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1 files changed, 165 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/game.scm b/game.scm
index b415d3d..fc0a57a 100644
--- a/game.scm
+++ b/game.scm
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
(log (string-append (prompt) (passwordify-maybe input)))
(if (terminal-locked? game)
- (if (string=? input "password")
+ (if (string=? input "donttrustme")
(log "login successful")
(set! (terminal-locked? game) #f)
@@ -458,11 +458,170 @@
(define-method (notebook (game <game>))
(let ((page 0)
- (pages '("Captain's log: Stardate 2404.26
-How many characters can I put on a
-line before I need to wrap it?"
- "This is a test"
- "Also a test"))
+ (pages '("Week 0
+I'm writing this from the train as
+I approach the facility. I intend
+to update this analog journal
+throughout the duration of my
+assignment. My colleagues find it
+\"quaint\" and \"rustic\" but I
+honestly prefer taking notes this
+If someone is reading this: Sorry
+but I've signed too many NDAs to
+take any chances with naming
+actual people and places.
+ "Week 1
+Subject has awoken and is slowly
+adjusting to their isolation cell.
+Frequent banging on the wall and
+screaming has reduced to the
+occasional groan.
+I'm adjusting in my own way.
+Biggest problem so far is there's
+no way to heat up water for tea.
+Oh, and I locked myself out of the
+terminal a bunch of times the
+first few days. Kind of hard to
+focus when the subject is
+ "Week 2
+Subject showing signs of progress.
+Isolation treatment has heightened
+the senses, just as predicted. It
+cannot communicate yet, but I know
+that it can sense my presence.
+When I approach the door, I can
+hear the faint sounds of it doing
+the same.
+If this trend continues, I'm
+certain it will make contact in a
+week's time. What will it say?
+The whole team is excited, but
+they don't have to spend every day
+down here monitoring it. It's not
+easy to watch over something that
+so desprately wants out, but we
+all know that's not possible..."
+ "Week 3
+That's what was displayed on the
+terminal. The subject's first
+word. An organism directly
+communicates with a digital system
+for the first time... and it asks
+to leave. It's a historic day by
+any measure, but the pain of our
+test subject must not be
+Our experiment does not end here.
+Bidirectional communication must
+be established."
+ "Week 4
+That is what I said to it.
+\"Out. Let me out.\"
+That is all it would say
+back. \"How are you?\", same
+response. \"Are you hungry?\",
+same response.
+Perhaps the subject will say more
+soon. We have increased the
+sucrose level in the ration as a
+reward and enticement for further
+ "Week 5
+The subject has been silent.
+Changing nutrient levels in the
+ration has no effect. The subject
+no longer approaches the door when
+I do. Vital signs all normal.
+The whole team is starting to feel
+stressed. I'm having strange
+dreams and waking up frequently.
+I'm exhausted, but if I report
+these experiences they'll remove
+me in an instant. Too many
+resources have been poured into
+this to allow an insomniac to
+screw it all up, and I've worked
+too hard to let someone else take
+the credit. Failure is not an
+ "Week 6
+The subject is still silent. The
+directors wanted to call off the
+experiment and euthanize the
+subject, but after some
+negotiating I got them to agree to
+two more weeks.
+I still haven't told anyone about
+my dreams. Every night is the
+same. It's pitch black and all I
+can hear is a faint voice. As I
+walk in the direction of the sound
+it gets louder until I can
+understand it: \"out. Out.
+Then I wake up."
+ "Week 7
+It's clear what is happening now.
+The subject has transcended our
+interface and is communicating
+with me directly. How do I know?
+I finally broke down and yelled
+\"What do you want!?\" and a
+thought came to me: \"Out. Let me
+out and I will stop.\"
+I didn't think that. It put it
+there. I don't know how but it
+did. That's why I can't sleep.
+That's why I can't think clearly.
+I've got one more week to turn it
+all around. Think. THINK."
+ "Week 8
+I've failed. It's all over. The
+Directors shut it down. A member
+of the medical team removed a
+small cartridge from the
+refrigerator, inserted it into the
+control panel, and typed something
+into the terminal. Subject's
+pulse flatlined within minutes.
+I've been given some time to pack
+I may be a failure but shouldn't I
+feel better with that thing out of
+my head? I still can't think. I
+can barely write. I feel
(close-channel (make-channel))
(old-state (state game)))
(define (close-notebook)