(use-modules (ice-9 format) (ice-9 popen) (ice-9 rdelim) (srfi srfi-1)) ;; Assuming a 64 bit intel machine here. (define wordsize 8) (define fixnum-mask 3) (define fixnum-shift 2) (define fixnum-tag 0) (define char-mask 255) (define char-shift 8) (define char-tag 15) (define boolean-mask 127) (define boolean-shift 7) (define boolean-tag 31) (define empty-list 47) ;; #b00101111 (define (emit template-string . args) (apply format #t template-string args) (newline)) (define (immediate-rep x) (cond ((integer? x) (ash x fixnum-shift)) ((char? x) (logior (ash (char->integer x) char-shift) char-tag)) ((boolean? x) (logior (ash (if x 1 0) boolean-shift) boolean-tag)) ((null? x) empty-list))) (define (immediate? x) (or (integer? x) (char? x) (boolean? x) (null? x))) (define (primcall? x) (and (pair? x) (memq (first x) '(add1 sub1 integer->char char->integer zero? null? integer? char? boolean? + - * = < <= > >= eq? char=?)))) (define (primcall-op x) (first x)) (define (primcall-operand1 x) (second x)) (define (primcall-operand2 x) (third x)) (define (emit-tag-check x mask tag si) (emit-expr x si) (emit "andl $~a, %eax" mask) (emit "cmpl $~a, %eax" tag) (emit "movl $0, %eax") (emit "sete %al") (emit "sall $~a, %eax" boolean-shift) (emit "orl $~a, %eax" boolean-tag)) (define (emit-comparison x y instruction si) (emit-expr y si) (emit "movl %eax, ~a(%rsp)" si) (emit-expr x (- si wordsize)) (emit "cmpl ~a(%rsp), %eax" si) (emit "movl $0, %eax") (emit "~a %al" instruction) (emit "sall $~a, %eax" boolean-shift) (emit "orl $~a, %eax" boolean-tag)) (define (emit-primitive-call x si) (case (primcall-op x) ((add1) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) si) (emit "addl $~a, %eax" (immediate-rep 1))) ((sub1) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) si) (emit "subl $~a, %eax" (immediate-rep 1))) ((integer->char) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) si) (emit "sall $~a, %eax" (- char-shift fixnum-shift)) (emit "orl $~a, %eax" char-tag)) ((char->integer) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) si) (emit "shr $~a, %eax" (- char-shift fixnum-shift))) ((zero?) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) si) ;; Since the tag of fixnums is 0, we can skip an 'andl' ;; instruction that would apply the mask to the immediate ;; value. (emit "cmpl $0, %eax") (emit "movl $0, %eax") (emit "sete %al") (emit "sall $~a, %eax" boolean-shift) (emit "orl $~a, %eax" boolean-tag)) ((null?) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) si) (emit "cmpl $~a, %eax" empty-list) (emit "movl $0, %eax") (emit "sete %al") (emit "sall $~a, %eax" boolean-shift) (emit "orl $~a, %eax" boolean-tag)) ((integer?) (emit-tag-check (primcall-operand1 x) fixnum-mask fixnum-tag si)) ((char?) (emit-tag-check (primcall-operand1 x) char-mask char-tag si)) ((boolean?) (emit-tag-check (primcall-operand1 x) boolean-mask boolean-tag si)) ((+) (emit-expr (primcall-operand2 x) si) (emit "movl %eax, ~a(%rsp)" si) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) (- si wordsize)) (emit "addl ~a(%rsp), %eax" si)) ((-) (emit-expr (primcall-operand2 x) si) (emit "movl %eax, ~a(%rsp)" si) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) (- si wordsize)) (emit "subl ~a(%rsp), %eax" si)) ((*) (emit-expr (primcall-operand2 x) si) (emit "movl %eax, ~a(%rsp)" si) (emit-expr (primcall-operand1 x) (- si wordsize)) (emit "imull ~a(%rsp), %eax" si) ;; When two fixnums (which have 2 tag bits) are multiplied, the ;; relevant bits for the result are now 4 bytes to the left, so ;; we have to shift back 2 bytes. (emit "shr $~a, %eax" fixnum-shift)) ((=) (emit-comparison (primcall-operand1 x) (primcall-operand2 x) "sete" si)) ((<) (emit-comparison (primcall-operand1 x) (primcall-operand2 x) "setl" si)) ((<=) (emit-comparison (primcall-operand1 x) (primcall-operand2 x) "setle" si)) ((>) (emit-comparison (primcall-operand1 x) (primcall-operand2 x) "setg" si)) ((>=) (emit-comparison (primcall-operand1 x) (primcall-operand2 x) "setge" si)) ((eq?) (emit-comparison (primcall-operand1 x) (primcall-operand2 x) "sete" si)) ((char=?) (emit-comparison (primcall-operand1 x) (primcall-operand2 x) "sete" si)) (else (error "unknown primcall op" (primcall-op x))))) (define (emit-expr x si) (cond ((immediate? x) (emit "movl $~a, %eax" (immediate-rep x))) ((primcall? x) (emit-primitive-call x si)) (else (error "unknown expression" x)))) (define (compile-program x) (emit-expr x (- wordsize)) (emit "ret")) (define (compile-and-run x) (with-output-to-file "scheme_entry.S" (lambda () (display ".text .p2align 4 .globl scheme_entry .type scheme_entry, @function scheme_entry: ") (compile-program x))) (and (zero? (system* "gcc" "-c" "scheme_entry.S")) (zero? (system* "gcc" "-c" "test.c")) (zero? (system* "gcc" "-o" "test" "scheme_entry.o" "test.o")) (let* ((pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ "./test")) (output (read-line pipe))) (close pipe) output))) (define (test-case x expected-output) (let ((result (compile-and-run x))) (if (string=? result expected-output) #t (begin (display "expected: ") (display expected-output) (display ", got: ") (display result) (newline) #f)))) (begin (test-case 1 "1") (test-case #\b "b") (test-case #t "#t") (test-case #f "#f") (test-case '(add1 3) "4") (test-case '(sub1 3) "2") (test-case '(integer->char 98) "b") (test-case '(char->integer #\b) "98") (test-case '(zero? 1) "#f") (test-case '(zero? 0) "#t") (test-case '(null? 1) "#f") (test-case '(null? #\b) "#f") (test-case '(null? #t) "#f") (test-case '(null? #f) "#f") (test-case '(null? ()) "#t") (test-case '(integer? #\b) "#f") (test-case '(integer? #f) "#f") (test-case '(integer? 1) "#t") (test-case '(char? 1) "#f") (test-case '(char? #f) "#f") (test-case '(char? #\b) "#t") (test-case '(boolean? 1) "#f") (test-case '(boolean? #\b) "#f") (test-case '(boolean? #f) "#t") (test-case '(boolean? #t) "#t") (test-case '(+ 1 2) "3") (test-case '(- 3 1) "2") (test-case '(* 2 3) "6") (test-case '(= 1 2) "#f") (test-case '(= 1 1) "#t") (test-case '(< 2 1) "#f") (test-case '(< 1 2) "#t") (test-case '(<= 2 1) "#f") (test-case '(<= 1 2) "#t") (test-case '(<= 2 2) "#t") (test-case '(> 1 2) "#f") (test-case '(> 2 1) "#t") (test-case '(>= 1 2) "#f") (test-case '(>= 2 1) "#t") (test-case '(>= 2 2) "#t") (test-case '(char=? #\a #\b) "#f") (test-case '(char=? #\b #\b) "#t"))