@node Games and Scenes @chapter Games and Scenes In Guile-2D, games are defined declaratively. Game objects define things such as the title and screen resolution. Games are composed of many scenes, which encapsulate a particular aspect of the game. Examples would be a main menu, a world map, or a battle screen. @node Games @section Games @anchor{2d game make-game}@defun make-game [#:title] [#:resolution] [#:fullscreen] [#:first-scene] Return a new game. All game properties have some reasonable default value. @end defun @anchor{2d game define-game}@defspec define-game name kwargs ... Syntactic sugar over define and make-game. @end defspec @anchor{2d game game?}@defspec game? @end defspec @anchor{2d game game-first-scene}@defspec game-first-scene @end defspec @anchor{2d game game-fullscreen?}@defspec game-fullscreen? @end defspec @anchor{2d game game-resolution}@defspec game-resolution @end defspec @anchor{2d game game-title}@defspec game-title @end defspec @anchor{2d game run-game}@defun run-game game Open a window and start the game loop for GAME. @end defun @node Scenes @section Scenes @anchor{2d game make-scene}@defun make-scene [#:title] [#:events] [#:update] [#:draw] [#:state] Return a new scene. TITLE is a human readable name for the scene. EVENTS is an alist of event handlers. UPDATE is a procedure that updates the scene. DRAW is a procedure that renders the scene. STATE is an object that encapsulates the scene state. @end defun @anchor{2d game define-scene}@defspec define-scene name kwargs ... Syntactic sugar over define and make-scene. Return a procedure that creates a new scene. @end defspec @anchor{2d game scene?}@defspec scene? @end defspec @anchor{2d game scene-draw-proc}@defspec scene-draw-proc @end defspec @anchor{2d game scene-observer}@defspec scene-observer @end defspec @anchor{2d game scene-state}@defspec scene-state @end defspec @anchor{2d game scene-title}@defspec scene-title @end defspec @anchor{2d game scene-update-proc}@defspec scene-update-proc @end defspec @anchor{2d game current-fps}@defun current-fps Return the current FPS value. @end defun @anchor{2d game default-scene-events}@defun default-scene-events @end defun @anchor{2d game draw-scene}@defun draw-scene scene Draw SCENE. @end defun @anchor{2d game pop-scene}@defun pop-scene Exit the current scene and resume the previous scene. If there is no previous scene, the game loop will terminate. @end defun @anchor{2d game push-scene}@defun push-scene scene Pause the current scene and start SCENE upon next game tick. @end defun @anchor{2d game replace-scene}@defun replace-scene scene @end defun @anchor{2d game scene-trigger}@defun scene-trigger scene event-type . args Trigger an event on the scene observer. @end defun @anchor{2d game update-scene}@defun update-scene scene Update SCENE. @end defun