(define-module (catbird asset) #:use-module (catbird config) #:use-module (catbird inotify) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (oop goops) #:export ( file-names loader artifact subscribers load! ->asset subscribe unsubscribe on-asset-refresh define-asset reload-modified-assets )) (define (absolute-file-name file-name) (if (absolute-file-name? file-name) file-name (string-append (getcwd) "/" file-name))) ;;; ;;; Base Asset ;;; (define-root-class () (file-names #:getter file-names #:init-keyword #:file-names) (loader #:getter loader #:init-keyword #:loader) (artifact #:accessor %artifact #:init-value #f) (subscribers #:getter subscribers #:init-form (make-weak-key-hash-table))) (define-method (initialize (asset ) initargs) (next-method) ;; Convert relative file names to absolute file names for ;; consistency and ease of use later. (slot-set! asset 'file-names (map absolute-file-name (file-names asset)))) ;; Allow any object to be wrapped in an asset. (define-method (->asset x) (make #:file-names '() #:loader (lambda () x))) (define-method (->asset (asset )) asset) (define-method (subscribe (asset ) obj context) (let ((subs (subscribers asset))) (hashq-set! subs obj (cons context (hashq-ref subs obj '()))))) (define-method (unsubscribe (asset ) obj context) (let* ((subs (subscribers asset)) (contexts (delq context (hashq-ref subs obj '())))) (if (null? contexts) (hashq-remove! subs obj) (hashq-set! subs obj contexts)))) (define-method (on-asset-refresh obj context) #t) (define-method (notify-refresh (asset )) (hash-for-each (lambda (subscriber contexts) (for-each (lambda (context) (on-asset-refresh subscriber context)) contexts)) (subscribers asset))) (define-method (load! (asset )) (let ((value (apply (loader asset) (file-names asset)))) (set! (%artifact asset) value) (notify-refresh asset) value)) (define-method (reload! (asset )) (load! asset)) (define-method (unload! (asset )) (set! (%artifact asset) #f)) (define-method (artifact (asset )) (or (%artifact asset) (load! asset))) ;;; ;;; Auto-reloading Asset ;;; (define-class () ;; Do not create inotify handle until it is needed. (inotify #:allocation #:class #:init-form (delay (make-inotify))) ;; List of all auto-reloadable assets stored as a weak key hash ;; table (assets #:allocation #:class #:init-thunk make-weak-key-hash-table)) (define (asset-inotify) (force (class-slot-ref 'inotify))) (define (auto-reload-assets) (class-slot-ref 'assets)) (define (register-auto-reload-asset! asset) (hashq-set! (auto-reload-assets) asset #t)) (define-method (load! (asset )) ;; These are both no-ops if the asset and file are already being ;; watched. (register-auto-reload-asset! asset) (for-each (lambda (file-name) (inotify-add-watch! (asset-inotify) file-name '(close-write))) (file-names asset)) (next-method)) (define (assets-for-event event) (let ((f (inotify-watch-file-name (inotify-event-watch event)))) (hash-fold (lambda (asset dummy-value memo) (if (member f (file-names asset)) (cons asset memo) memo)) '() (auto-reload-assets)))) ;; Needs to be called periodically in the game loop to reload modified ;; assets. (define (reload-modified-assets) "Reload all assets whose files have been modified." (let ((inotify (asset-inotify))) (while (inotify-pending-events? inotify) (let* ((event (inotify-read-event inotify)) (assets (assets-for-event event))) (if (null? assets) ;; There are no assets associated with this file anymore ;; (they've been redefined with new file names or GC'd), ;; so remove the watch. (inotify-watch-remove! (inotify-event-watch event)) ;; Reload all assets associated with the file. (for-each reload! assets)))))) ;;; ;;; Syntax ;;; (define-syntax-rule (define-asset name ((var file-name) ...) body ...) (define name (let ((file-names (list file-name ...)) (proc (lambda (var ...) body ...))) (if (and (defined? 'name) (is-a? name )) (begin (initialize name #:file-names file-names #:loader proc) name) (make (if developer-mode? ) #:file-names file-names #:loader proc))))) ;;; ;;; Asset Metaclass ;;; (define-class ()) (define-method (asset-slot? (slot )) (get-keyword #:asset? (slot-definition-options slot))) (define (slot-ref* obj slot-name) (and (slot-bound? obj slot-name) (slot-ref obj slot-name))) (define-method (compute-getter-method (class ) slot) (if (asset-slot? slot) ;; Wrap the original getter procedure with a new procedure that ;; extracts the current value from the asset object. (make #:specializers (list class) #:procedure (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)) (proc (method-procedure (next-method)))) (lambda (obj) (artifact (proc obj))))) (next-method))) (define-method (compute-setter-method (class ) slot) (if (asset-slot? slot) ;; Wrap the original setter procedure with a new procedure that ;; manages asset update notifications. (make #:specializers (list class ) #:procedure (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)) (proc (method-procedure (next-method)))) (lambda (obj new) (let ((old (slot-ref* obj slot-name)) (new* (->asset new))) (unless (eq? old new) (when old (unsubscribe old obj slot-name)) (subscribe new* obj slot-name) (proc obj new*)))))) (next-method))) (define (map-initargs proc initargs) (let loop ((initargs initargs)) (match initargs (() '()) ((slot-name value . rest) (cons* slot-name (proc slot-name value) (loop rest)))))) (define (for-each-initarg proc initargs) (let loop ((initargs initargs)) (match initargs (() '()) ((slot-name value . rest) (proc slot-name value) (loop rest))))) (define (coerce-asset obj slot-name) (let ((value (slot-ref* obj slot-name))) (if (is-a? value ) value (let ((asset (->asset value))) (slot-set! obj slot-name asset) asset)))) (define-class () #:metaclass ) (define-method (initialize (instance ) initargs) (next-method) ;; Subscribe for updates to all asset slots. (for-each (lambda (slot) (when (asset-slot? slot) (let* ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)) (value (coerce-asset instance slot-name))) (subscribe value instance slot-name)))) (class-slots (class-of instance))))