-*- org -*- * The Test Subject A cheesy point-and-click micro-adventure set in a sci-fi environment. Created for the 2021 Spring Lisp Game jam. ** Download (easiest option) A pre-built binary bundle for Linux is available at https://davexunit.itch.io/the-test-subject ** Building from source *** Using Guix (second easiest option) Using the GNU Guix package manager is by far the easiest way get everything you need to build the game from source. First, make sure the package builds successfully: #+BEGIN_SRC sh guix build -f guix.scm #+END_SRC Then, run it: #+BEGIN_SRC sh $(guix build -f guix.scm | tail -1)/bin/the-test-subject #+END_SRC *** Using something other than Guix (hard) First you'll need to build and install the following Guile libraries: - guile-opengl - guile-sdl2 - chickadee (from Git: https://git.dthompson.us/chickadee.git) - starling (from Git: https://git.dthompson.us/starling.git) Then you can build and run the game: #+BEGIN_SRC sh ./bootstrap ./configure make ./run-game #+END_SRC ** License Code: GNU General Public License version 3 or later Original art: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International