path: root/examples/2048/2048
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/2048/2048')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/examples/2048/2048 b/examples/2048/2048
index da88fd8..b4e472e 100755
--- a/examples/2048/2048
+++ b/examples/2048/2048
@@ -29,34 +29,34 @@
(srfi srfi-9)
(srfi srfi-11)
(srfi srfi-26)
- (srfi srfi-42)
(ice-9 match)
- (ice-9 rdelim)
- (gl)
- (sly audio)
- (sly camera)
- (sly color)
- (sly font)
+ (sly utils)
+ (sly math)
+ (sly math rect)
+ (sly math transform)
+ (sly math tween)
+ (sly math vector)
+ (sly render camera)
+ (sly render color)
+ (sly render context)
+ (sly render font)
+ (sly render group)
+ (sly render model)
+ (sly render sprite)
+ (sly render texture)
+ (sly input keyboard)
(sly game)
- (sly keyboard)
- (sly rect)
- (sly scene)
(sly signal)
- (sly sprite)
- (sly texture)
- (sly transition)
- (sly vector)
(sly window)
- (sly quaternion)
- (sly math)
+ (sly audio)
(sly repl))
+(set! *random-state* (random-state-from-platform))
;;; Helpers
-(define* (flat-map proc lst . rest)
- (concatenate (apply map proc lst rest)))
(define (enumerate lst)
(zip (iota (length lst)) lst))
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@
(list (first merged) (reverse (second merged)))))
-(define (board-shift-up board)
+(define (board-shift-down board)
(let-values (((points board)
(unzip2 (board-shift-left (transpose board)))))
(zip points (transpose board))))
-(define (board-shift-down board)
+(define (board-shift-up board)
(let-values (((points board)
(unzip2 (board-shift-right (transpose board)))))
(zip points (transpose board))))
@@ -199,8 +199,7 @@
(define save-file
- (string-join (list (getenv "HOME") ".guile-2048")
- file-name-separator-string))
+ (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.guile-2048"))
(define-record-type <2048>
(make-2048 board score best-score)
@@ -219,14 +218,14 @@
(if (file-exists? save-file)
(with-input-from-file save-file
(lambda ()
- (let ((score (string->number (read-string))))
+ (let ((score (read)))
(if (number? score) score 0))))
(define (save-best-score state)
(with-output-to-file save-file
(lambda ()
- (format #t "~d" (choose-best-score state)))))
+ (write (choose-best-score state)))))
(define (choose-best-score state)
(max (2048-score state) (2048-best-score state)))
@@ -315,30 +314,23 @@
(define (tile-text-color n)
(assoc-ref (assoc-ref tile-properties n) 'text-color))
-(define tile-sprite (make-sprite tile-texture #:anchor #(0 0)))
+(define tile-sprite (make-sprite tile-texture #:anchor (vector2 0 0)))
(define tile-label-cache
(map (lambda (n)
- (cons n (make-label font (number->string n)
- #:anchor 'center)))
+ (cons n (label font (number->string n) #:anchor 'center)))
'(2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048)))
(define (make-tile x y n)
(let* ((w (texture-width tile-texture))
(h (texture-height tile-texture)))
- (scene-node
- (position (vector (* x w) (* y h)))
- (uniforms `(("color" ,(tile-bg-color n))))
- (children
- `(,tile-sprite
- ,@(if (zero? n)
- '()
- (list
- (scene-node
- (position (vector (/ w 2) (/ h 2)))
- (uniforms `(("color" ,(tile-text-color n))))
- (children
- (list (assoc-ref tile-label-cache n)))))))))))
+ (apply move (vector2 (* x w) (* y h))
+ (paint (tile-bg-color n) tile-sprite)
+ (if (zero? n)
+ '()
+ (list (move (vector2 (/ w 2) (/ h 2))
+ (paint (tile-text-color n)
+ (assoc-ref tile-label-cache n))))))))
(define window-width 640)
(define window-height 480)
@@ -347,30 +339,23 @@
(define board-height
(* board-size (texture-height tile-texture)))
(define center-pos
- (vector (/ (- window-width board-width) 2)
- (- window-height board-height 8)))
-(define (center v)
- (v+ v center-pos))
+ (vector2 (/ (- window-width board-width) 2) 8))
(define (enumerate-board board)
(enumerate (map (cut enumerate <>) board)))
-;; Transform board into a list of tile objects.
(define-signal tiles
- (signal-map
- (lambda (board)
- (flat-map
- (lambda (row)
- (let ((y (first row))
- (row (second row)))
- (map (lambda (cell)
- (let ((x (first cell))
- (n (second cell)))
- (make-tile x y n)))
- row)))
- (enumerate-board board)))
- board))
+ (signal-map (lambda (board)
+ (make-group
+ (append-map
+ (match-lambda
+ ((y (row ...))
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((x n)
+ (make-tile x y n)))
+ row)))
+ (enumerate-board board))))
+ board))
(define play-again-font (load-default-font 16))
@@ -381,22 +366,15 @@
((board-lose? board) "GAME OVER")
((board-win? board) "YOU WIN!")
(else #f))))
- (scene-node
- (position (center
- (vector (/ board-width 2)
- (/ board-height 2))))
- (uniforms `(("color" ,black)))
- (children
- (if message
- (list
- (make-label font message
- #:color black
- #:anchor 'bottom-center)
- (make-label play-again-font
- "Press N to play again"
- #:color black
- #:anchor 'top-center))
- '())))))
+ (apply move (vector2 (/ board-width 2)
+ (/ board-height 2))
+ (if message
+ (list (paint black (label font message
+ #:anchor 'bottom-center))
+ (paint black (label play-again-font
+ "Press N to play again"
+ #:anchor 'top-center)))
+ '()))))
(define instruction-font (load-default-font 16))
@@ -405,67 +383,57 @@
"Use the arrow keys to join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!")
(define-signal instructions
- (scene-node
- (position (vector (/ window-width 2) 0))
- (uniforms `(("color" ,text-color-1)))
- (children
- (list
- (make-label instruction-font
- instruction-text
- #:color text-color-1
- #:anchor 'top-center)))))
+ (move (vector2 (/ board-width 2) (- window-height (vy center-pos)))
+ (paint text-color-1
+ (label instruction-font instruction-text
+ #:anchor 'top-center))))
(define score-header-font (load-default-font 14))
(define score-font (load-default-font 22))
-(define (score-label position label score)
- (scene-node
- (position position)
- (uniforms `(("color" ,text-color-1)))
- (children
- (list
- (make-label score-header-font label
- #:color text-color-1
- #:anchor 'top-center)
- (signal-map
- (lambda (score)
- (scene-node
- (position (let ((pos #(0 32)))
- (transition (v- pos #(0 8)) pos 15)))
- (uniforms `(("color" ,(transition transparent text-color-1 15))))
- (children
- (list
- (make-label score-font (number->string score)
- #:color text-color-1
- #:anchor 'center)))))
- (signal-drop-repeats score =))))))
+(define (score-label text score x)
+ (let* ((duration 15)
+ (position-tween (let* ((to (vector2 0 -32))
+ (from (v- to (vector2 0 -8))))
+ (tween vlerp ease-linear from to duration)))
+ (color-tween (tween color-lerp ease-linear
+ transparent text-color-1 duration))
+ (score (signal-drop-repeats score)))
+ (signal-map (lambda (score timer)
+ (move (vector2 x (- window-height 28))
+ (paint text-color-1
+ (label score-header-font text
+ #:anchor 'top-center))
+ (move (position-tween timer)
+ (paint (color-tween timer)
+ (label score-font (number->string score)
+ #:anchor 'center)))))
+ score
+ (signal-drop (lambda (t) (> t duration))
+ 0 (signal-since 1 score)))))
(define-signal score
- (score-label (vector (+ (vx center-pos) (/ board-width 4)) 24)
- "SCORE" (signal-map 2048-score 2048-state)))
+ (score-label "SCORE" (signal-map 2048-score 2048-state) (/ board-width 4)))
(define-signal best-score
- (score-label (vector (+ (vx center-pos)
- (- board-width (/ board-width 4)))
- 24)
- "BEST" (signal-map 2048-best-score 2048-state)))
+ (score-label "BEST" (signal-map 2048-best-score 2048-state)
+ (- board-width (/ board-width 4))))
(define-signal 2048-scene
- (scene-root
- (scene-node
- (position (center #(0 0)))
- (children tiles))
- instructions
- score
- best-score
- status-message))
-(define-signal camera
- (orthographic-camera 2048-scene window-width window-height
- #:clear-flags '(depth-buffer)
- #:clear-color background
- #:before-draw (lambda ()
- (gl-disable (enable-cap depth-test)))))
+ (signal-map (cut move center-pos <>)
+ (signal-map group instructions tiles score
+ best-score status-message)))
+(define camera
+ (orthographic-camera window-width window-height
+ #:viewport (make-viewport (make-rect 0 0 640 480)
+ #:clear-color background)))
+(define draw-2048
+ (let ((context (make-render-context)))
+ (lambda (dt alpha)
+ (signal-let ((scene 2048-scene))
+ (draw-group scene camera context)))))
;;; Initialization
@@ -474,10 +442,10 @@
(add-hook! window-close-hook stop-game-loop)
-;; (add-hook! draw-hook (lambda (dt alpha) (render)))
+(add-hook! draw-hook (trampoline draw-2048))
(with-window (make-window #:title "2048")
- (start-game-loop camera))
+ (start-game-loop))
;;; Local Variables:
;;; compile-command: "../../pre-inst-env guile 2048"