# -*- org -*- * Things To Do ** DONE Game loop Provide a game loop structure that responds to input events, updates the game state, renders the scene. Use a fixed update timestep and cap the maximum FPS. ** TODO Input Provide hooks to respond to keyboard, mouse, and joystick events. Wrap SDL keycode, mouse button, etc. constants in our own enumeration. - [X] Keyboard - [X] Mouse - [X] Window (active, resize, quit) - [ ] Joystick ** DONE Sprites Encapsulates an image and all of its transformations: position, rotation, scale, color, etc. - [X] Add support for texture regions - [X] Add support for animations - [X] Use a sprite batch when drawing if one is currently bound ** TODO Sprite batches Efficiently render a large number of sprites. Only change OpenGL context when necessary. For example, don't change texture when rendering several sprites in a row that use the same one. - [X] Add basic batching for non-scaled, non-rotated sprites - [ ] Add transformation logic for scaling and rotating - [ ] Add support for colors - [ ] Add support for different blending modes ** DONE Tilesets Break an image up into many small pieces. Useful for creating maps. ** DONE Animations Create a data type to represent an animated sequence of textures and/or texture regions. ** TODO Tile maps - [ ] Create a generic tilemap module - [ ] Create a loader for Tiled .tmx map files. ** TODO Scene graph A tree structure that is traversed when rendering a game scene. The graph is composed of groups and nodes. Transformations are accumulated as the tree is walked. ** DONE Scripting Provide a way for users to easily script 2D games using coroutines and a scheduler. ** TODO Vectors and matrices Vectors and matrices are needed constantly for games. Provide an easy-to-use module that provides procedures for common vector/matrix math operations - [X] Vectors - [ ] Matrices ** TODO Fonts - [ ] Fixed width bitmap font rendering - [ ] Truetype font rendering via freetype ** TODO Sound Provide helpful wrappers around SDL sound procedures? ** TODO A* pathfinding A* is a commonly used pathfinding algorithm for games. Pathfinding is such a common task that it would be nice to provide users with a generic implementation. ** TODO Bounding box collision detection Most games need simple bounding box collision detection. Provide an efficient implementation that uses quad trees. ** TODO Particle systems Provide a highly configurible particle simulation system. ** TODO Asset Management Provide a generic system for loading assets (images, sounds, fonts, etc.) and storing them in a cache. Explore using weak keys so that assets are removed from the cache when they are no longer referenced. ** TODO 0.1 Release An official 0.1 alpha release with basic, minimal functionality will provide a good place for people other than me to try out guile-2d and perhaps even start to hack on it. - [ ] Finish sprite batches - [ ] Basic font rendering I don't know of any freetype bindings for Guile, so maybe basic fixed-width bitmap font support will be all that is possible for now. - [ ] Resolve issues with FIGL Can't have a broken dependency. - [ ] Texinfo documentation - [ ] Autotools build files