path: root/lisparuga.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisparuga.scm')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/lisparuga.scm b/lisparuga.scm
index b552a7a..dc611cd 100644
--- a/lisparuga.scm
+++ b/lisparuga.scm
@@ -44,10 +44,13 @@
(define-asset background (load-image (scope-asset "images/background.png")))
(define-class <lisparuga> (<scene-2d>)
- (state #:accessor state #:init-value 'play))
+ (state #:accessor state #:init-value 'init))
-(define (game-over? lisparuga)
- (zero? (lives (& lisparuga actor-canvas game player))))
+(define-method (game-over? (lisparuga <lisparuga>))
+ (game-over? (& lisparuga game)))
+(define-method (complete? (lisparuga <lisparuga>))
+ (complete? (& lisparuga game)))
(define-method (on-boot (lisparuga <lisparuga>))
;; Scale a small framebuffer up to the window size.
@@ -58,34 +61,27 @@
#:height %framebuffer-height)
#:area (let ((wc (window-config (current-kernel))))
(make-rect 0 0 (window-width wc) (window-height wc))))))
- ;; This 160x240 canvas is where the actual game actors will get
- ;; rendered.
- (let ((actor-canvas (make <canvas>
- #:name 'actor-canvas
- #:rank 1
- #:views (list (make <view-2d>
- #:camera (make <camera-2d>
- #:width 160
- #:height 240)
- #:area (make-rect 80 0 160 240)
- #:clear-color (make-color 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0))))))
- (attach-to lisparuga
- (make <sprite>
- #:name 'background
- #:rank 0
- #:texture background)
- actor-canvas)
- (new-game-transition lisparuga)))
+ (attach-to lisparuga
+ (make <sprite>
+ #:name 'background
+ #:rank 0
+ #:texture background))
+ (new-game-transition lisparuga))
(define (new-game-transition lisparuga)
(set! (state lisparuga) 'play)
(let ((game-over (& lisparuga game-over)))
(and game-over (detach game-over)))
- (let ((old-game (& lisparuga actor-canvas game)))
+ (let ((old-game (& lisparuga game)))
(and old-game (detach old-game)))
- (attach-to (& lisparuga actor-canvas) (make <game> #:name 'game)))
+ (attach-to lisparuga
+ (make <game>
+ #:name 'game
+ #:rank 1
+ #:position (vec2 80.0 0.0)))
+ (set! (state lisparuga) 'play))
-(define (game-over-transition lisparuga)
+(define-method (game-over-transition (lisparuga <lisparuga>))
(set! (state lisparuga) 'game-over)
(let ((game-over (make <node-2d>
#:name 'game-over
@@ -94,21 +90,33 @@
(make <label>
#:name 'game-over
#:text "GAME OVER"
- #:position (vec2 (- 160.0 (/ (* 9.0 8.0) 2.0))
- 116.0)
- #:rank 999))
+ #:position (vec2 160.0 120.0)
+ #:align 'center
+ #:vertical-align 'center)
+ (make <label>
+ #:name 'instructions
+ #:text "press ENTER to play again"
+ #:position (vec2 160.0 90.0)
+ #:align 'center))
(attach-to lisparuga game-over)))
+(define-method (win-transition (lisparuga <lisparuga>))
+ (set! (state lisparuga) 'win))
(define-method (update (lisparuga <lisparuga>) dt)
(match (state lisparuga)
- (if (game-over? lisparuga)
- (game-over-transition lisparuga)
- (steer-player (& lisparuga actor-canvas game)
- (key-pressed? 'up)
- (key-pressed? 'down)
- (key-pressed? 'left)
- (key-pressed? 'right))))
+ (cond
+ ((game-over? lisparuga)
+ (game-over-transition lisparuga))
+ ((complete? lisparuga)
+ (win-transition lisparuga))
+ (else
+ (steer-player (& lisparuga game)
+ (key-pressed? 'up)
+ (key-pressed? 'down)
+ (key-pressed? 'left)
+ (key-pressed? 'right)))))
(_ #f)))
(define-method (on-key-press (lisparuga <lisparuga>) key scancode modifiers repeat?)
@@ -116,11 +124,13 @@
(unless repeat?
(match key
- ('z (start-player-shooting (& lisparuga actor-canvas game)))
- ('x (toggle-player-polarity (& lisparuga actor-canvas game)))
- ('c (fire-player-homing-missiles (& lisparuga actor-canvas game)))
+ ('z (start-player-shooting (& lisparuga game)))
+ ('x (toggle-player-polarity (& lisparuga game)))
+ ('c (fire-player-homing-missiles (& lisparuga game)))
+ ('r (spawn-enemies (& lisparuga game)))
+ ('e (set! (energy (& lisparuga game player)) 120))
(_ #t))))
- ('game-over
+ ((or 'win 'game-over)
(match key
('return (new-game-transition lisparuga))
(_ #f)))
@@ -130,7 +140,7 @@
(match (state lisparuga)
(match key
- ('z (stop-player-shooting (& lisparuga actor-canvas game)))
+ ('z (stop-player-shooting (& lisparuga game)))
(_ #t)))
(_ #f)))