* Things To Do ** DONE Game loop Provide a game loop structure that responds to input events, updates the game state, renders the scene. Use a fixed update timestep and cap the maximum FPS. ** DONE Input Provide hooks to respond to keyboard, mouse, and joystick events. Wrap SDL keycode, mouse button, etc. constants in our own enumeration. - [X] Keyboard - [X] Mouse - [X] Window (active, resize, quit) - [X] Joystick ** DONE Sprites Encapsulates an image and all of its transformations: position, rotation, scale, color, etc. - [X] Use FreeImage - [X] Add support for texture regions - [X] Add support for animations - [X] Use a sprite batch when drawing if one is currently bound ** TODO Sprite batches Efficiently render a large number of sprites. Only change OpenGL context when necessary. For example, don't change texture when rendering several sprites in a row that use the same one. ** DONE Tilesets Break an image up into many small pieces. Useful for creating maps. - [X] Algorithm to split texture into tiles - [X] type ** DONE Animations Create a data type to represent an animated sequence of textures and/or texture regions. ** TODO Tile maps - [ ] Create a generic tilemap module - [ ] Create a loader for Tiled .tmx map files. ** DONE Scene graph A tree structure that is traversed when rendering a game scene. The graph is composed of groups and nodes. Transformations are accumulated as the tree is walked. ** DONE Scripting Provide a way for users to easily script 2D games using coroutines and a scheduler. - [X] Coroutines - [X] Agenda ** DONE Vectors and matrices Vectors and matrices are needed constantly for games. Provide an easy-to-use module that provides procedures for common vector/matrix math operations - [X] Vectors - [X] Matrices ** DONE Fonts - [X] Write wrappers for needed FTGL functions - [X] Write font rendering procedures ** DONE Sound Provide helpful wrappers around SDL sound procedures? ** TODO A* pathfinding A* is a commonly used pathfinding algorithm for games. Pathfinding is such a common task that it would be nice to provide users with a generic implementation. ** TODO Bounding box collision detection Most games need simple bounding box collision detection. Provide an efficient implementation that uses quad trees. - [X] Rect module - [ ] Quadtree module (needs more thought, a purely functional data structure would be preferable) ** TODO Particle systems Provide a highly configurible particle simulation system. - [ ] Investigate ways to make it fast. Use guile-compost for performance reasons. ** TODO Asset Management Provide a generic system for loading assets (images, sounds, fonts, etc.) and storing them in a cache. Explore using weak keys so that assets are removed from the cache when they are no longer referenced. - [ ] Create asset cache - [X] Live asset reloading ** TODO Keymaps Provide an Emacs-like way of defining key combinations so that multi-button input is easy for users. - [ ] Abstract away input methods Controls can be bound to keys, mouse, whatever - [ ] Basic sequences Press A then B - [ ] Simultaneous key presses Press A and B at the same time - [ ] Composing sequences Press A then B + C - [ ] Timeouts Press A then B then C within 15 frames time - [ ] Sequences with actions along the way Press A to kick, then forward + B to uppercut, within 30 frames time. ** TODO GUI widgets Provide a set of common graphical widgets such as buttons, scroll bars, and sliders. ** DONE REPL Provide a REPL that plays nice with the game loop. Easier said than done. - [X] Modify Guile's REPL to work with the game loop - Short-term solution that *mostly* works - [X] Write a new REPL that runs in the current thread - Use coroutines - Read user input from a separate thread so as to not block the main thread - Will be available in Guile 2.0.10! ** TODO Shaders - [ ] Scheme -> GLSL compiler Port http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/glls to guile? ** TODO Upgrade to SDL2 Write necessary bindings and release [[https://git.dthompson.us/guile-sdl2.git][guile-sdl2]]. ** TODO "Nine patches" Images that have a resizable central area but fixed width/height edges. See [[https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/2d-graphics.html#nine-patch][this Android document]] for details. ** TODO Job control for agenda Allow for pausing and cancelling jobs. ** TODO Async/threaded signals? Not sure how to do this as some things, such as SDL and OpenGL calls, *must* be done in the main thread. Maybe signals should just stay synchronous. ** TODO Smooth animation helper Remove the temporal aliasing in animation by interpolating between current and previous state of animated objects. ** TODO Bitmap font rendering from tileset Some fonts aren't available in TTF format, only as a tileset image. It would very useful for 2D games to be able to render these. Even better if the font rendering procedures are made polymorphic to handle this new type of font. ** TODO Geometry combinators A functional interface for composing complex geometry from the simple building block of triangles. A square is 2 triangles, a cube is 6 squares, etc. A triangle has 3 vertices with a particular winding. ** TODO 0.1 Release A 0.1 release was made under the project's old name, guile-2d. Now that things have changed so drastically and the name has been changed, a new 0.1 release will be made. - [X] New REPL server Use the (system repl coop-server) module in Guile 2.0.11. - [ ] Screencast - [-] Relatively complete documentation (it's a start) - [X] Clean up font module - [X] Add GLSL shaders - [X] Finish FRP module - [X] Make basic webpage with HTML docs - [X] Basic rendering (must support sprites and text)