(define-module (catbird node) #:use-module (catbird asset) #:use-module (catbird cached-slots) #:use-module (catbird config) #:use-module (catbird mixins) #:use-module (catbird observer) #:use-module (chickadee scripting) #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (oop goops) #:export ( in-view? tree-in-view? children for-each-child on-boot reboot child-ref & attach-to replace blink) #:re-export (agenda detach hide name parent on-enter on-hide on-exit on-pause on-resume on-show pause paused? rank render resume run-script show stop-scripts visible? update)) (define-class ( ) ;; An integer value that determines priority order for ;; updating/rendering. (rank #:getter rank #:init-value 0 #:init-keyword #:rank) ;; List of children, sorted by rank. (children #:accessor children #:init-value '()) ;; Children indexed by name for fast lookup. (children-by-name #:getter children-by-name #:init-thunk make-hash-table)) (define-method (initialize (node ) initargs) (next-method) (on-boot node)) (define-method (on-boot (node )) #t) (define-method (reboot (node )) (for-each-child detach node) (with-agenda (agenda node) (reset-agenda)) (on-boot node)) (define-method (write (node ) port) (define (strip-angle-brackets str) (let ((start (if (string-prefix? "<" str) 1 0)) (end (if (string-suffix? ">" str) (- (string-length str) 1) (string-length str)))) (substring str start end))) (format port "#<~a name: ~a>" (strip-angle-brackets (symbol->string (class-name (class-of node)))) (name node))) (define (for-each-child proc node) (for-each proc (children node))) (define-method (update/around (node ) dt) (unless (paused? node) ;; Update children first, recursively. (for-each-child (lambda (child) (update/around child dt)) node) (next-method))) (define-method (tree-in-view? (node )) #t) (define-method (in-view? (node )) #t) (define-method (render/around (node ) alpha) (when (and (visible? node) (tree-in-view? node)) (next-method) (for-each-child (lambda (child) (render/around child alpha)) node))) (define-method (child-ref (parent ) name) (hashq-ref (children-by-name parent) name)) (define-syntax & (syntax-rules () ((_ parent child-name) (child-ref parent 'child-name)) ((_ parent child-name . rest) (& (child-ref parent 'child-name) . rest)))) (define-method (attach-to (new-parent ) . new-children) ;; Validate all the nodes first. The whole operation will fail if ;; any of them cannot be attached. (for-each (lambda (child) (when (parent child) (raise-exception (make-exception-with-message "node already has a parent"))) (when (child-ref new-parent (name child)) (raise-exception (make-exception-with-message "node name taken")))) new-children) ;; Add named children to the name index for quick lookup later. (for-each (lambda (child) (when (name child) (hashq-set! (children-by-name new-parent) (name child) child))) new-children) ;; Add the new children and sort them by their rank so that ;; updating/rendering happens in the desired order. (set! (children new-parent) (sort-by-rank/ascending (append new-children (children new-parent)))) ;; Attach children to the parent, triggering initial enter/attach ;; hooks. (for-each (lambda (child) (attach child new-parent)) new-children)) (define-method (replace (parent-node ) . replacements) (for-each (lambda (replacement) (let ((old (child-ref parent-node (name replacement)))) (when old (detach old)))) replacements) (apply attach-to parent-node replacements)) (define-method (detach (node )) (let ((p (parent node))) ;; Remove child from parent. (set! (children p) (delq node (children p))) ;; Remove from name index. (when (name node) (hashq-remove! (children-by-name p) (name node))) (next-method))) (define-method (blink (node ) times interval) (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i times) (set! (visible? node) #f) (sleep interval) (set! (visible? node) #t) (sleep interval) (loop (+ i 1)))))