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+title: Spring Lisp Game Jam 2023 Summary
+date: 2023-06-05 09:00:00
+tags: guile, gamedev, gamejam, chickadee
+summary: Check out all of the entries to the Spring Lisp Game Jam!
+The [Spring Lisp Game Jam
+2023]( submission
+deadline has now passed and we are now in the rating period. I was a
+co-host of the jam alongside
+[technomancy]( but he did all the real
+work setting everything up. There were [30
+this time around, which I believe is a new record for our little jam!
+This particular jam was a special one for me. I not only submitted a
+game built with [Chickadee](/projects/chickadee.html) but I also got
+*paid* to work on another entry as part of my work at the [Spritely
+If there’s a downside to doing a game jam as part of your day job,
+it’s that there isn’t much time to hack on a game just for funsies.
+Woe is me, right? I *really* wanted to submit something built with
+Chickadee, though, not only to get some experience making things with
+it but also to validate that the whole stack is actually improving
+over time. So, I did my best to scope my ambitions *way down* and
+create the simplest game I could think of that I could still be happy
+to share. That game is [Super
+You play as a little bouncing circle, I guess, that is tasked with
+helping a young sunflower seedling grow and bloom. You need to water
+it and destroy the dirt balls (which my limited art abilities made
+look more like meatballs) that want to kill it for some reason unknown
+even to me. It’s a very minimal game. Water is used both to grow the
+flower and to attack the dirt balls. The only keys used are the arrow
+keys and Z. Most of the work happened on the weekends at the start
+and end of the jam. I’m quite happy with how it came out given how
+little time I spent making it!
+![Super Bloom gameplay GIF](/images/chickadee/super-bloom.gif)
+In addition to using Chickadee, this game served as another
+opportunity to test drive my still-unreleased game engine named
+There are still several rough edges but things are definitely headed
+in the right direction. The new in-engine REPL, as crude as it is,
+proved very useful for evaluating small expressions quickly without
+having to switch back to Emacs. Much of the game was developed live
+at the REPL from within Emacs, while the game was running, except for
+when I encountered engine bugs or needed to do a big refactor or
+something. Catbird auto-reloads non-code assets (images, sound, etc.)
+so it was quick and easy to check out how sprite updates looked inside
+the game. The biggest change in my tools this time around was using
+[Libresprite]( instead of GIMP for the
+pixel art. I had a great experience with Libresprite and intend to
+stick with it for future game dev projects.
+For Spritely, Christine and I worked on a distributed, networked
+virtual world prototype called
+I spent *a lot* of time on this and even though it doesn’t have much
+in the way of gameplay it is a very important prototype for us and if
+you want to know more about it then keep an eye on the Spritely blog
+because we will be writing about all the details there! But wait,
+there’s more! Spritely contributed not only one, but *two* entries to
+the jam. Check out
+for the [WASM-4]( fantasy console, made using the
+[Guile Hoot]( WebAssembly
+toolchain that Spritely is developing. There will be more details
+about this one one the Spritely blog, as well.
+As far as I can tell, there are no other entries that used Guile, and
+[only one other
+that used Scheme at all. As usual, Common Lisp and Fennel (the Lisp
+that compiles to Lua) were used for the bulk of the entries. This is
+call to all Schemers to get out there and make some games! And if you
+don’t want to use Guile, I *know* at least Gambit and Chicken are good
+for making games.
+Congrats to all jammers that participated, whether you completed your
+entry or not. I’ve been following the Lisp Game Jam for years and it
+keeps getting better and better and seeing more and more people catch
+the Lisp bug (or curse, depending on your perspective) is exciting!