* guile-2d Guile-2d is a 2D game programming library for GNU Guile. It is a layer above SDL and OpenGL that provides abstractions for common 2D game programming requirements such as: - Sprites - Animation - Tilesets - Tile maps - Scene graph - Input handling - Scripting ** Inspiration Every programming language should have a fun, easy to use 2D game library. Guile-2d draws its inspiration from great libraries/frameworks such as [[http://love2d.org][LÖVE]], [[http://pygame.org][Pygame]], and [[http://pyglet.org][Pyglet]]. ** Example Here is the simplest Guile-2d application (so far). #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (use-modules (figl gl) (2d sprite) (2d game-loop) (2d window)) (define window-width 800) (define window-height 600) (define sprite #f) (define (key-down key) (display key) (newline) (case key ;; Quit program when ESCAPE or Q is pressed. ((any-equal? key 'escape 'q) (close-window) (quit)))) ;; Draw our sprite (define (render) (draw-sprite sprite)) ;; Register hooks. Lambdas are used as "trampolines" so that render ;; and key-down can be redefined later and the hooks will call the ;; updated procedures. (add-hook! on-render-hook (lambda () (render))) (add-hook! on-key-down-hook (lambda (key) (key-down key))) ;; Open the window. (open-window window-width window-height) ;; Load a sprite and center it on the screen. ;; Must be done AFTER opening the window. (set! sprite (load-sprite "sprite.png" #:position (vector (/ window-width 2) (/ window-height 2)))) ;; Start the game loop. ;; The render callback will be called through this procedure. (run-game-loop) #+END_SRC ** Features *** Sprites Sprites encapsulate the presentation of an image or a region of an image. The simplest way to get started with sprites is to use the =load-sprite= procedure. All arguments except the filename are optional keyword arguments. #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define sprite (load-sprite "cirno.png" #:position #(0 0) #:scale (1 1) #:rotation (0) #:color #xffffff #:anchor 'center)) #+END_SRC Alternatively, you can make a sprite from an existing texture. The same keyword arguments in =load-sprite= are also available here. #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define sprite (make-sprite (load-texture "cirno.png"))) #+END_SRC Position, scale, rotation, color, and anchor are mutable. #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (set-sprite-position! sprite #(100 100)) #+END_SRC Drawing a sprite is simple. #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (draw-sprite sprite) #+END_SRC *** Sprite Batches When drawing many sprites, it is inefficient to send them to the GPU individually. Sprite batches resolve this issue by sending sprites to the GPU in large chunks. To take advantage of this, create a sprite batch and use =with-sprite-batch=. All calls to =draw-sprite= will use the sprite batch within this form. #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define sprites (make-a-ton-of-sprites)) (define batch (make-sprite-batch)) (with-sprite-batch batch (for-each (lambda (sprite) (draw-sprite sprite)) sprites)) #+END_SRC *** Coroutines and Agendas The ability to write scripts is very important for most games. A script for an RPG NPC could look like this: #+BEGIN_SRC scheme ;; Walk up one tile and then down one tile, forever. (while #t (walk 'up) (walk 'down)) #+END_SRC Unfortunately, running this script as it is means completely locking up the program in an unbounded loop. However, coroutines (and a scheduler known as the "agenda") are here to save the day! Coroutines are procedures that can be exited at any point and resumed later. It would be nice if after every call to =walk=, the NPC would wait for one second before taking its next step. This is where the agenda comes in. The agenda is used to schedule procedures to be run after an arbitrary number of game updates (1 by default). Since coroutines and the agenda go hand in hand, there exists a =wait= procedure to pause a coroutine and schedule it to be resumed later. Using a coroutine and the agenda, the NPC script can be rewritten such that it does not halt further program execution. #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (agenda-schedule (colambda () (while #t (walk 'up) (wait 60) (walk 'down) (wait 60)))) #+END_SRC =colambda= is a useful macro that is syntactic sugar for a lambda expression executed as a coroutine. =agenda-schedule= accepts a thunk (a procedure that takes 0 arguments) and schedules it to be executed later. In this example we do not provide a second argument to =agenda-schedule=, which means that the thunk will be executed upon the next game update. Since guile-2d enforces a fixed timestep and updates 60 times per second, waiting for 60 updates means that the NPC will wait one second in between each step. ** REPL Driven Development The read-eval-print-loop present in Guile allows you to develop your game while it is running! This allows you to see in real time what your changes do to the game without having to restart the program every time. ** This section needs to be completed. ** ** Building guile-2d uses the typical GNU build system. First run `autogen.sh` and then do the usual incantations. #+BEGIN_SRC sh ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install #+END_SRC ** Running Examples To run an example when guile-2d has been installed: #+BEGIN_SRC sh cd examples guile simple.scm #+END_SRC To run an example using the not-yet-installed files (useful when developing): #+BEGIN_SRC sh cd examples guile -L .. simple.scm #+END_SRC ** Dependencies - [[https://gitorious.org/guile-figl/guile-figl][guile-figl]] No official release. guile-2d runs off of the latest master version. As of this writing, =make= will fail due to errors with building texinfo files. Currently there is an error on line 19152 of =doc/low-level-gl.texi=. To fix, join lines 19152 and 19153 together. - [[https://www.gnu.org/software/guile-sdl/index.html][guile-sdl]] >= 0.5.0 - SDL 1.2 ** License GNU LGPL v3