(use-modules (chickadee) (chickadee math) (chickadee math matrix) (chickadee math rect) (chickadee math vector) (chickadee graphics color) (chickadee graphics shapes) (chickadee graphics texture) (chickadee graphics sprite) (chickadee scripting) (ice-9 match) (oop goops) (rnrs base) (srfi srfi-1) (starling asset) (starling kernel) (starling node) (starling node-2d) (starling scene)) ;;; ;;; Globals ;;; (define *render-hitboxes?* #t) (define *god-mode?* #t) ;;; ;;; Constants ;;; (define game-width 320) (define game-height 240) (define game-scale 4) (define window-width (inexact->exact (* game-width game-scale))) (define window-height (inexact->exact (* game-height game-scale))) ;;; ;;; Assets ;;; (define (load-atlas file-name tile-width tile-height) (split-texture (load-image file-name) tile-width tile-height)) (define (load-bullet-atlas file-name) (texture-atlas (load-image file-name) '(1 1 10 6) ; red medium bullet '(1 9 6 4) ; pink small bullet '(1 15 10 7) ; blue medium bullet )) (define-asset foreground (load-image "images/foreground.png")) (define-asset background-1 (load-image "images/back-buildings.png")) (define-asset background-2 (load-image "images/far-buildings.png")) (define-asset player-atlas (load-atlas "images/player.png" 80 80)) (define-asset drone-texture (load-image "images/drone-1.png")) (define-asset police-car (load-image "images/v-police.png")) (define-asset small-mech (load-image "images/bipedal-unit1.png")) (define-asset space-marine (load-image "images/space-marine.png")) (define-asset bullet-atlas (load-bullet-atlas "images/bullets.png")) ;;; ;;; Parallax backgrounds ;;; (define-class () (name #:getter name #:init-keyword #:name) (z #:getter z #:init-keyword #:z #:init-form 0) (texture #:getter texture #:init-keyword #:texture) (y-offset #:getter y-offset #:init-keyword #:y #:init-form 0.0) (scalar #:getter scalar #:init-keyword #:scalar #:init-form 1.0)) (define-class () (layers #:accessor layers #:init-keyword #:layers #:init-form '()) (speed #:accessor speed #:init-keyword #:speed #:init-form 1.0) (x #:accessor x #:init-form 0.0)) (define-method (on-boot (parallax )) (for-each (lambda (layer) (let* ((texture (texture layer)) (tw (exact->inexact (/ window-width (texture-width (asset-ref texture)))))) (attach-to parallax (make #:name (name layer) #:rank (z layer) #:texture texture #:position #v(0.0 (y-offset layer)) #:source-rect (make-rect 0.0 0.0 window-width (texture-height (asset-ref texture))) #:texcoords (make-rect 0.0 0.0 tw 1.0))))) (layers parallax))) (define-method (update (parallax ) dt) (let ((new-x (+ (x parallax) (speed parallax)))) (set! (x parallax) new-x) (for-each (lambda (layer) (let* ((sprite (child-ref parallax (name layer))) (width (texture-width (asset-ref (texture sprite)))) (tx (exact->inexact (/ (mod (* new-x (scalar layer)) width) width))) (r (texcoords sprite))) (set-rect-x! r tx))) (layers parallax)))) ;;; ;;; Bullet Field ;;; (define-class () (tile #:getter tile #:init-keyword #:tile) (hitbox #:getter hitbox #:init-keyword #:hitbox)) (define-class () (batch #:getter batch #:init-form (make-sprite-batch #f)) (size #:accessor size #:init-form 0) (capacity #:getter capacity #:init-form 1000 #:init-keyword #:capacity) (types #:accessor types) (positions #:accessor positions) (velocities #:accessor velocities) (hitboxes #:accessor hitboxes) (world-hitboxes #:accessor world-hitboxes)) (define-method (initialize (bullets ) initargs) (next-method) (let ((capacity (capacity bullets))) (define (seed-vector thunk) (let ((v (make-vector capacity #f))) (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i capacity) (vector-set! v i (thunk)) (loop (+ i 1)))) v)) (set! (types bullets) (make-vector capacity)) (set! (positions bullets) (seed-vector (lambda () #v(0.0 0.0)))) (set! (velocities bullets) (seed-vector (lambda () #v(0.0 0.0)))) (set! (hitboxes bullets) (seed-vector (lambda () (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))) (set! (world-hitboxes bullets) (seed-vector (lambda () (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))))) (define-method (add-bullet (bullets ) type x y dx dy) (let* ((i (size bullets)) (p (vector-ref (positions bullets) i)) (v (vector-ref (velocities bullets) i)) (h (vector-ref (hitboxes bullets) i)) (wh (vector-ref (world-hitboxes bullets) i))) (set! (size bullets) (+ i 1)) (vector-set! (types bullets) i type) (set-vec2! p x y) (set-vec2! v dx dy) (set-rect-x! h -1.0) (set-rect-y! h -1.0) (set-rect-width! h 2.0) (set-rect-height! h 2.0) (set-rect-x! wh (+ x -1.0)) (set-rect-y! wh (+ y -1.0)) (set-rect-width! wh 2.0) (set-rect-height! wh 2.0))) (define-method (move-bullet (bullets ) from to) (let ((positions (positions bullets)) (velocities (velocities bullets)) (hitboxes (hitboxes bullets)) (world-hitboxes (world-hitboxes bullets))) (vec2-copy! (vector-ref positions from) (vector-ref positions to)) (vec2-copy! (vector-ref velocities from) (vector-ref velocities to)) (rect-copy! (vector-ref hitboxes from) (vector-ref hitboxes to)) (rect-copy! (vector-ref world-hitboxes from) (vector-ref world-hitboxes to)))) (define-method (kill-bullet (bullets ) i) (let ((new-size (- (size bullets) 1))) (set! (size bullets) new-size) (move-bullet bullets new-size i))) (define-method (clear-bullets (bullets )) (set! (size bullets) 0)) (define-method (update (bullets ) dt) (let ((l (size bullets)) (positions (positions bullets)) (velocities (velocities bullets)) (hitboxes (hitboxes bullets)) (world-hitboxes (world-hitboxes bullets)) (min-x -16.0) (min-y -16.0) (max-x (+ game-width 16.0)) (max-y (+ game-height 16.0))) (define (delete i) (let ((new-l (- l 1))) (set! l new-l) (move-bullet bullets new-l i))) (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i l) (let ((p (vector-ref positions i)) (v (vector-ref velocities i)) (h (vector-ref hitboxes i)) (wh (vector-ref world-hitboxes i))) (vec2-add! p v) ;; Remove bullets that go out of bounds of the play area. (if (or (< (vec2-x p) min-x) (> (vec2-x p) max-x) (< (vec2-y p) min-y) (> (vec2-y p) max-y)) (begin (delete i) (loop i)) (begin ;; Update hitbox with world coordinates. (set-rect-x! wh (+ (vec2-x p) (rect-x h))) (set-rect-y! wh (+ (vec2-y p) (rect-y h))) (loop (+ i 1))))))) (set! (size bullets) l))) (define %identity (make-identity-matrix4)) (define *bullet-rect* (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (define-method (render (bullets ) alpha) (let ((l (size bullets)) (batch (batch bullets)) (types (types bullets)) (positions (positions bullets)) (atlas (asset-ref bullet-atlas)) (r *bullet-rect*)) (set-sprite-batch-texture! batch (texture-atlas-texture atlas)) (sprite-batch-clear! batch) (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i l) (let* ((p (vector-ref positions i)) (type (vector-ref types i)) (texture (texture-atlas-ref atlas (tile type))) (tw (texture-width texture)) (th (texture-height texture))) (set-rect-x! r (- (vec2-x p) (/ tw 2.0))) (set-rect-y! r (- (vec2-y p) (/ th 2.0))) (set-rect-width! r tw) (set-rect-height! r th) (sprite-batch-add* batch r %identity #:texture-region texture)) (loop (+ i 1)))) (draw-sprite-batch* batch (world-matrix bullets)))) ;;; ;;; Actor ;;; (define-generic rect) (define-class () (name #:getter name #:init-keyword #:name #:init-form 'main) (rect #:getter rect #:init-keyword #:rect)) (define-class () (world-hitboxes #:accessor world-hitboxes #:init-form '()) (dirty-hitboxes? #:accessor dirty-hitboxes? #:init-form #t)) (define-method (dirty! (actor )) (next-method) (set! (dirty-hitboxes? actor) #t)) (define-method (hitboxes (actor )) '()) (define-method (initialize (actor ) initargs) (next-method) (let ((p (position actor))) (set! (world-hitboxes actor) (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (hitbox) (let ((r (rect hitbox))) (hashq-set! table hitbox (make-rect 0.0 0.0 (rect-width r) (rect-height r))))) (hitboxes actor)) table)))) (define-method (update (actor ) dt) (when (dirty-hitboxes? actor) (let ((p (position actor))) (hash-for-each (lambda (hitbox world-hitbox) (let ((r (rect hitbox))) (set-rect-x! world-hitbox (+ (vec2-x p) (rect-x r))) (set-rect-y! world-hitbox (+ (vec2-y p) (rect-y r))))) (world-hitboxes actor))) (set! (dirty-hitboxes? actor) #f))) (define %hitbox-color (make-color 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7)) (define-method (render-tree (actor ) alpha) (next-method) (when (and *render-hitboxes?* (visible? actor)) (for-each (lambda (hitbox) (draw-filled-rect (rect hitbox) %hitbox-color #:matrix (world-matrix actor))) (hitboxes actor)))) (define-method (collide (bullets ) (actor ) proc) (define (find-collision bullet-hitbox) (find (lambda (actor-hitbox) (let ((world-hitbox (hashq-ref (world-hitboxes actor) actor-hitbox))) (rect-intersects? bullet-hitbox world-hitbox))) (hitboxes actor))) (let ((l (size bullets)) (bullet-hitboxes (world-hitboxes bullets))) (let loop ((i 0)) (if (< i l) (let ((hitbox (find-collision (vector-ref bullet-hitboxes i)))) (and hitbox (proc i hitbox)) (loop (+ i 1))) #f)))) ;;; ;;; Base Enemy ;;; (define-class () (health #:accessor health #:init-form 1) (last-blink #:accessor last-blink #:init-form 0)) (define-method (points (enemy )) 0) (define-method (damage (enemy ) damage) (set! (health enemy) (max (- (health enemy) damage) 0)) (run-script enemy (let ((time (agenda-time))) (when (> (- time (last-blink enemy)) 6) (set! (last-blink enemy) time) (blink enemy 1 3))))) (define-method (dead? (enemy )) (zero? (health enemy))) (define-method (emit-bullet (enemy ) type ox oy theta speed) (let ((p (position enemy))) (add-enemy-bullet (parent enemy) type (+ (vec2-x p) ox) (+ (vec2-y p) oy) theta speed))) (define-method (emit-bullet/circle (enemy ) type ox oy otheta n speed) (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i n) (emit-bullet enemy type ox oy (+ (* 2.0 pi (/ i n)) otheta) speed) (loop (+ i 1))))) ;;; ;;; Enemies ;;; (define space-marine-bullet-type (make #:tile 1 #:hitbox (make-rect -1.0 -1.0 2.0 2.0))) (define-class () (health #:accessor health #:init-form 20) (hitboxes #:getter hitboxes #:init-form (list (make #:rect (make-rect -8.0 0.0 16.0 38.0)))) (points #:getter points #:init-form 100)) (define-method (on-boot (marine )) (attach-to marine (make #:texture space-marine #:origin #v(32.0 0.0))) (script (let loop ((theta 0.0)) (emit-bullet/circle marine space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 18.0 theta 4 3.0) (sleep 5) (loop (+ theta (/ pi 32.0)))))) (define-class () (health #:accessor health #:init-form 40) (hitboxes #:getter hitboxes #:init-form (list (make #:rect (make-rect -18.0 -26.0 40.0 52.0))))) (define-method (on-boot (drone )) (next-method) (attach-to drone (make #:texture drone-texture #:origin #v(27.0 26.0))) ;; (run-script drone ;; (forever ;; (emit-bullet/circle drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1.5) ;; (sleep 5) ;; (emit-bullet/circle drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 0.5 10 1.5) ;; (sleep 5) ;; (emit-bullet/circle drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 1.0 10 1.5) ;; (sleep 5))) ;; (run-script drone ;; (let loop ((theta (/ pi 2.0))) ;; (emit-bullet/circle drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 theta 3 1.5) ;; (sleep 10) ;; (loop (- theta (/ pi 33.0))))) (run-script drone ;; (teleport drone 3600.0 120.0) ;; (move-to drone 290.0 120.0 90) (forever (let ((theta (angle-to-player (parent drone) drone 0 0))) (repeat 6 (emit-bullet drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 theta 3.0) (emit-bullet drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 (+ theta 0.04) 3.0) (emit-bullet drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 (- theta 0.04) 3.0) ;; (emit-bullet/circle drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 theta 20 3.0) ;; (emit-bullet/circle drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 (+ theta 0.04) 20 3.0) ;; (emit-bullet/circle drone space-marine-bullet-type 0.0 0.0 (- theta 0.04) 20 3.0) (sleep 2)) (sleep 90)))) ) ;;; ;;; Player ;;; (define-class () (velocity #:getter velocity #:init-form #v(0.0 0.0)) (hitboxes #:getter hitboxes #:init-form (list (make #:rect (make-rect -1.0 -1.0 2.0 2.0)))) (speed #:accessor speed #:init-keyword #:speed #:init-form 2.0) (shooting? #:accessor shooting? #:init-form #f) (shooting-timer #:accessor shooting-timer #:init-form 0) (guarding? #:accessor guarding? #:init-form #f) (shield-charge #:accessor shield-charge #:init-form 100.0) (invincible? #:accessor invincible? #:init-form #f) (lives #:accessor lives #:init-form 3) (score #:accessor score #:init-form 0)) (define-method (reset-player (player )) (set! (score player) 0) (set! (lives player) 1) (set! (shooting? player) #f) (set! (shooting-timer player) 0) (set! (guarding? player) #f) (set! (shield-charge player) 100.0) (set! (invincible? player) #f) (teleport player 8.0 100.0) (set-vec2! (velocity player) 0.0 0.0) (show player)) (define-method (dead? (player )) (zero? (lives player))) (define-method (kill-player (player )) (unless (or *god-mode?* (invincible? player)) (set! (lives player) (max (- (lives player) 1) 0)) (run-script player (set! (invincible? player) #t) (blink player 60 2) (set! (invincible? player) #f)))) (define-method (on-boot (player )) (attach-to player (make #:name 'sprite #:atlas player-atlas #:origin #v(41.0 44.0) #:animations `((idle . ,(make #:frames #(0 1 2 3) #:frame-duration 200)) (shoot . ,(make #:frames #(23 24 25) #:frame-duration 50))) #:default-animation 'idle) (make #:name 'shield #:region (make-rect -30.0 -35.0 60.0 60.0) #:color (make-color 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5) #:visible? #f))) (define-method (emit-bullet (player ) ox oy theta speed) (let ((p (position player))) (add-player-bullet (parent player) (+ (vec2-x p) ox) (+ (vec2-y p) oy) theta speed))) (define player-bullet-type (make #:tile 2 #:hitbox (make-rect -5.0 -3.5 10.0 7.0))) (define-method (shoot (player )) (let ((p (position player)) (ox 20.0) (oy 7.0) (speed 10.0) (theta 0.0) (dtheta 0.05)) (emit-bullet player ox oy theta speed) (emit-bullet player ox oy (+ theta dtheta) speed) (emit-bullet player ox oy (- theta dtheta) speed))) (define-method (update (player ) dt) (let ((p (position player)) (v (velocity player)) (min-x 0.0) (min-y 26.0) (max-x game-width) (max-y game-height)) (unless (and (zero? (vec2-x v)) (zero? (vec2-y v))) (vec2-add! p v) (dirty! player) (when (or (< (vec2-x p) min-x) (> (vec2-x p) max-x) (< (vec2-y p) min-y) (> (vec2-y p) max-y)) (set-vec2-x! p (max (min (vec2-x p) max-x) min-x)) (set-vec2-y! p (max (min (vec2-y p) max-y) min-y))))) (when (shooting? player) (when (zero? (modulo (shooting-timer player) 2)) (shoot player)) (set! (shooting-timer player) (+ (shooting-timer player) 1))) (if (guarding? player) (set! (shield-charge player) (max (- (shield-charge player) 1.0) 0.0)) (set! (shield-charge player) (min (+ (shield-charge player) 0.1) 100.0))) (next-method)) (define-method (change-direction (player ) left? right? down? up?) (let ((v (velocity player))) (set-vec2! v (+ (if left? -1.0 0.0) (if right? 1.0 0.0)) (+ (if down? -1.0 0.0) (if up? 1.0 0.0))) (vec2-normalize! v) (vec2-mult! v (speed player)))) (define-method (begin-shooting (player )) (set! (shooting? player) #t) (set! (shooting-timer player) 0) (change-animation (& player sprite) 'shoot)) (define-method (end-shooting (player )) (set! (shooting? player) #f) (change-animation (& player sprite) 'idle)) (define-method (begin-guarding (player )) (set! (guarding? player) #t) (show (& player shield))) (define-method (end-guarding (player )) (set! (guarding? player) #f) (hide (& player shield))) ;;; ;;; Meter ;;; (define-class () (width #:accessor width #:init-keyword #:width) (thickness #:accessor thickness #:init-keyword #:thickness) (proc #:accessor proc #:init-keyword #:proc) (background-color #:accessor background-color #:init-form black #:init-keyword #:background-color) (fill-color #:accessor fill-color #:init-form tango-light-scarlet-red #:init-keyword #:fill-color) (background-rect #:getter background-rect #:init-form (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (fill-rect #:getter fill-rect #:init-form (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))) (define-method (update (meter ) dt) (let ((b (background-rect meter)) (f (fill-rect meter)) (w (width meter)) (h (thickness meter)) (t ((proc meter)))) (set-rect-width! b w) (set-rect-height! b h) (set-rect-width! f (* w t)) (set-rect-height! f h))) (define-method (render (meter ) alpha) (draw-filled-rect (background-rect meter) (background-color meter) #:matrix (world-matrix meter)) (draw-filled-rect (fill-rect meter) (fill-color meter) #:matrix (world-matrix meter))) ;;; ;;; Shmup scene ;;; (define-class () (state #:accessor state #:init-form 'play) (enemies #:accessor enemies #:init-form '()) (cont #:accessor cont #:init-form #f) (cont-x #:accessor cont-x #:init-form +inf.0)) (define-method (update-hud (shmup )) (let ((player (& shmup player))) (set! (text (& shmup hud-lives)) (format #f "lives ~d" (max (- (lives player) 1) 0))) (set! (text (& shmup hud-score)) (format #f "score ~7d" (score player))))) (define (wait-for-scroll shmup x) (yield (lambda (k) (set! (cont shmup) k) (set! (cont-x shmup) x)))) (define-method (stage-1 (shmup )) (wait-for-scroll shmup 100.0) ;; (add-enemy shmup ;; (make )) ;; (wait-for-scroll shmup 500.0) ;; (add-enemy shmup ;; (make ;; #:position #v(290.0 120.0))) ) (define-method (reset-game (shmup )) (set! (enemies shmup) '()) (with-agenda (agenda shmup) (reset-agenda)) (reset-player (& shmup player)) (set! (state shmup) 'play) (update-hud shmup) (run-script shmup (stage-1 shmup) ;; (forever ;; (when (null? (enemies shmup)) ;; (sleep 30) ;; (add-enemy shmup ;; (make ;; #:position #v(290.0 120.0))) ;; ;; (add-enemy shmup ;; ;; (make ;; ;; #:position #v(290.0 170.0))) ;; ) ;; (sleep 2)) )) (define-method (start-over (shmup )) (detach (& shmup game-over)) (for-each detach (enemies shmup)) (reset-game shmup)) (define-method (on-boot (shmup )) (set! (cameras shmup) (list (make #:resolution (vec2 game-width game-height)))) (attach-to shmup (make #:name 'background #:rank 0 #:speed 2.0 #:layers (list (make #:name 'background-2 #:texture background-2 #:y 48.0 #:scalar 0.5) (make #:name 'background-1 #:z 1 #:texture background-1 #:y 46.0 #:scalar 0.7) (make #:name 'foreground-2 #:z 2 #:texture foreground))) (make #:name 'player-bullets #:rank 2) (make #:name 'enemy-bullets #:rank 3) (make #:name 'player #:rank 4) (make