-*- org -*- * Spring 2016 Lisp Game Jam ** Gameplay Minimalistic Ikaruga clone. The player can switch between a light ship and a dark ship with the push of a button. Bullets are either light or dark. When the player is light, dark bullets kill and light bullets are absorbed. Vice versa when the player is dark. Dark bullets deal 2x damage to light enemies and vice versa. For simplicity, the player will fight waves of enemies with a boss fight at the end. The next wave enters when the current wave has been defeated. ** Graphics All graphics use the Dawnbringer 16 color palette. *** Player sprite The player sprite is 16x16 and has 3 frames: moving forward, moving left, moving right. *** Enemy sprites Each enemy sprite has only 3 frames. The first two are the normal sprite frames. Two frames are used so that the enemy can "breathe" and appear as if it's moving and isn't just static. The third frame is flashed when the enemy has been hit by a bullet. *** Explosion sprites Need both small and large explosion animations. Perhaps some explosion animation on OpenGameArt can be recolored. ** Design resources http://shmuptheory.blogspot.com/2010/02/anatomy-of-shmup.html http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/AttilioCarotenuto/20150930/254963/Designing_smart_meaningful_SHMUPs.php ** Devlog (aggregate into real blog post at some point) *** Day 1 - Made player sprite - Made first enemy sprite - Made scrolling background - Got boilerplate code in place, player can move and shoot.