* Things To Do ** DONE Game loop Provide a game loop structure that responds to input events, updates the game state, renders the scene. Use a fixed update timestep and cap the maximum FPS. ** DONE Input Provide hooks to respond to keyboard, mouse, and joystick events. Wrap SDL keycode, mouse button, etc. constants in our own enumeration. - [X] Keyboard - [X] Mouse - [X] Window (active, resize, quit) - [X] Joystick ** DONE Sprites Encapsulates an image and all of its transformations: position, rotation, scale, color, etc. - [X] Use FreeImage - [X] Add support for texture regions - [X] Add support for animations - [X] Use a sprite batch when drawing if one is currently bound ** TODO Sprite batches Efficiently render a large number of sprites. Only change OpenGL context when necessary. For example, don't change texture when rendering several sprites in a row that use the same one. ** DONE Tilesets Break an image up into many small pieces. Useful for creating maps. - [X] Algorithm to split texture into tiles - [X] type ** DONE Animations Create a data type to represent an animated sequence of textures and/or texture regions. ** TODO Tile maps - [ ] Create a generic tilemap module - [ ] Create a loader for Tiled .tmx map files. ** TODO Scene graph A tree structure that is traversed when rendering a game scene. The graph is composed of groups and nodes. Transformations are accumulated as the tree is walked. ** DONE Scripting Provide a way for users to easily script 2D games using coroutines and a scheduler. - [X] Coroutines - [X] Agenda ** TODO Vectors and matrices Vectors and matrices are needed constantly for games. Provide an easy-to-use module that provides procedures for common vector/matrix math operations - [X] Vectors - [ ] Matrices ** DONE Fonts - [X] Write wrappers for needed FTGL functions - [X] Write font rendering procedures ** DONE Sound Provide helpful wrappers around SDL sound procedures? ** TODO A* pathfinding A* is a commonly used pathfinding algorithm for games. Pathfinding is such a common task that it would be nice to provide users with a generic implementation. ** TODO Bounding box collision detection Most games need simple bounding box collision detection. Provide an efficient implementation that uses quad trees. - [X] Rect module - [ ] Quadtree module ** TODO Particle systems Provide a highly configurible particle simulation system. - [ ] Investigate ways to make it fast. Use guile-compost for performance reasons. ** TODO Asset Management Provide a generic system for loading assets (images, sounds, fonts, etc.) and storing them in a cache. Explore using weak keys so that assets are removed from the cache when they are no longer referenced. - [ ] Create asset cache - [ ] Live asset reloading ** TODO Keymaps Provide an Emacs-like way of defining key combinations so that multi-button input is easy for users. - [ ] Abstract away input methods Controls can be bound to keys, mouse, whatever - [ ] Basic sequences Press A then B - [ ] Simultaneous key presses Press A and B at the same time - [ ] Composing sequences Press A then B + C - [ ] Timeouts Press A then B then C within 15 frames time - [ ] Sequences with actions along the way Press A to kick, then forward + B to uppercut, within 30 frames time. ** TODO GUI widgets Provide a set of common graphical widgets such as buttons, scroll bars, and sliders. ** DONE REPL Provide a REPL that plays nice with the game loop. Easier said than done. - [X] Modify Guile's REPL to work with the game loop - Short-term solution that *mostly* works - [X] Write a new REPL that runs in the current thread - Use coroutines - Read user input from a separate thread so as to not block the main thread - Will be available in Guile 2.0.10! ** TODO Scene Graph Provide a reactive scene graph for representing the renderable objects in a game. ** TODO Shaders - [ ] Scheme -> GLSL compiler Port http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/glls to guile? ** TODO 0.1 Release A 0.1 release was made under the project's old name, guile-2d. Now that things have changed so drastically and the name has been changed, a new 0.1 release will be made. - [X] New REPL server Use the (system repl coop-server) module in Guile 2.0.11. - [ ] Screencast - [ ] Relatively complete documentation - [X] Clean up font module - [X] Add GLSL shaders - [X] Finish FRP module - [X] Make basic webpage with HTML docs - [ ] Basic scene graph (must support sprites and text)