path: root/lisparuga/asset.scm
diff options
authorDavid Thompson <>2020-04-10 08:55:50 -0400
committerDavid Thompson <>2020-04-10 08:55:50 -0400
commit2c5b19226815a406c60cc1a49c59864922364c55 (patch)
tree29348c110eb8cac36adfe20abfcfe3042e06c4d4 /lisparuga/asset.scm
parent781ab757856f95b3dd8c2ad573589912d8093464 (diff)
Add project skeleton and import engine code.
Diffstat (limited to 'lisparuga/asset.scm')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisparuga/asset.scm b/lisparuga/asset.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4969b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisparuga/asset.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+;;; Lisparuga
+;;; Copyright © 2020 David Thompson <>
+;;; Lisparuga is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+;;; or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; Lisparuga is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with Lisparuga. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Abstraction for loading game data from the file system, including
+;; automatically reloading the data when it changes.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (lisparuga asset)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (lisparuga inotify)
+ #:export (<asset>
+ artifact
+ file-name
+ loader
+ args
+ watch-assets
+ watching-assets?
+ watch-asset-directory
+ reload-modified-assets
+ clear-asset-cache
+ asset-ref
+ define-asset))
+(define-class <asset> ()
+ (watch? #:allocation #:class #:init-form #f)
+ ;; class slots for asset cache and live reloading
+ (inotify #:allocation #:class #:init-form #f)
+ ;; file-name -> assets mapping
+ (asset-file-map #:allocation #:class #:init-form (make-hash-table))
+ ;; args -> artifact mapping
+ (artifact-cache #:allocation #:class #:init-form (make-weak-value-hash-table))
+ ;; asset -> artifact mapping
+ (asset-artifact-map #:allocation #:class #:init-form (make-weak-key-hash-table))
+ (watches #:allocation #:class #:init-form '())
+ ;; instance slots
+ (file-name #:getter file-name #:init-keyword #:file-name)
+ (loader #:getter loader #:init-keyword #:loader)
+ (loader-args #:getter loader-args #:init-form '()
+ #:init-keyword #:loader-args))
+(define (absolute-file-name file-name)
+ (if (absolute-file-name? file-name)
+ file-name
+ (string-append (getcwd) "/" file-name)))
+(define-method (initialize (asset <asset>) initargs)
+ (next-method)
+ ;; Convert file name to an absolute file name.
+ (slot-set! asset 'file-name (absolute-file-name (file-name asset)))
+ ;; Add asset to the file-name -> asset map
+ (let* ((asset-file-map (class-slot-ref <asset> 'asset-file-map))
+ ;; Using a weak key hash table instead of a list to keep
+ ;; track of all the assets that are associated with a file.
+ ;; This way, their presence in the cache won't save them from
+ ;; the GC.
+ (sub-table (or (hash-ref asset-file-map (file-name asset))
+ (let ((wt (make-weak-key-hash-table)))
+ (hash-set! asset-file-map (file-name asset) wt)
+ wt))))
+ (hash-set! sub-table asset asset)))
+(define (asset-inotify)
+ (class-slot-ref <asset> 'inotify))
+(define (asset-file-map)
+ (class-slot-ref <asset> 'asset-file-map))
+(define (artifact-cache)
+ (class-slot-ref <asset> 'artifact-cache))
+(define (asset-artifact-map)
+ (class-slot-ref <asset> 'asset-artifact-map))
+(define (asset-watches)
+ (class-slot-ref <asset> 'watches))
+(define (watch-assets watch?)
+ (let ((old-watch? (watching-assets?)))
+ (class-slot-set! <asset> 'watch? watch?)
+ (cond
+ ;; Watching is being turned on.
+ ((and watch? (not old-watch?))
+ ;; Retroactively add watches for all existing assets.
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (file-name assets)
+ (watch-asset-directory (dirname file-name)))
+ (asset-file-map)))
+ ;; Watching is being turned off.
+ ((and (not watch?) old-watch?)
+ ;; Deactive inotify watches.
+ (for-each inotify-watch-remove! (inotify-watches (asset-inotify)))))))
+(define (watching-assets?)
+ (class-slot-ref <asset> 'watch?))
+(define (directory-watched? dir)
+ (find (lambda (watch)
+ (string=? (inotify-watch-file-name watch) dir))
+ (asset-watches)))
+(define (watch-asset-directory dir)
+ ;; Lazily activate inotify.
+ (unless (asset-inotify)
+ (class-slot-set! <asset> 'inotify (make-inotify)))
+ ;; Add watch if it doesn't already exist.
+ (unless (directory-watched? dir)
+ (class-slot-set! <asset> 'watches
+ (cons (inotify-add-watch! (asset-inotify)
+ dir
+ '(create close-write moved-to))
+ (asset-watches)))))
+(define (reload-modified-assets)
+ (let ((inotify (asset-inotify)))
+ (when inotify
+ (while (inotify-pending-events? inotify)
+ (let* ((event (inotify-read-event inotify))
+ (type (inotify-event-type event))
+ (file-name (string-append (inotify-watch-file-name
+ (inotify-event-watch event))
+ "/"
+ (inotify-event-file-name event)))
+ (assets (hash-ref (asset-file-map) file-name)))
+ (cond
+ ((and assets (or (eq? type 'close-write) (eq? type 'moved-to)))
+ ;; Expire everything from cache, then reload.
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (key asset)
+ (expire-cached-artifact (cache-key asset)))
+ assets)
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (key asset)
+ (load! asset))
+ assets))))))))
+(define (cache-key asset)
+ (list (loader asset) (file-name asset) (loader-args asset)))
+(define (cache-artifact key artifact)
+ (hash-set! (artifact-cache) key artifact))
+(define (expire-cached-artifact key)
+ (hash-remove! (artifact-cache) key))
+(define (clear-asset-cache)
+ (hash-clear! (artifact-cache))
+ (hash-clear! (asset-artifact-map)))
+(define (fetch-cached-artifact key)
+ (hash-ref (artifact-cache) key))
+(define (load-artifact cache-key loader file-name loader-args add-watch?)
+ (or (fetch-cached-artifact cache-key)
+ (let ((artifact (apply loader file-name loader-args)))
+ (cache-artifact cache-key artifact)
+ (when (and add-watch? (watching-assets?))
+ (watch-asset-directory (dirname file-name)))
+ artifact)))
+(define* (load! asset #:optional add-watch?)
+ (let ((thing (load-artifact (cache-key asset)
+ (loader asset)
+ (file-name asset)
+ (loader-args asset)
+ add-watch?)))
+ (hashq-set! (asset-artifact-map) asset thing)
+ thing))
+(define-method (asset-ref (asset <asset>))
+ ;; Assets are lazy-loaded upon first access.
+ (or (hashq-ref (asset-artifact-map) asset)
+ (load! asset #t)))
+;; Make assets that are outside of the cache "just work".
+(define-method (asset-ref x) x)
+;; Handy syntax for defining new assets.
+(define-syntax-rule (define-asset name
+ (loader file-name loader-args ...))
+ (define name
+ (make <asset>
+ #:file-name file-name
+ #:loader loader
+ #:loader-args (list loader-args ...))))