;;; guile-2d ;;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 David Thompson ;;; ;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Sprites are typically the most important part of a 2D game. This ;; module provides sprites as an abstraction around OpenGL textures. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (2d sprite) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (gl) #:use-module (gl contrib packed-struct) #:use-module ((sdl sdl) #:prefix SDL:) #:use-module (2d agenda) #:use-module (2d animation) #:use-module (2d color) #:use-module (2d config) #:use-module (2d game) #:use-module (2d helpers) #:use-module (2d math) #:use-module (2d shader) #:use-module (2d signal) #:use-module (2d texture) #:use-module (2d vector2) #:use-module (2d window) #:use-module (2d wrappers gl) #:export (make-sprite sprite? animated-sprite? sprite-drawable sprite-position set-sprite-drawable! set-sprite-position! set-sprite-scale! set-sprite-rotation! set-sprite-color! set-sprite-anchor! sprite-scale sprite-rotation sprite-color sprite-anchor load-sprite draw-sprite)) ;;; ;;; Sprites ;;; (define sprite-shader (make-shader-program (load-vertex-shader (string-append %pkgdatadir "/shaders/sprite-vertex.glsl")) (load-fragment-shader (string-append %pkgdatadir "/shaders/sprite-fragment.glsl")))) ;; The type represents a drawable object (texture, ;; texture-region, animation, etc.) with a given position, scale, ;; rotation, and color. (define-record-type (%make-sprite drawable position scale rotation color anchor vertices animator) sprite? (drawable sprite-drawable set-sprite-drawable!) (position sprite-position set-sprite-position!) (scale sprite-scale set-sprite-scale!) (rotation sprite-rotation set-sprite-rotation!) (color sprite-color set-sprite-color!) (anchor sprite-anchor %set-sprite-anchor!) (vertices sprite-vertices) (animator sprite-animator)) (define (update-sprite-vertices! sprite) (let ((texture (sprite-texture sprite))) (pack-texture-vertices (sprite-vertices sprite) 0 (texture-width texture) (texture-height texture) (texture-s1 texture) (texture-t1 texture) (texture-s2 texture) (texture-t2 texture)))) (define* (make-sprite drawable #:optional #:key (position (vector2 0 0)) (scale (vector2 1 1)) (rotation 0) (color white) (anchor 'center)) "Create a new sprite object. DRAWABLE is either a texture or animation object. All keyword arguments are optional. POSITION is a vector2 object with a default of (0, 0). SCALE is a vector2 object that describes how much DRAWABLE should be strected on the x and y axes, with a default of 1x scale. ROTATION is an angle in degrees with a default of 0. COLOR is a color object with a default of white. ANCHOR is either a vector2 that represents the center point of the sprite, or 'center which will place the anchor at the center of DRAWABLE. Sprites are centered by default." (let* ((vertices (make-packed-array texture-vertex 4)) (animator (if (animation? drawable) (make-animator drawable) #f)) (anchor (anchor-texture (drawable-texture drawable animator) anchor)) (sprite (%make-sprite drawable position scale rotation color anchor vertices animator))) (update-sprite-vertices! sprite) sprite)) (define* (load-sprite filename #:optional #:key (position (vector2 0 0)) (scale (vector2 1 1)) (rotation 0) (color white) (anchor 'center)) "Load a sprite from the file at FILENAME. See make-sprite for optional keyword arguments." (make-sprite (load-texture filename) #:position position #:scale scale #:rotation rotation #:color color #:anchor anchor)) (define (animated-sprite? sprite) "Return #t if SPRITE has an animation as its drawable object." (animation? (sprite-drawable sprite))) (define (drawable-texture drawable animator) (cond ((texture? drawable) drawable) ((animation? drawable) (animator-texture animator)))) (define (sprite-texture sprite) "Return the texture for the SPRITE's drawable object." (let ((drawable (sprite-drawable sprite))) (drawable-texture (sprite-drawable sprite) (sprite-animator sprite)))) (define (set-sprite-anchor! sprite anchor) (%set-sprite-anchor! sprite (anchor-texture (sprite-texture sprite) anchor))) (define (update-sprite-animator! sprite) (animator-update! (sprite-animator sprite)) (update-sprite-vertices! sprite)) (define (draw-sprite sprite) "Render SPRITE to the screen. A sprite batch will be used if one is currently bound." (register-animated-sprite-maybe sprite) (with-shader-program sprite-shader (uniforms ((position (sprite-position sprite)) (anchor (sprite-anchor sprite)) (scale (sprite-scale sprite)) (rotation (sprite-rotation sprite)) (color (sprite-color sprite)) (projection (signal-ref window-projection))) (draw-texture-vertices (sprite-texture sprite) (sprite-vertices sprite) 1)))) ;; A hash table for all of the animated sprites that have been drawn ;; since the last game update. It is cleared after every game-agenda ;; tick. (define animated-sprites (make-hash-table)) (define (register-animated-sprite-maybe sprite) (when (animated-sprite? sprite) (hash-set! animated-sprites sprite sprite))) (define (update-animated-sprites!) "Update all animators for sprites that have been drawn this frame." (hash-for-each (lambda (key val) (update-sprite-animator! val)) animated-sprites) (hash-clear! animated-sprites)) ;; Update animated sprites upon every update. (schedule-each game-agenda update-animated-sprites!)