path: root/manuals/sly/Agendas.html
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authorDavid Thompson <>2016-08-19 20:40:12 -0400
committerDavid Thompson <>2016-08-19 20:40:12 -0400
commit9224412274e1e1a31a959083bb257a7d6ab2b113 (patch)
treec82ef8b0136037aa1b278957f42ae665188861be /manuals/sly/Agendas.html
parentc47d942552568e9a866e9d4887944e0c074dec93 (diff)
Add Sly manual.
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1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/manuals/sly/Agendas.html
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+<a name="Agendas-1"></a>
+<h4 class="subsection">4.3.3 Agendas</h4>
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">(use-modules (sly agenda))
+<p>Agendas are used to schedule procedures to be called at distinct
+points in time. One agenda, stored in the <code>current-agenda</code>
+parameter, is active at any given time. A global agenda is initially
+bound and is sufficient for most needs. When a separate scheduler is
+required (see <a href="REPL.html#REPL">REPL</a> for one such case), the parameter can be
+rebound using <code>parameterize</code> or <code>with-agenda</code> form.
+<dt><a name="index-make_002dagenda"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>make-agenda</strong></dt>
+<dd><p>Create a new, empty agenda.
+<dt><a name="index-agenda_003f"></a>Scheme Syntax: <strong>agenda?</strong> <em><var>obj</var></em></dt>
+<dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>obj</var> is an agenda.
+<dt><a name="index-current_002dagenda"></a>Scheme Variable: <strong>current-agenda</strong></dt>
+<dd><p>A parameter containing the current, dynamically scoped agenda object.
+<dt><a name="index-agenda_002dtime"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>agenda-time</strong></dt>
+<dd><p>Return the time of the current agenda.
+<dt><a name="index-with_002dagenda"></a>Scheme Syntax: <strong>with-agenda</strong> <em><var>agenda</var> <var>body</var> &hellip;</em></dt>
+<dd><p>Evaluate <var>body</var> with <code>current-agenda</code> bound to <var>agenda</var>.
+<dt><a name="index-agenda_002dtick_0021"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>agenda-tick!</strong></dt>
+<dd><p>Increment time by 1 for the current agenda and run scheduled
+<dt><a name="index-agenda_002dclear_0021"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>agenda-clear!</strong></dt>
+<dd><p>Remove all scheduled procedures from the current agenda.
+<dt><a name="index-schedule"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>schedule</strong> <em><var>thunk</var> [<var>delay</var>]</em></dt>
+<dd><p>Schedule <var>thunk</var> to be applied after <var>delay</var> ticks of the
+current agenda. The default <var>delay</var> is one tick.
+<dt><a name="index-schedule_002dinterval"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>schedule-interval</strong> <em><var>thunk</var> <var>interval</var></em></dt>
+<dd><p>Schedule <var>thunk</var> to be applied every <var>interval</var> ticks of the
+current agenda, forever.
+<dt><a name="index-schedule_002deach"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>schedule-each</strong> <em><var>thunk</var></em></dt>
+<dd><p>Schedule <var>thunk</var> to be applied upon every tick of the current
+agenda, forever.
+<p><a href="Coroutines.html#Coroutines">Coroutines</a> become particularly useful for game programming when
+combined with the agenda. For example, a computer controller opponent
+could periodically pause its AI algorithm to give the rest of the game
+world a chance to do some processing. By using the <code>wait</code>
+procedure, algorithms that span multiple ticks of game time can be
+written in a straightforward, natural way.
+<dt><a name="index-wait"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>wait</strong> <em><var>delay</var></em></dt>
+<dd><p>Abort the current coroutine prompt and schedule the continuation to be
+run after <var>delay</var> ticks of the current agenda.
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