;;; guile-2d ;;; Copyright (C) 2013 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Guile-2d is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Guile-2d is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this program. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Sprites are typically the most important part of a 2D game. This ;; module provides sprites as an abstraction around OpenGL textures. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (2d sprite) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-42) #:use-module (figl gl) #:use-module (figl contrib packed-struct) #:use-module ((sdl sdl) #:prefix SDL:) #:use-module (2d vector) #:export (make-texture texture? texture-id texture-width texture-height surface->texture load-texture texture-quad make-texture-region texture-region? texture-region-texture texture-region-width texture-region-height texture-region-u texture-region-v texture-region-u2 texture-region-v2 split-texture make-sprite sprite? sprite-texture sprite-position set-sprite-position! sprite-scale set-sprite-scale! sprite-rotation set-sprite-rotation! sprite-color set-sprite-color! sprite-anchor set-sprite-anchor! sprite-vertices set-sprite-vertices! load-sprite draw-sprite make-sprite-batch sprite-batch? sprite-batch-max-size sprite-batch-size set-sprite-batch-size! sprite-batch-texture set-sprite-batch-texture! sprite-batch-vertices sprite-batch-draw with-sprite-batch)) ;;; ;;; Textures ;;; ;; The object is a simple wrapper around an OpenGL texture ;; id. (define-record-type (make-texture id width height) texture? (id texture-id) (width texture-width) (height texture-height)) ;; Use a guardian and an after GC hook that ensures that OpenGL ;; textures are deleted when texture objects are GC'd. (define texture-guardian (make-guardian)) (define (reap-textures) (let loop ((texture (texture-guardian))) (when texture ;; When attempting to reap structures upon guile exit, the ;; dynamic pointer to gl-delete-textures becomes invalid. So, we ;; ignore the error and move on. (catch 'misc-error (lambda () (gl-delete-textures (list (texture-id texture)))) (lambda (key . args) #f)) (loop (texture-guardian))))) (add-hook! after-gc-hook reap-textures) (define (surface-pixel-format surface) "Returns the OpenGL pixel format for a surface. RGB and RGBA formats are supported." (case (SDL:surface:depth surface) ((24) (pixel-format rgb)) ((32) (pixel-format rgba)) (else (throw 'unsupported-pixel-format)))) (define (surface->texture surface) "Translates an SDL surface into an OpenGL texture. Currently only works with RGBA format surfaces." (let ((texture-id (gl-generate-texture)) (pixel-format (surface-pixel-format surface))) (with-gl-bind-texture (texture-target texture-2d) texture-id (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d) (texture-parameter-name texture-min-filter) (texture-min-filter linear)) (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d) (texture-parameter-name texture-mag-filter) (texture-mag-filter linear)) (gl-texture-image-2d (texture-target texture-2d) 0 pixel-format (SDL:surface:w surface) (SDL:surface:h surface) 0 pixel-format (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte) (SDL:surface-pixels surface))) (let ((texture (make-texture texture-id (SDL:surface:w surface) (SDL:surface:h surface)))) (texture-guardian texture) texture))) (define (load-texture filename) "Loads a texture from a file." (surface->texture (SDL:load-image filename))) (define* (texture-quad texture x y w h #:optional (color '(1 1 1)) (u 0) (v 0) (u2 1) (v2 1)) "Renders a textured quad." (let ((x2 (+ x w)) (y2 (+ y h))) (with-gl-bind-texture (texture-target texture-2d) (texture-id texture) (gl-begin (begin-mode quads) (apply gl-color color) (gl-texture-coordinates u v) (gl-vertex x y) (gl-texture-coordinates u2 v) (gl-vertex x2 y) (gl-texture-coordinates u2 v2) (gl-vertex x2 y2) (gl-texture-coordinates u v2) (gl-vertex x y2))))) ;;; ;;; Texture Regions ;;; ;; Texture regions represent a segment of a texture. (define-record-type (%make-texture-region texture width height u v u2 v2) texture-region? (texture texture-region-texture) (width texture-region-width) (height texture-region-height) (u texture-region-u) (v texture-region-v) (u2 texture-region-u2) (v2 texture-region-v2)) (define (make-texture-region texture x y width height) "Creates a new texture region given a texture and a pixel region." (let* ((w (texture-width texture)) (h (texture-height texture)) (u (/ x w)) (v (/ y h)) (u2 (/ (+ x width) w)) (v2 (/ (+ y height) h))) (%make-texture-region texture width height u v u2 v2))) (define* (split-texture texture width height #:optional #:key (margin 0) (spacing 0)) "Splits a texture into a vector of texture regions of width x height size." (define (build-tile tx ty) (let* ((x (+ (* tx (+ width spacing)) margin)) (y (+ (* ty (+ height spacing)) margin))) (make-texture-region texture x y width height))) (let* ((tw (texture-width texture)) (th (texture-height texture)) (rows (/ (- tw margin) (+ width spacing))) (columns (/ (- tw margin) (+ height spacing)))) (vector-ec (: y rows) (: x columns) (build-tile x y)))) ;;; ;;; Sprites ;;; ;; Used to build OpenGL vertex array for a sprite. (define-packed-struct sprite-vertex (x float) (y float) (r float) (g float) (b float) (a float) (s float) (t float)) ;; The object represents a texture with a given position, scale, ;; rotation, and color. (define-record-type (%make-sprite texture position scale rotation color anchor vertices) sprite? (texture sprite-texture) (position sprite-position set-sprite-position!) (scale sprite-scale set-sprite-scale!) (rotation sprite-rotation set-sprite-rotation!) (color sprite-color set-sprite-color!) (anchor sprite-anchor set-sprite-anchor!) (vertices sprite-vertices set-sprite-vertices!)) (define* (make-sprite texture #:optional #:key (position #(0 0)) (scale #(1 1)) (rotation 0) (color '(1 1 1)) (anchor 'center)) "Makes a new sprite object." (let ((vertices (make-packed-array sprite-vertex 4))) (%make-sprite texture position scale rotation color anchor vertices))) (define* (load-sprite filename #:optional #:key (position #(0 0)) (scale #(1 1)) (rotation 0) (color '(1 1 1)) (anchor 'center)) "Loads a sprite from file." (make-sprite (load-texture filename) #:position position #:scale scale #:rotation rotation #:color color #:anchor anchor)) (define (sprite-anchor-vector sprite) (let ((anchor (sprite-anchor sprite))) (cond ((eq? anchor 'center) (let ((texture (sprite-texture sprite))) (vector (/ (texture-width texture) 2) (/ (texture-height texture) 2)))) (else anchor)))) (define (update-sprite-vertices sprite) (let* ((vertices (sprite-vertices sprite)) (texture (sprite-texture sprite)) (anchor (sprite-anchor-vector sprite)) (x (- (vx anchor))) (y (- (vy anchor))) (x2 (+ x (texture-width texture))) (y2 (+ y (texture-width texture)))) (pack vertices 0 sprite-vertex x y 1 1 1 1 0 0) (pack vertices 1 sprite-vertex x2 y 1 1 1 1 1 0) (pack vertices 2 sprite-vertex x2 y2 1 1 1 1 1 1) (pack vertices 3 sprite-vertex x y2 1 1 1 1 0 1))) (define (draw-sprite sprite) "Renders a sprite." (update-sprite-vertices sprite) (let* ((texture (sprite-texture sprite)) (width (texture-width texture)) (height (texture-height texture)) (pos (sprite-position sprite)) (scale (sprite-scale sprite)) (vertices (sprite-vertices sprite))) (with-gl-push-matrix (gl-translate (vx pos) (vy pos) 0) (gl-rotate (sprite-rotation sprite) 0 0 1) (gl-scale (vx scale) (vy scale) 0) ;; Draw vertex array (gl-enable-client-state (enable-cap vertex-array)) (gl-enable-client-state (enable-cap color-array)) (gl-enable-client-state (enable-cap texture-coord-array)) (with-gl-bind-texture (texture-target texture-2d) (texture-id texture) (set-gl-vertex-array (vertex-pointer-type float) vertices 2 #:stride (packed-struct-size sprite-vertex) #:offset (packed-struct-offset sprite-vertex x)) (set-gl-color-array (color-pointer-type float) vertices 4 #:stride (packed-struct-size sprite-vertex) #:offset (packed-struct-offset sprite-vertex r)) (set-gl-texture-coordinates-array (tex-coord-pointer-type float) vertices #:stride (packed-struct-size sprite-vertex) #:offset (packed-struct-offset sprite-vertex s)) (gl-draw-arrays (begin-mode quads) 0 (packed-array-length vertices sprite-vertex))) (gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap texture-coord-array)) (gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap color-array)) (gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap vertex-array))))) ;;; ;;; Sprite batches ;;; ;; Sprite batches allow for efficient texture rendering. Sprites drawn ;; with the same texture are drawn in the same draw call using a ;; vertex array, rather than re-binding the texture for each ;; individual draw call. (define-record-type (%make-sprite-batch max-size size texture vertices) sprite-batch? (max-size sprite-batch-max-size) (size sprite-batch-size set-sprite-batch-size!) (texture sprite-batch-texture set-sprite-batch-texture!) (vertices sprite-batch-vertices)) (define* (make-sprite-batch #:optional (max-size 1000)) "Creates a new sprite batch. The default max-size is 1000." (%make-sprite-batch max-size 0 #f (make-packed-array sprite-vertex (* 4 max-size)))) ;; TODO add transformation logic for scaling and rotating. ;; TODO add support for colors ;; TODO add support for different blending modes. (define* (sprite-batch-draw batch texture x y width height #:optional #:key (center-x 0) (center-y 0) (scale-x 1) (scale-y 1) (rotation 0) (u 0) (v 0) (u2 1) (v2 1)) ;; Render the batch when it's full or the texture changes. (cond ((= (sprite-batch-size batch) (sprite-batch-max-size batch)) (sprite-batch-render batch)) ((not (equal? texture (sprite-batch-texture batch))) (sprite-batch-switch-texture batch texture))) ;; Add 4 new vertices. (let ((base (* 4 (sprite-batch-size batch))) (vertices (sprite-batch-vertices batch)) (x (- x center-x)) (y (- y center-y)) (x2 (+ x width)) (y2 (+ y height))) (pack vertices base sprite-vertex x y 1 1 1 1 u v) (pack vertices (+ base 1) sprite-vertex x2 y 1 1 1 1 u2 v) (pack vertices (+ base 2) sprite-vertex x2 y2 1 1 1 1 u2 v2) (pack vertices (+ base 3) sprite-vertex x y2 1 1 1 1 u v2)) ;; Increment batch size (set-sprite-batch-size! batch (1+ (sprite-batch-size batch)))) (define (sprite-batch-switch-texture batch texture) "Change the currently bound texture. This requires flushing the batched texture vertices first." (sprite-batch-render batch) (set-sprite-batch-texture! batch texture)) (define (sprite-batch-render batch) "Renders and flushes the currently batched texture vertices." (unless (= (sprite-batch-size batch) 0) ;; Draw vertex array. (gl-enable-client-state (enable-cap vertex-array)) (gl-enable-client-state (enable-cap color-array)) (gl-enable-client-state (enable-cap texture-coord-array)) (let* ((texture (sprite-batch-texture batch)) (size (sprite-batch-size batch)) (struct-size (packed-struct-size sprite-vertex)) (vertices (sprite-batch-vertices batch)) (vertex-count (* 4 size))) (with-gl-bind-texture (texture-target texture-2d) (texture-id texture) (set-gl-vertex-array (vertex-pointer-type float) vertices 2 #:stride struct-size #:offset (packed-struct-offset sprite-vertex x)) (set-gl-color-array (color-pointer-type float) vertices 4 #:stride struct-size #:offset (packed-struct-offset sprite-vertex r)) (set-gl-texture-coordinates-array (tex-coord-pointer-type float) vertices #:stride struct-size #:offset (packed-struct-offset sprite-vertex s)) (gl-draw-arrays (begin-mode quads) 0 vertex-count))) (gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap texture-coord-array)) (gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap color-array)) (gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap vertex-array)) ;; Reset batch size to 0. (set-sprite-batch-size! batch 0))) ;; emacs: (put 'with-sprite-batch 'scheme-indent-function 1) (define-syntax-rule (with-sprite-batch batch body ...) (begin (set-sprite-batch-size! batch 0) (set-sprite-batch-texture! batch #f) body ... (sprite-batch-render batch)))