path: root/catbird/input-map.scm
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1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catbird/input-map.scm b/catbird/input-map.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43ba57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catbird/input-map.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+(define-module (catbird input-map)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:export (make-input-map
+ add-input
+ remove-input
+ key-press
+ key-release
+ text-input
+ mouse-press
+ mouse-release
+ mouse-move
+ mouse-wheel
+ controller-press
+ controller-release
+ controller-move
+ key-press-handler
+ key-release-handler
+ text-input-handler
+ mouse-press-handler
+ mouse-release-handler
+ mouse-move-handler
+ mouse-wheel-handler
+ controller-press-handler
+ controller-release-handler
+ controller-move-handler))
+(define (make-input-map)
+ '())
+(define (add-input input-map spec handler)
+ (cons (cons spec handler)
+ input-map))
+(define (remove-input input-map spec)
+ (delete spec input-map
+ (match-lambda
+ ((s . _) (equal? s spec)))))
+(define* (key-press key #:optional (modifiers '()))
+ `(keyboard ,key ,modifiers down))
+(define* (key-release key #:optional (modifiers '()))
+ `(keyboard ,key ,modifiers up))
+(define (text-input)
+ '(text-input))
+(define (mouse-press button)
+ `(mouse button ,button down))
+(define (mouse-release button)
+ `(mouse button ,button up))
+(define* (mouse-move #:optional (buttons '()))
+ `(mouse move ,buttons))
+(define* (mouse-wheel)
+ '(mouse wheel))
+(define (controller-press id button)
+ `(controller button ,id ,button down))
+(define (controller-release id button)
+ `(controller button ,id ,button up))
+(define (controller-move id axis)
+ `(controller axis ,id ,axis))
+;; Chickadee is specific about which modifier keys are pressed and
+;; makes distinctions between left and right ctrl, for example. For
+;; convenience, we want users to be able to specify simply 'ctrl' and
+;; it will match both left and right.
+(define (modifiers-match? spec-modifiers modifiers)
+ (every (lambda (k)
+ (case k
+ ;; The specification is looking for a specific modifier
+ ;; key.
+ ((left-ctrl right-ctrl left-alt right-alt left-shift right-shift)
+ (memq k modifiers))
+ ;; The specification is looking for either left/right
+ ;; modifier key.
+ ((ctrl)
+ (or (memq 'left-control modifiers)
+ (memq 'right-control modifiers)))
+ ((alt)
+ (or (memq 'left-alt modifiers)
+ (memq 'right-alt modifiers)))
+ ((shift)
+ (or (memq 'left-shift modifiers)
+ (memq 'right-shift modifiers)))))
+ spec-modifiers))
+(define (key-press-handler input-map key modifiers)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('keyboard key* modifiers* 'down) . handler)
+ (and (eq? key key*)
+ (modifiers-match? modifiers* modifiers)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (key-release-handler input-map key modifiers)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('keyboard key* modifiers* 'up) . handler)
+ (and (eq? key key*)
+ (modifiers-match? modifiers modifiers*)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (text-input-handler input-map)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('text-input) . handler) handler)
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (mouse-press-handler input-map button)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('mouse 'button button* 'down) . handler)
+ (and (eq? button button*)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (mouse-release-handler input-map button)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('mouse 'button button* 'up) . handler)
+ (and (eq? button button*)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (mouse-move-handler input-map buttons)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('mouse 'move buttons*) . handler)
+ (and (= (length buttons) (length buttons*))
+ (every (lambda (b) (memq b buttons*)) buttons)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (mouse-wheel-handler input-map)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('mouse 'wheel) . handler)
+ handler)
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (controller-press-handler input-map controller-id button)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('controller 'button controller-id* button* 'down) . handler)
+ (and (= controller-id controller-id*)
+ (eq? button button*)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (controller-release-handler input-map controller-id button)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('controller 'button controller-id* button* 'up) . handler)
+ (and (= controller-id controller-id*)
+ (eq? button button*)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))
+(define (controller-move-handler input-map controller-id axis)
+ (any (match-lambda
+ ((('controller 'axis controller-id* axis*) . handler)
+ (and (= controller-id controller-id*)
+ (eq? axis axis*)
+ handler))
+ (_ #f))
+ input-map))