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5.6.2 Blog

(use-modules (haunt builder blog))
Scheme Procedure: theme [#:name #:layout #:post-template #:collection-template]

Create a new theme named name.

The procedure layout accepts three arguments: a site, a page title string, and an SXML tree. Its purpose is to wrap the contents of a post with the theme’s header/footer and return the complete SXML tree for a web page.

The procedure post-template accepts a single argument: a post. Its purpose is to return an SXML tree containing the contents of the post, applying any desired post-processing operations. The values returned from this procedure will be wrapped in the theme’s layout.

The procedure collection-template accepts four arguments: a site, a title string, a list of posts, and a URL prefix string. Its purpose is to return an SXML tree containing the body of the collection page. The values returned from this procedure will be wrapped in the theme’s layout.

Scheme Procedure: theme? object

Return #t if object is a theme object.

Scheme Procedure: blog [#:theme #:prefix #:collections]

Create a builder procedure that transforms a list of posts into pages decorated by theme, a theme object, whose URLs start with prefix.

Additionally, this builder creates pages that aggregate previews of many posts corresponding to what is specified in the list collections. Each collection is a three element list in the form (title file-name filter).


The human readable name of the collection.


The HTML file that will contain the rendered collection.


A procedure that accepts a list of posts as its only argument and returns a new list of posts. The filter procedure is used to remove and/or sort the posts into the desired form for the collection. For example, a filter could sort posts in reverse chronological order or select all posts that are written by a particular author.

By default, a single collection is created that lists posts in reverse chronological order and writes to index.html.

The default theme is intended only for testing purposes.

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