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-<hr />
-<span id="Textures-1"></span><h4 class="subsection">5.3.2 Textures</h4>
-<p>Textures are essentially images: a 2D grid of color values. However,
-this is a great simplification. Textures can be used to store any
-kind of data that can be encoded into color channels. The
-<code>(chickadee graphics texture)</code> module provides an interface for
-working with texture objects.
-<dt id="index-load_002dimage">Procedure: <strong>load-image</strong> <em>file [#:min-filter nearest] [#:mag-filter nearest] [#:wrap-s repeat] [#:wrap-t repeat] [#:transparent-color]</em></dt>
-<p>Load the image data from <var>file</var> and return a new texture object.
-<p><var>min-filter</var> and <var>mag-filter</var> describe the method that should
-be used for minification and magnification when rendering,
-respectively. Possible values are <code>nearest</code> and <code>linear</code>.
-<p><var>wrap-s</var> and <var>wrap-t</var> describe how to interpret texture
-coordinates that are greater than <code>1.0</code>. Possible values are
-<code>repeat</code>, <code>mirrored-repeat</code>, <code>clamp</code>,
-<code>clamp-to-border</code>, and <code>clamp-to-edge</code>.
-<p>For color-keyed images (images where a specific color should be made
-transparent), specify the appropriate <var>transparent-color</var>.
-<dt id="index-texture_003f">Procedure: <strong>texture?</strong> <em>obj</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>obj</var> is a texture.
-<dt id="index-texture_002dregion_003f">Procedure: <strong>texture-region?</strong> <em>obj</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>obj</var> is a texture region.
-<dt id="index-texture_002dparent">Procedure: <strong>texture-parent</strong> <em>texture</em></dt>
-<dd><p>If <var>texture</var> is a texture region, return the full texture that it
-is based upon. Otherwise, return <code>#f</code>.
-<dt id="index-texture_002dmin_002dfilter">Procedure: <strong>texture-min-filter</strong> <em>texture</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the minification filter for <var>texture</var>, either
-<code>nearest</code> or <code>linear</code>.
-<dt id="index-texture_002dmag_002dfilter">Procedure: <strong>texture-mag-filter</strong> <em>texture</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the magnification filter for <var>texture</var>, either
-<code>nearest</code> or <code>linear</code>.
-<dt id="index-texture_002dwrap_002ds">Procedure: <strong>texture-wrap-s</strong> <em>texture</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the method used for wrapping texture coordinates along the X
-axis for <var>texture</var>.
-<p>Possible wrapping methods:
-<li> <code>repeat</code>
-</li><li> <code>clamp</code>
-</li><li> <code>clamp-to-border</code>
-</li><li> <code>clamp-to-edge</code>
-<dt id="index-texture_002dwrap_002dt">Procedure: <strong>texture-wrap-t</strong> <em>texture</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the method used for wrapping texture coordinates along the Y
-axis for <var>texture</var>.
-<dt id="index-texture_002dwidth">Procedure: <strong>texture-width</strong> <em>texture</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the width of <var>texture</var> in pixels.
-<dt id="index-texture_002dheight">Procedure: <strong>texture-height</strong> <em>texture</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the height of <var>texture</var> in pixels.
-<dt id="index-current_002dtexture_002d0">Procedure: <strong>current-texture-0</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the current texture associated with texture unit 0 on the GPU.
-<dt id="index-current_002dtexture_002d1">Procedure: <strong>current-texture-1</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the current texture associated with texture unit 1 on the GPU.
-<dt id="index-current_002dtexture_002d2">Procedure: <strong>current-texture-2</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the current texture associated with texture unit 2 on the GPU.
-<dt id="index-current_002dtexture_002d3">Procedure: <strong>current-texture-3</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the current texture associated with texture unit 3 on the GPU.
-<dt id="index-current_002dtexture_002d4">Procedure: <strong>current-texture-4</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the current texture associated with texture unit 4 on the GPU.
-<dt id="index-g_003atexture_002d0">Variable: <strong>g:texture-0</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Render state for texture unit 0 (see <a href="Rendering-Engine.html">Rendering Engine</a>.)
-<dt id="index-g_003atexture_002d1">Variable: <strong>g:texture-1</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Render state for texture unit 1 (see <a href="Rendering-Engine.html">Rendering Engine</a>.)
-<dt id="index-g_003atexture_002d2">Variable: <strong>g:texture-2</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Render state for texture unit 2 (see <a href="Rendering-Engine.html">Rendering Engine</a>.)
-<dt id="index-g_003atexture_002d3">Variable: <strong>g:texture-3</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Render state for texture unit 3 (see <a href="Rendering-Engine.html">Rendering Engine</a>.)
-<dt id="index-g_003atexture_002d4">Variable: <strong>g:texture-4</strong></dt>
-<dd><p>Render state for texture unit 4 (see <a href="Rendering-Engine.html">Rendering Engine</a>.)
-<span id="Tile-Atlases"></span><h4 class="subsubsection"> Tile Atlases</h4>
-<p>It is common practice to combine multiple bitmap images into a single
-texture, known as a &ldquo;tile atlas&rdquo; or &ldquo;tile set&rdquo;, because it is more
-efficient to render many regions of a large texture than it is to
-render a bunch of small textures. Chickadee provides a tile atlas
-data type for collecting texture regions into a single vector.
-<dt id="index-split_002dtexture">Procedure: <strong>split-texture</strong> <em>texture tile-width tile-height [#:margin 0] [#:spacing 0]</em></dt>
-<p>Return a new texture atlas that splits <var>texture</var> into a grid of
-<var>tile-width</var> by <var>tile-height</var> rectangles. Optionally, each
-tile may have <var>spacing</var> pixels of horizontal and vertical space
-between surrounding tiles and the entire image may have <var>margin</var>
-pixels of empty space around its border.
-<p>This type of texture atlas layout is very common for 2D tile maps.
-See <a href="Tile-Maps.html">Tile Maps</a> for more information.
-<dt id="index-load_002dtileset">Procedure: <strong>load-tileset</strong> <em>file-name tile-width tile-height [#:margin 0] [#:spacing 0] [#:min-filter nearest] [#:mag-filter nearest] [#:wrap-s repeat] [#:wrap-t repeat] [#:transparent-color]</em></dt>
-<p>Return a new texture atlas that splits the texture loaded from the
-file <var>file-name</var> into a grid of <var>tile-width</var> by
-<var>tile-height</var> rectangles. See <code>load-image</code> and
-<code>split-texture</code> for information about all keyword arguments.
-<dt id="index-texture_002datlas_003f">Procedure: <strong>texture-atlas?</strong> <em>obj</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>obj</var> is a texture atlas.
-<dt id="index-texture_002datlas_002dtexture">Procedure: <strong>texture-atlas-texture</strong> <em>atlas</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the texture that all texture regions in <var>atlas</var> have been created from.
-<dt id="index-texture_002datlas_002dref">Procedure: <strong>texture-atlas-ref</strong> <em>atlas index</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the texture region in <var>atlas</var> at <var>index</var>.
-<span id="Cube-Maps"></span><h4 class="subsubsection"> Cube Maps</h4>
-<p>A cube map is a special type of texture composed of 6 images that can
-be thought of as forming the 6 faces of a cube. See <a href="Skyboxes.html">Skyboxes</a> for a
-practical use of cube maps.
-<dt id="index-load_002dcube_002dmap">Procedure: <strong>load-cube-map</strong> <em>#:right #:left #:top #:bottom #:front #:back [#:min-filter linear-mipmap-linear] [#:mag-filter linear]</em></dt>
-<p>Return a new cube map that uses the image data in the files
-<var>right</var>, <var>left</var>, <var>top</var>, <var>bottom</var>, <var>front</var>, and
-<var>back</var> for the 6 faces of the cube.
-<dt id="index-cube_002dmap_003f">Procedure: <strong>cube-map?</strong> <em>obj</em></dt>
-<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>obj</var> is a cube map.
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