(use-modules (2d animation) (2d game-loop) (2d helpers) (2d sprite) (2d texture) (2d vector) (2d window)) (init-2d) (define window-width 800) (define window-height 600) (define sprite #f) (define (key-down key mod unicode) (cond ((any-equal? key 'escape 'q) (close-window) (quit)))) ;; Draw our sprite (define (render) (draw-sprite sprite)) ;; Register callbacks. (add-hook! on-render-hook (lambda () (render))) (add-hook! on-key-down-hook (lambda (key mod unicode) (key-down key mod unicode))) ;; Open the window. (open-window window-width window-height) ;; Load a texture, split it into 64x64 tiles, and build an animated ;; sprite out of it. (let* ((tiles (split-texture (load-texture "images/princess.png") 64 64)) (frames (vector (vector-ref tiles 19) (vector-ref tiles 20) (vector-ref tiles 21) (vector-ref tiles 22) (vector-ref tiles 23) (vector-ref tiles 24) (vector-ref tiles 25) (vector-ref tiles 26))) (animation (make-animation frames 6 #t))) (set! sprite (make-sprite animation #:position (vector (/ window-width 2) (/ window-height 2))))) (run-game-loop)