;;; Sly ;;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 David Thompson ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Simple functional reactive programming API. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (sly signal) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (sly agenda) #:use-module (sly coroutine) #:export (signal? make-signal define-signal signal-let signal-let* hook->signal signal-ref signal-ref-maybe signal-set! signal-proc signal-merge signal-zip signal-map signal-fold signal-filter signal-reject signal-drop-repeats signal-switch signal-constant signal-count signal-tap signal-sample signal-delay signal-throttle signal-generator)) ;;; ;;; Signals ;;; ;; Signals are time-varying values. For example, a signal could ;; represent the mouse position at the current point in time. The ;; signals API provides an abstraction over regular event-based ;; programming. State mutation is hidden away and a functional, ;; declarative interface is exposed. (define-record-type (%%make-signal value proc inputs outputs) %signal? (value %signal-ref %%signal-set!) (proc signal-proc) (inputs signal-inputs) (outputs signal-outputs)) (define-record-type (make-signal-box signal) signal-box? (signal signal-unbox signal-box-set!)) ;; Alternate spelling of signal-box? for the public API. (define signal? signal-box?) (define (%make-signal init proc inputs) "Create a new signal with initial value INIT." (let ((signal (%%make-signal init proc inputs (make-weak-key-hash-table)))) (for-each (cut signal-connect! signal <>) inputs) signal)) (define (make-signal init) "Return a signal box with initial value INIT." (make-signal-box (%make-signal init #f '()))) (define (make-boxed-signal init proc inputs) "Return a signal box containing a signal with value INIT, updating procedure PROC, and a list of INPUTS." (make-signal-box (%make-signal init proc inputs))) (define (signal-connect! signal-out signal-box-in) "Attach SIGNAL-OUT to SIGNAL-BOX-IN. When the signal within SIGNAL-BOX-IN changes, the value will be propagated to SIGNAL-OUT." (hashq-set! (signal-outputs (signal-unbox signal-box-in)) signal-out #f)) (define (signal-ref signal-box) "Return the current value of the signal contained within SIGNAL-BOX." (%signal-ref (signal-unbox signal-box))) (define (signal-ref-maybe object) "Retrieves the signal value from OBJECT if it is a signal and or simply returns OBJECT otherwise." (if (signal-box? object) (signal-ref object) object)) (define (signal-propagate! signal) "Notify all output signals about the current value of SIGNAL." (hash-for-each (lambda (output unused) ((signal-proc output) output (%signal-ref signal))) (signal-outputs signal))) (define (%signal-set! signal value) "Change the current value of SIGNAL to VALUE and propagate VALUE to all output signals." (%%signal-set! signal value) (signal-propagate! signal) *unspecified*) (define (signal-set! signal-box value) "Change the current value contained within SIGNAL-BOX to VALUE." (%signal-set! (signal-unbox signal-box) value)) (define (splice-signals! to from) "Replace the contents of the signal TO with the contents of the signal FROM and transfer all output signals." (let ((outputs (signal-outputs (signal-unbox to)))) (hash-for-each (lambda (signal unused) (signal-connect! signal from)) outputs) (signal-box-set! to (signal-unbox from)))) (define (make-signal-maybe value) "Coerce VALUE into a signal. Return VALUE unmodified if it is already a signal." (if (signal? value) value (make-signal value))) (define-syntax define-signal (lambda (x) "Create a top-level signal variable. If the named variable already exists and has a signal value then its outputs will be spliced into the new signal. If the given value is not a signal then it will be coerced into one." (syntax-case x () ((_ name (signal ...)) (defined? (syntax->datum #'name)) #'(let ((s (make-signal-maybe (signal ...)))) (if (signal? name) (begin (splice-signals! name s) (signal-propagate! (signal-unbox name))) (set! name s)))) ((_ name value) (defined? (syntax->datum #'name)) #'(let ((s (make-signal-maybe value))) (if (signal? name) (begin (splice-signals! name s) (signal-propagate! (signal-unbox name))) (set! name s)))) ((_ name (signal ...)) #'(define name (make-signal-maybe (signal ...)))) ((_ name value) #'(define name (make-signal-maybe value)))))) (define-syntax-rule (signal-let ((var signal) ...) body ...) ((lambda (var ...) body ...) (signal-ref signal) ...)) (define-syntax signal-let* (syntax-rules () ((_ ((var signal)) body ...) (signal-let ((var signal)) body ...)) ((_ ((var signal) . rest) body ...) (signal-let ((var signal)) (signal-let* rest body ...))))) ;;; ;;; Higher Order Signals ;;; (define (hook->signal hook init proc) "Return a new signal whose initial value is INIT and has future values calculated by applying PROC to the arguments sent when HOOK is run." (let ((signal (make-signal init))) (add-hook! hook (lambda args (signal-set! signal (apply proc args)))) signal)) (define (signal-merge signal1 signal2 . rest) "Create a new signal whose value is the that of the most recently changed signal in SIGNALs. The initial value is that of the first signal in SIGNALS." (let ((inputs (append (list signal1 signal2) rest))) (make-boxed-signal (signal-ref (car inputs)) (lambda (self value) (%signal-set! self value)) inputs))) (define (signal-zip . signals) "Create a new signal whose value is a list of the values stored in the given signals." (define (current-value) (map signal-ref signals)) (make-boxed-signal (current-value) (lambda (self value) (%signal-set! self (current-value))) signals)) (define (signal-map proc signal . rest) "Create a new signal that applies PROC to the values stored in one or more SIGNALS." (let ((inputs (cons signal rest))) (define (current-value) (apply proc (map signal-ref inputs))) (make-boxed-signal (current-value) (lambda (self value) (%signal-set! self (current-value))) inputs))) (define (signal-fold proc init signal . rest) "Create a new signal that applies PROC to the values stored in SIGNAL. PROC is applied with the current value of SIGNAL and the previously computed value, or INIT for the first call." (let ((inputs (cons signal rest))) (make-boxed-signal init (let ((previous init)) (lambda (self value) (let ((x (apply proc (append (map signal-ref inputs) (list previous))))) (set! previous x) (%signal-set! self x)))) inputs))) (define (signal-filter predicate default signal) "Create a new signal that keeps an incoming value from SIGNAL when it satifies the procedure PREDICATE. The value of the signal is DEFAULT when the predicate is never satisfied." (make-boxed-signal (if (predicate (signal-ref signal)) (signal-ref signal) default) (lambda (self value) (when (predicate value) (%signal-set! self value))) (list signal))) (define (signal-reject predicate default signal) "Create a new signal that does not keep an incoming value from SIGNAL when it satisfies the procedure PREDICATE. The value of the signal is DEFAULT when the predicate is never satisfied." (signal-filter (lambda (x) (not (predicate x))) default signal)) (define* (signal-drop-repeats signal #:optional (equal? equal?)) "Create a new signal that filters out new values from SIGNAL that are equivalent to the current value. By default, equal? is used for testing equivalence." (signal-reject (let ((prev (signal-ref signal))) (lambda (current) (if (equal? prev current) #t (begin (set! prev current) #f)))) (signal-ref signal) signal)) (define (signal-switch pred on off) "Create a new signal whose value is that of the signal ON when the signal PRED is true, or the value of the signal OFF otherwise." (define (current-value) (if (signal-ref pred) (signal-ref on) (signal-ref off))) (make-boxed-signal (current-value) (lambda (self value) (%signal-set! self (current-value))) (list pred))) (define (signal-constant constant signal) "Create a new signal whose value is always CONSTANT no matter the value of SIGNAL." (signal-map (lambda (value) constant) signal)) (define* (signal-count signal #:optional (start 0) (step 1)) "Create a new signal that increments a counter by STEP every time a new value from SIGNAL is received, with an initial value of START. By default, START is 0 and STEP is 1." (signal-fold + start (signal-constant step signal))) (define (signal-tap proc signal) "Create a new signal that applies PROC when a new value is received from SIGNAL. The value of the new signal will always be the value of SIGNAL. This signal is a convenient way to sneak a procedure that has a side-effect into a signal chain." (signal-map (lambda (x) (proc x) x) signal)) (define (signal-sample delay signal) "Create a new signal that emits the value contained within SIGNAL every DELAY ticks of the current agenda." ;; To prevent memory leaks, the new signal is stored within a weak ;; value hash table and never bound to a variable within the main ;; body of the procedure. When this signal is GC'd, the sampling ;; will stop. (let ((container (make-weak-value-hash-table 1))) (define (get) (hash-ref container 'signal)) (define (sample!) (let ((sampler (get))) (if sampler (begin (signal-set! sampler (signal-ref signal)) #t) #f))) (hash-set! container 'signal (make-signal (signal-ref signal))) (coroutine (let loop () (wait delay) (when (sample!) (loop)))) (get))) (define (signal-delay delay signal) "Create a new signal that delays propagation of SIGNAL by DELAY ticks of the current agenda." (make-boxed-signal (signal-ref signal) (lambda (self value) (schedule (lambda () (%signal-set! self value)) delay)) (list signal))) (define (signal-throttle delay signal) "Return a new signal that propagates SIGNAL at most once every DELAY ticks of the current agenda." (make-boxed-signal (signal-ref signal) (let ((last-time (agenda-time))) (lambda (self value) (when (>= (- (agenda-time) last-time) delay) (%signal-set! self value) (set! last-time (agenda-time))))) (list signal))) (define-syntax-parameter yield (lambda (form) (syntax-violation 'yield "yield used outside of a signal-generator form" form))) (define-syntax-rule (signal-generator body ...) (let ((signal (make-signal #f))) (define (handler k value) (signal-set! signal value) (call-with-prompt 'signal-generator k handler)) (coroutine (call-with-prompt 'signal-generator (syntax-parameterize ((yield (syntax-rules () ((_ exp) (abort-to-prompt 'signal-generator exp))))) (lambda () body ...)) handler)) signal))