
+ fragmentBlock.setAttribute( 'data-line-numbers', Plugin.serializeHighlightSteps( [ highlight ] ) );
+ fragmentBlock.classList.add( 'fragment' );
+ block.parentNode.appendChild( fragmentBlock );
+ Plugin.highlightLines( fragmentBlock );
+ if( typeof fragmentIndex === 'number' ) {
+ fragmentBlock.setAttribute( 'data-fragment-index', fragmentIndex );
+ fragmentIndex += 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ fragmentBlock.removeAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' );
+ }
+ // Scroll highlights into view as we step through them
+ fragmentBlock.addEventListener( 'visible', Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView.bind( Plugin, fragmentBlock, scrollState ) );
+ fragmentBlock.addEventListener( 'hidden', Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView.bind( Plugin, fragmentBlock.previousElementSibling, scrollState ) );
+ } );
+ block.removeAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' );
+ block.setAttribute( 'data-line-numbers', Plugin.serializeHighlightSteps( [ highlightSteps[0] ] ) );
+ }
+ // Scroll the first highlight into view when the slide
+ // becomes visible. Note supported in IE11 since it lacks
+ // support for Element.closest.
+ var slide = typeof block.closest === 'function' ? block.closest( 'section:not(.stack)' ) : null;
+ if( slide ) {
+ var scrollFirstHighlightIntoView = function() {
+ Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView( block, scrollState, true );
+ slide.removeEventListener( 'visible', scrollFirstHighlightIntoView );
+ }
+ slide.addEventListener( 'visible', scrollFirstHighlightIntoView );
+ }
+ Plugin.highlightLines( block );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Animates scrolling to the first highlighted line
+ * in the given code block.
+ */
+ scrollHighlightedLineIntoView: function( block, scrollState, skipAnimation ) {
+ cancelAnimationFrame( scrollState.animationFrameID );
+ // Match the scroll position of the currently visible
+ // code block
+ if( scrollState.currentBlock ) {
+ block.scrollTop = scrollState.currentBlock.scrollTop;
+ }
+ // Remember the current code block so that we can match
+ // its scroll position when showing/hiding fragments
+ scrollState.currentBlock = block;
+ var highlightBounds = this.getHighlightedLineBounds( block )
+ var viewportHeight = block.offsetHeight;
+ // Subtract padding from the viewport height
+ var blockStyles = getComputedStyle( block );
+ viewportHeight -= parseInt( blockStyles.paddingTop ) + parseInt( blockStyles.paddingBottom );
+ // Scroll position which centers all highlights
+ var startTop = block.scrollTop;
+ var targetTop = + ( Math.min( highlightBounds.bottom -, viewportHeight ) - viewportHeight ) / 2;
+ // Account for offsets in position applied to the
+ // <table> that holds our lines of code
+ var lineTable = block.querySelector( '.hljs-ln' );
+ if( lineTable ) targetTop += lineTable.offsetTop - parseInt( blockStyles.paddingTop );
+ // Make sure the scroll target is within bounds
+ targetTop = Math.max( Math.min( targetTop, block.scrollHeight - viewportHeight ), 0 );
+ if( skipAnimation === true || startTop === targetTop ) {
+ block.scrollTop = targetTop;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Don't attempt to scroll if there is no overflow
+ if( block.scrollHeight <= viewportHeight ) return;
+ var time = 0;
+ var animate = function() {
+ time = Math.min( time + 0.02, 1 );
+ // Update our eased scroll position
+ block.scrollTop = startTop + ( targetTop - startTop ) * Plugin.easeInOutQuart( time );
+ // Keep animating unless we've reached the end
+ if( time < 1 ) {
+ scrollState.animationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame( animate );
+ }
+ };
+ animate();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * The easing function used when scrolling.
+ */
+ easeInOutQuart: function( t ) {
+ // easeInOutQuart
+ return t<.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t;
+ },
+ getHighlightedLineBounds: function( block ) {
+ var highlightedLines = block.querySelectorAll( '.highlight-line' );
+ if( highlightedLines.length === 0 ) {
+ return { top: 0, bottom: 0 };
+ }
+ else {
+ var firstHighlight = highlightedLines[0];
+ var lastHighlight = highlightedLines[ highlightedLines.length -1 ];
+ return {
+ top: firstHighlight.offsetTop,
+ bottom: lastHighlight.offsetTop + lastHighlight.offsetHeight
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Visually emphasize specific lines within a code block.
+ * This only works on blocks with line numbering turned on.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} block a <code> block
+ * @param {String} [linesToHighlight] The lines that should be
+ * highlighted in this format:
+ * "1" = highlights line 1
+ * "2,5" = highlights lines 2 & 5
+ * "2,5-7" = highlights lines 2, 5, 6 & 7
+ */
+ highlightLines: function( block, linesToHighlight ) {
+ var highlightSteps = Plugin.deserializeHighlightSteps( linesToHighlight || block.getAttribute( 'data-line-numbers' ) );
+ if( highlightSteps.length ) {
+ highlightSteps[0].forEach( function( highlight ) {
+ var elementsToHighlight = [];
+ // Highlight a range
+ if( typeof highlight.end === 'number' ) {
+ elementsToHighlight = [] block.querySelectorAll( 'table tr:nth-child(n+'+highlight.start+'):nth-child(-n+'+highlight.end+')' ) );
+ }
+ // Highlight a single line
+ else if( typeof highlight.start === 'number' ) {
+ elementsToHighlight = [] block.querySelectorAll( 'table tr:nth-child('+highlight.start+')' ) );
+ }
+ if( elementsToHighlight.length ) {
+ elementsToHighlight.forEach( function( lineElement ) {
+ lineElement.classList.add( 'highlight-line' );
+ } );
+ block.classList.add( 'has-highlights' );
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Parses and formats a user-defined string of line
+ * numbers to highlight.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * Plugin.deserializeHighlightSteps( '1,2|3,5-10' )
+ * // [
+ * // [ { start: 1 }, { start: 2 } ],
+ * // [ { start: 3 }, { start: 5, end: 10 } ]
+ * // ]
+ */
+ deserializeHighlightSteps: function( highlightSteps ) {
+ // Remove whitespace
+ highlightSteps = highlightSteps.replace( /\s/g, '' );
+ // Divide up our line number groups
+ highlightSteps = highlightSteps.split( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_STEP_DELIMITER );
+ return function( highlights ) {
+ return highlights.split( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_DELIMITER ).map( function( highlight ) {
+ // Parse valid line numbers
+ if( /^[\d-]+$/.test( highlight ) ) {
+ highlight = highlight.split( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_RANGE_DELIMITER );
+ var lineStart = parseInt( highlight[0], 10 ),
+ lineEnd = parseInt( highlight[1], 10 );
+ if( isNaN( lineEnd ) ) {
+ return {
+ start: lineStart
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ return {
+ start: lineStart,
+ end: lineEnd
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ // If no line numbers are provided, no code will be highlighted
+ else {
+ return {};
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Serializes parsed line number data into a string so
+ * that we can store it in the DOM.
+ */
+ serializeHighlightSteps: function( highlightSteps ) {
+ return function( highlights ) {
+ return function( highlight ) {
+ // Line range
+ if( typeof highlight.end === 'number' ) {
+ return highlight.start + Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_RANGE_DELIMITER + highlight.end;
+ }
+ // Single line
+ else if( typeof highlight.start === 'number' ) {
+ return highlight.start;
+ }
+ // All lines
+ else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ } ).join( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_DELIMITER );
+ } ).join( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_STEP_DELIMITER );
+ }
+// Function to perform a better "data-trim" on code snippets
+// Will slice an indentation amount on each line of the snippet (amount based on the line having the lowest indentation length)
+function betterTrim(snippetEl) {
+ // Helper functions
+ function trimLeft(val) {
+ // Adapted from
+ return val.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+/g, '');
+ }
+ function trimLineBreaks(input) {
+ var lines = input.split('\n');
+ // Trim line-breaks from the beginning
+ for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ if (lines[i].trim() === '') {
+ lines.splice(i--, 1);
+ } else break;
+ }
+ // Trim line-breaks from the end
+ for (var i = lines.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (lines[i].trim() === '') {
+ lines.splice(i, 1);
+ } else break;
+ }
+ return lines.join('\n');
+ }
+ // Main function for betterTrim()
+ return (function(snippetEl) {
+ var content = trimLineBreaks(snippetEl.innerHTML);
+ var lines = content.split('\n');
+ // Calculate the minimum amount to remove on each line start of the snippet (can be 0)
+ var pad = lines.reduce(function(acc, line) {
+ if (line.length > 0 && trimLeft(line).length > 0 && acc > line.length - trimLeft(line).length) {
+ return line.length - trimLeft(line).length;
+ }
+ return acc;
+ // Slice each line with this amount
+ return, index) {
+ return line.slice(pad);
+ })
+ .join('\n');
+ })(snippetEl);
+export default () => Plugin;