path: root/aws/cloudformation/utils.scm
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authorDavid Thompson <>2018-11-28 12:44:54 -0500
committerDavid Thompson <>2018-11-30 04:27:29 -0500
commit68e13e0aec50a12b343aec8c2009162e4dbc08de (patch)
treef489c522db554bda099ea95df2c3db13cc2dc96c /aws/cloudformation/utils.scm
parent48d9c1bd38e33c3d24a1ff85a521609893a39fbe (diff)
First working version.
Diffstat (limited to 'aws/cloudformation/utils.scm')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aws/cloudformation/utils.scm b/aws/cloudformation/utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e618cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aws/cloudformation/utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+(define-module (aws cloudformation utils)
+ #:use-module (aws cloudformation utils base32)
+ #:use-module (aws cloudformation utils sha-1)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:export (<cloudformation-property>
+ <cloudformation-object>
+ <cloudformation-attribute>
+ <cloudformation-resource>
+ <cloudformation-stack>
+ attributes
+ aws-string->symbol
+ description
+ documentation-url
+ id
+ name
+ outputs
+ parameters
+ primitive-type
+ properties
+ required?
+ resource-name
+ resources
+ to-json
+ type-check
+ type-checker
+ update-type
+ valid?))
+(define (aws-string->symbol str)
+ ;; Drop the "AWS::" that's at the beginning of *almost* everything.
+ (let ((str (if (string-prefix? "AWS::" str)
+ (string-drop str 5)
+ str)))
+ (list->symbol
+ (let loop ((i 0)
+ (same-word? #t)
+ (slash-delimiter? #f))
+ (cond
+ ((= i (string-length str)) ; end of string
+ '())
+ ;; "IoT" violates all the rules. grrrr
+ ((and (< (+ i 3) (string-length str))
+ (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\I)
+ (eqv? (string-ref str (+ i 1)) #\o)
+ (eqv? (string-ref str (+ i 2)) #\T))
+ (cons* #\i #\o #\t (loop (+ i 3) #f #f)))
+ ;; Replace "." with "/"
+ ((eqv? (string-ref str i) #\.)
+ (cons #\/ (loop (1+ i) #f #t)))
+ ;; Get rid of "::"
+ ((and (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\:)
+ (eqv? (string-ref str (1+ i)) #\:))
+ (loop (+ i 2) #f #f))
+ ((char-upper-case? (string-ref str i)) ; detect camel casing
+ (cond
+ ;; If we've had a string of uppercase characters and the
+ ;; next character is lowercase, we're actually at the
+ ;; beginning of a new word. For example, when we reach the
+ ;; "I" in "DBInstance" we need to treat it as the beginning
+ ;; of a new word.
+ ((and same-word?
+ (< (1+ i) (string-length str))
+ (char-lower-case? (string-ref str (1+ i))))
+ (loop i #f #f))
+ ;; Consecutive uppercase characters are part of the same word.
+ (same-word?
+ (cons (char-downcase (string-ref str i)) (loop (1+ i) #t #f)))
+ ;; Encountering an uppercase character after a series of
+ ;; non-uppercase characters means that we are at the
+ ;; beginning of a new word.
+ (else
+ (if (or (zero? i) slash-delimiter?)
+ (cons (char-downcase (string-ref str i)) (loop (1+ i) #t #f))
+ (cons* #\- (char-downcase (string-ref str i))
+ (loop (1+ i) #t #f))))))
+ (else
+ (cons (string-ref str i) (loop (1+ i) #f #f))))))))
+(define-class <cloudformation-property> ()
+ (name #:getter name #:init-keyword #:name)
+ (type-checker #:getter type-checker #:init-keyword #:type-checker)
+ (required? #:getter required? #:init-keyword #:required?)
+ (update-type #:getter update-type #:init-keyword #:update-type)
+ (documentation-url #:getter documentation-url
+ #:init-keyword #:documentation-url))
+(define-method (type-check (procedure <procedure>) x)
+ (procedure x))
+(define-method (type-check (property <cloudformation-property>) x)
+ ((type-checker property) x))
+(define-class <cloudformation-class> (<class>)
+ (properties #:getter properties)
+ (cfn-name #:getter cfn-name)
+ (documentation-url #:getter documentation-url))
+(define-method (initialize (cfn-class <cloudformation-class>) args)
+ (define* (slot-cfn-property slot-name #:key cfn-property #:allow-other-keys)
+ (and cfn-property (cons slot-name cfn-property)))
+ (define* (init #:key cfn-name documentation-url slots #:allow-other-keys)
+ (slot-set! cfn-class 'cfn-name cfn-name)
+ (slot-set! cfn-class 'documentation-url documentation-url)
+ (slot-set! cfn-class
+ 'properties
+ (filter-map (lambda (slot-args)
+ (apply slot-cfn-property slot-args))
+ slots)))
+ (apply init args)
+ (next-method))
+(define-class <cloudformation-object> ()
+ #:metaclass <cloudformation-class>)
+(define-method (initialize (obj <cloudformation-object>) args)
+ (next-method)
+ ;; Ensure that all required properties have been specified, and that
+ ;; all specified properties pass the type checker.
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ ((slot-name . prop)
+ (cond
+ ((and (required? prop) (not (slot-bound? obj slot-name)))
+ (error "required property not specified:" slot-name))
+ ((slot-bound? obj slot-name)
+ (let ((value (slot-ref obj slot-name)))
+ (unless (type-check prop value)
+ (error "wrong type for property:" slot-name value)))))))
+ (slot-ref (class-of obj) 'properties)))
+(define-method (cfn-name (obj <cloudformation-object>))
+ (cfn-name (class-of obj)))
+(define-method (properties (obj <cloudformation-object>))
+ (slot-ref (class-of obj) 'properties))
+(define-method (to-json/refs obj)
+ (to-json obj))
+(define-method (to-json (s <string>)) s)
+(define-method (to-json (b <boolean>)) b)
+(define-method (to-json (n <number>)) n)
+(define-method (to-json (p <pair>))
+ (if (pair? (car p))
+ `(@ ,@(map (match-lambda
+ ((k . v)
+ (cons k (to-json/refs v))))
+ p))
+ (cons (to-json/refs (car p)) (to-json (cdr p)))))
+(define-method (to-json (null <null>))
+ '())
+(define-method (to-json (obj <cloudformation-object>))
+ (cons '@
+ (filter-map (match-lambda
+ ((slot-name . property)
+ (and (slot-bound? obj slot-name)
+ (cons (name property)
+ (to-json/refs (slot-ref obj slot-name))))))
+ (properties obj))))
+(define-method (valid? (obj <cloudformation-object>))
+ (every (match-lambda
+ ((slot-name . property)
+ (cond
+ ((and (required? property) (not (slot-bound? obj slot-name)))
+ #f)
+ ((not (or (required? property) (slot-bound? obj slot-name)))
+ #t)
+ (else
+ (type-check property (slot-ref obj slot-name))))))
+ (slot-ref (class-of obj) 'properties)))
+(define-class <cloudformation-attribute> ()
+ (name #:getter name #:init-keyword #:name)
+ (primitive-type #:getter primitive-type #:init-keyword #:primitive-type))
+(define-class <cloudformation-resource-class> (<cloudformation-class>)
+ (resource-name-prefix #:getter resource-name-prefix)
+ (attributes #:getter attributes))
+(define-method (initialize (resource-class <cloudformation-resource-class>) args)
+ (define* (init #:key attributes cfn-name #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when cfn-name
+ (slot-set! resource-class 'resource-name-prefix
+ (string-join (drop (delete "" (string-split cfn-name #\:)) 1)
+ "")))
+ (slot-set! resource-class 'attributes attributes))
+ (apply init args)
+ (next-method))
+(define-class <cloudformation-resource> (<cloudformation-object>)
+ (id #:getter id #:init-keyword #:id)
+ (cfn-id #:getter cfn-id)
+ #:metaclass <cloudformation-resource-class>)
+(define char-set:alphanumeric
+ (char-set-intersection char-set:ascii char-set:letter+digit))
+(define (alphanumize s)
+ (string-filter char-set:alphanumeric s))
+(define (id->cfn-id sym)
+ (string-append (let ((camelized
+ (string-concatenate
+ (map (lambda (s)
+ (string-capitalize (alphanumize s)))
+ (string-split (symbol->string sym) #\-)))))
+ (if (> (string-length camelized) 223)
+ (substring camelized 223)
+ camelized))
+ (base32-encode
+ (sha-1->bytevector
+ (sha-1
+ (string->utf8
+ (symbol->string sym)))))))
+(define-method (initialize (resource <cloudformation-resource>) args)
+ (next-method)
+ (unless (slot-bound? resource 'id)
+ (error "no id specified for resource:" resource))
+ (slot-set! resource 'cfn-id (id->cfn-id (id resource))))
+(define-method (type-check (proc <procedure>)
+ (resource <cloudformation-resource>))
+ (type-check proc "arn:dummy"))
+(define-method (to-json/refs (resource <cloudformation-resource>))
+ `(@ ("Ref" . ,(cfn-id resource))))
+(define-method (to-json (resource <cloudformation-resource>))
+ `(@ ("Type" . ,(cfn-name resource))
+ ("Properties" . ,(next-method))))
+(define-class <cloudformation-stack> ()
+ (description #:getter description #:init-keyword #:description #:init-form "")
+ (parameters #:getter parameters #:init-keyword #:parameters)
+ (resources #:getter resources #:init-keyword #:resources)
+ (outputs #:getter outputs #:init-keyword #:outputs))
+(define-method (transitive-resources (stack <cloudformation-stack>))
+ (define (scan-object obj)
+ (cond
+ ((is-a? obj <pair>)
+ (match obj
+ ((first rest ...)
+ (concatenate (cons (scan-object first)
+ (scan-object rest))))
+ ((key . value)
+ (scan-object value))))
+ ((is-a? obj <cloudformation-resource>)
+ (list obj))
+ ((is-a? obj <cloudformation-object>)
+ (scan-properties obj))
+ (else
+ '())))
+ (define (scan-properties obj)
+ (append-map (match-lambda
+ ((slot-name . prop)
+ (let ((value (and (slot-bound? obj slot-name)
+ (slot-ref obj slot-name))))
+ (scan-object value))))
+ (properties obj)))
+ (append-map (lambda (resource)
+ (cons resource (scan-properties resource)))
+ (resources stack)))
+(define-method (to-json (stack <cloudformation-stack>))
+ `(@ ("AWSTemplateFormatVersion" . "2010-09-09")
+ ("Description" . ,(description stack))
+ ("Resources" .
+ (@ ,@(map (lambda (resource)
+ (cons (cfn-id resource)
+ (to-json resource)))
+ (transitive-resources stack))))))