path: root/catbird/mixins.scm
diff options
authorDavid Thompson <>2022-10-03 19:22:23 -0400
committerDavid Thompson <>2022-10-22 11:48:39 -0400
commit14464dee966fe415d4c8e1fb8b5205653b22003f (patch)
tree986a7b03a089a4545465901cadce4d671f3032c1 /catbird/mixins.scm
parentdcf869ccd7ec9d33c937507fe96e9e09f517bded (diff)
Add prototype catbird modules.
Diffstat (limited to 'catbird/mixins.scm')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catbird/mixins.scm b/catbird/mixins.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4ec7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catbird/mixins.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+(define-module (catbird mixins)
+ #:use-module (catbird config)
+ #:use-module (chickadee math vector)
+ #:use-module (chickadee scripting)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:export (<nameable>
+ name
+ <rankable>
+ rank
+ sort-by-rank/ascending
+ <containable>
+ parent
+ attach
+ detach
+ on-enter
+ on-exit
+ on-attach
+ on-detach
+ <updatable>
+ update
+ update/around
+ <scriptable>
+ agenda
+ on-pause
+ on-resume
+ paused?
+ pause
+ resume
+ run-script
+ stop-scripts
+ <renderable>
+ visible?
+ on-show
+ on-hide
+ show
+ hide
+ render
+ render/around
+ render/before
+ <movable-2d>
+ <movable-3d>
+ position)
+ #:replace (pause))
+(define-class <nameable> ()
+ (name #:accessor name #:init-keyword #:name #:init-value #f))
+;; For Z sorting objects and such.
+(define-class <rankable> ()
+ (rank #:accessor rank #:init-keyword #:rank #:init-value 0))
+(define (sort-by-rank/ascending lst)
+ (sort lst
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (< (rank a) (rank b)))))
+;;; Containable
+(define-class <containable> ()
+ (parent #:accessor parent #:init-form #f))
+(define-method (on-enter (child <containable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (on-exit (child <containable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (on-attach parent (child <containable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (on-detach parent (child <containable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (attach (obj <containable>) container)
+ (when (parent obj)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception-with-message "object already has a parent")))
+ (set! (parent obj) container)
+ (on-enter obj)
+ (on-attach container obj))
+(define-method (detach (obj <containable>))
+ (unless (parent obj)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception-with-message "object has no parent")))
+ (on-detach (parent obj) obj)
+ (on-exit obj)
+ (set! (parent obj) #f))
+;;; Updatable
+(define-class <updatable> ())
+(define-method (update (obj <updatable>) dt)
+ #t)
+(define-method (update/around (obj <updatable>) dt)
+ (update obj dt))
+;;; Scriptable
+(define-class <scriptable> (<updatable>)
+ (paused? #:accessor paused? #:init-form #f #:init-keyword #:paused?)
+ (agenda #:getter agenda #:init-thunk make-agenda))
+(define-method (on-pause (obj <scriptable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (on-resume (obj <scriptable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (pause (obj <scriptable>))
+ (unless (paused? obj)
+ (set! (paused? obj) #t)
+ (on-pause obj)))
+(define-method (resume (obj <scriptable>))
+ (when (paused? obj)
+ (set! (paused? obj) #f)
+ (on-resume obj)))
+(define-method (update/around (obj <scriptable>) dt)
+ (unless (paused? obj)
+ (with-agenda (agenda obj)
+ (update-agenda dt)
+ (next-method))))
+(define-syntax-rule (run-script obj body ...)
+ (with-agenda (agenda obj) (script body ...)))
+(define-method (stop-scripts obj)
+ (with-agenda (agenda obj) (clear-agenda)))
+;;; Renderable
+(define-class <renderable> ()
+ (visible? #:accessor visible? #:init-form #t #:init-keyword #:visible?))
+(define-method (on-show (obj <renderable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (on-hide (obj <renderable>))
+ #t)
+(define-method (show (obj <renderable>))
+ (set! (visible? obj) #t)
+ (on-show obj))
+(define-method (hide (obj <renderable>))
+ (set! (visible? obj) #f)
+ (on-hide obj))
+(define-method (render (obj <renderable>) alpha)
+ #t)
+(define-method (render/before (obj <renderable>) alpha)
+ #t)
+(define-method (render/around (obj <renderable>) alpha)
+ (when (visible? obj)
+ (render/before obj alpha)
+ (render obj alpha)))
+;;; Movable
+(define-class <movable-2d> ()
+ (position #:accessor position #:init-keyword #:position
+ #:init-form (vec2 0.0 0.0)))
+(define-class <movable-3d> ()
+ (position #:accessor position #:init-keyword #:position
+ #:init-form (vec3 0.0 0.0 0.0)))