;;; guile-2d ;;; Copyright (C) 2013 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Guile-2d is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Guile-2d is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this program. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Simple functional reactive programming API. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (2d signals) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:export ( signal? make-signal signal-ref signal-transformer signal-listeners signal-connect! signal-disconnect! signal-clear! signal-set! signal-identity signal-constant signal-lift signal-lift2 signal-merge signal-combine signal-count signal-if signal-and signal-or)) ;;; ;;; Signals ;;; ;; Signals are time-varying values. For example, a signal could ;; represent the mouse position at the current point in time. The ;; signals API provides an abstraction over regular event-based ;; programming. State mutation is hidden away and a functional, ;; declarative interface is exposed. (define-record-type (%make-signal value transformer listeners) signal? (value signal-ref %signal-set!) (transformer signal-transformer) (listeners signal-listeners %set-signal-listeners!)) (define* (make-signal transformer #:optional #:key (init #f) (connectors '())) "Create a new signal with initial value INIT that uses the given TRANSFORMER procedure to process incoming values from another signal. Additionally, the signal will be connected to all of the signals in the list CONNECTORS." (let ((signal (%make-signal init transformer '()))) (for-each (cut signal-connect! <> signal) connectors) signal)) (define (%signal-transform signal value) "Call the transform procedure for SIGNAL with VALUE." ((signal-transformer signal) value (signal-ref signal))) (define (signal-connect! signal listener) "Attach LISTENER to SIGNAL. When the value of SIGNAL changes, the value will be propagated to LISTENER." (%set-signal-listeners! signal (cons listener (signal-listeners signal))) (signal-set! listener (signal-ref signal))) (define (signal-disconnect! signal listener) "Detach LISTENER from SIGNAL." (%set-signal-listeners! signal (delete listener (signal-listeners signal) eq?))) (define (signal-clear! signal) "Detach all listeners from SIGNAL." (%set-signal-listeners! signal '())) (define (signal-set! signal value) "Modify SIGNAL to store VALUE and propagate VALUE to all listening signals." (let ((value (%signal-transform signal value))) (%signal-set! signal value) (for-each (cut signal-set! <> value) (signal-listeners signal)))) ;;; ;;; Primitive signals ;;; (define* (signal-identity #:optional (init #f)) "Create a new signal with initial value INIT whose transformer procedure returns values unchanged." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) value) #:init init)) (define (signal-constant constant) "Create a new signal with a value CONSTANT that cannot be changed." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value signal) constant) #:init constant)) ;; TODO: Write a macro for generating lifts (define (signal-lift transformer signal) "Create a new signal that lifts the procedure TRANSFORMER of arity 1 onto SIGNAL." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) (transformer value)) #:connectors (list signal))) (define (signal-lift2 transformer signal1 signal2) "Create a new signal that lifts the procedure TRANSFORMER of arity 2 onto SIGNAL1 and SIGNAL2." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) (transformer (signal-ref signal1) (signal-ref signal2))) #:connectors (list signal1 signal2))) (define (signal-merge signal1 signal2) "Create a new signal that merges SIGNAL1 and SIGNAL2 into one. The value of the new signal is the value of the most recently changed parent signal." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) value) #:connectors (list signal1 signal2))) (define (signal-combine . signals) "Create a new signal that combines the values of SIGNALS into a list." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) (map signal-ref signals)) #:connectors signals)) (define (signal-count signal) "Create a new signal that increments a counter every time the value of SIGNAL changes." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) (1+ old-value)) #:connectors (list signal))) (define (signal-if predicate consequent alternate) "Create a new signal that emits the value of the signal CONSEQUENT when the value of the signal PREDICATE is true and the value of the signal ALTERNATE otherwise." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) (if (signal-ref predicate) (signal-ref consequent) (signal-ref alternate))) #:connectors (list predicate consequent alternate))) (define (signal-and . signals) "Create a new signal that performs a logical AND operation on the values of SIGNALS." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) (let loop ((signals signals) (prev #t)) (cond ((null? signals) (signal-ref prev)) ((signal-ref (car signals)) (loop (cdr signals) (car signals))) (else #f)))) #:connectors signals)) (define (signal-or . signals) "Create a new signal that performs a logicla OR operation the values of SIGNALS." (make-signal (lambda (value old-value) (let loop ((signals signals)) (cond ((null? signals) #f) ((signal-ref (car signals)) (signal-ref (car signals))) (else (loop (cdr signals)))))) #:connectors signals))