path: root/manuals/sly/Introduction.html
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authorDavid Thompson <>2023-12-28 11:23:49 -0500
committerDavid Thompson <>2023-12-28 11:23:49 -0500
commit25c5eac5e6ca1035db1eddd7bea9ac78531da57e (patch)
tree96377006bbfee75bcf0ce208c1ef89cbdfa5b803 /manuals/sly/Introduction.html
parent5b2e467a7e5e2ffbb0cbbf2557283be891d8206b (diff)
Delete manuals!
Good riddance! These are hosted on now!
Diffstat (limited to 'manuals/sly/Introduction.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/manuals/sly/Introduction.html b/manuals/sly/Introduction.html
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index c4eabcc..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-<a name="Introduction-1"></a>
-<h2 class="chapter">1 Introduction</h2>
-<p>Sly is a 2D/3D game engine written in the GNU Guile dialect of the
-Scheme programming language. With the help of Guile, Sly provides all
-of the essential building blocks for making video games, such as:
-window management, input even handling, rendering, linear algebra, and
-powerful scripting capabilities. Sly differentiates itself from
-traditional game engines by providing a dynamic live codinng
-environment and a functional API.
-<p>For those unfamiliar with the term, &ldquo;live coding&rdquo; is the practice of
-improvised interactive programming. Sly provides a suitable
-environment for live coding by leveraging Guile&rsquo;s cooperative REPL
-server. When used with a powerful editing tool such as Emacs (with
-the fantastic Geiser extension), programmers may evaluate arbitrary
-code and see the effects of their modifications in real time. This
-tight feedback loop allows for faster prototyping, greater
-productivity, and most importantly, more fun.
-<p>Functional reactive programming (FRP) is a technique used to model
-time-varying values with pure functions. A pure function is a
-function whose return value depends solely upon its arguments. They
-also produce no side-effects, such as calling &rsquo;set!&rsquo; on a variable or
-writing to a file on disk. Sly encapsulates time-varying values in
-&ldquo;signals&rdquo;, a high-level data structure for controlling the flow of
-events. Unlike imperative event callbacks, signals can easily be
-composed to form new signals. By modeling game state with pure
-functions and immutable data, a game can be seen as a function of
-time. To play the game is to &ldquo;fold&rdquo; (accumulate a result) over
-time. Constructing a game this way allows for deterministic behavior
-that is easier to reason about and test than the accumulation of
-side-effects seen in traditional game engines. The signal interface
-is also declarative, meaning that the programmer describes <em>what</em>
-the state of the world should be like at any given time, rather than
-<em>how</em> to get there.
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