path: root/manuals/haunt/Pages.html
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-<span id="Pages-1"></span><h3 class="section">5.4 Pages</h3>
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(use-modules (haunt page))
-<p>Page objects represent files that have yet to be written to disk.
-Their contents may be any arbitrary object that their writer procedure
-knows how to serialize. In practice, pages are almost always written
-to disk as HTML or XML.
-<dt id="index-make_002dpage">Scheme Procedure: <strong>make-page</strong> <em><var>file-name</var> <var>contents</var> <var>writer</var></em></dt>
-<dd><p>Create a new page object. The string <var>file-name</var> specifies where
-the page should be written to in the file system. The procedure
-<var>writer</var> is responsible for serializing <var>contents</var>.
-<dt id="index-page_003f">Scheme Procedure: <strong>page?</strong> <em><var>object</var></em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>object</var> is a page object.
-<dt id="index-page_002dfile_002dname">Scheme Procedure: <strong>page-file-name</strong> <em><var>page</var></em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the file name string for <var>page</var>.
-<dt id="index-page_002dcontents">Scheme Procedure: <strong>page-contents</strong> <em><var>page</var></em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the contents of <var>page</var>.
-<dt id="index-page_002dwriter">Scheme Procedure: <strong>page-writer</strong> <em><var>page</var></em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the writer procedure <var>page</var>.
-<dt id="index-write_002dpage">Scheme Procedure: <strong>write-page</strong> <em><var>page</var> <var>output-directory</var></em></dt>
-<dd><p>Write <var>page</var> to <var>output-directory</var>.