path: root/haunt/builder/blog.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'haunt/builder/blog.scm')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/haunt/builder/blog.scm b/haunt/builder/blog.scm
index 1e96b9c..567eaf2 100644
--- a/haunt/builder/blog.scm
+++ b/haunt/builder/blog.scm
@@ -23,25 +23,83 @@
;;; Code:
(define-module (haunt builder blog)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:use-module (haunt site)
#:use-module (haunt post)
#:use-module (haunt page)
#:use-module (haunt utils)
#:use-module (haunt build html)
- #:export (blog))
+ #:export (theme
+ theme?
+ theme-name
+ theme-layout
+ theme-post-template
+ theme-list-template
-(define (ugly-theme site post)
- "Render POST on SITE with an unstyled, barebones theme."
- `((doctype "html")
- (head
- (title ,(string-append (post-ref post 'title)
+ blog))
+(define-record-type <theme>
+ (make-theme name layout post-template list-template)
+ theme?
+ (name theme-name)
+ (layout theme-layout)
+ (post-template theme-post-template)
+ (list-template theme-list-template))
+(define* (theme #:key
+ (name "Untitled")
+ layout
+ post-template
+ list-template)
+ (make-theme name layout post-template list-template))
+(define (with-layout theme site title body)
+ ((theme-layout theme) site title body))
+(define (render-post theme site post)
+ (let ((title (post-ref post 'title))
+ (body ((theme-post-template theme) post)))
+ (with-layout theme site title body)))
+(define (render-list theme site title posts prefix)
+ (let ((body ((theme-list-template theme) title posts prefix)))
+ (with-layout theme site title body)))
+(define (date->string* date)
+ "Convert DATE to human readable string."
+ (date->string date "~a ~d ~B ~Y"))
+(define ugly-theme
+ (theme #:name "Ugly"
+ #:layout
+ (lambda (site title body)
+ `((doctype "html")
+ (head
+ (title ,(string-append title " — " (site-title site))))
+ (body
+ (h1 ,(site-title site))
+ ,body)))
+ #:post-template
+ (lambda (post)
+ `((h2 ,(post-ref post 'title))
+ (h3 "by " ,(post-ref post 'author)
+ " — " ,(date->string* (post-date post)))
+ (div ,(post-sxml post))))
+ #:list-template
+ (lambda (title posts prefix)
+ (define (post-uri post)
+ (string-append "/" (or prefix "") (post-slug post) ".html"))
+ `((h3 ,title)
+ (ul
+ ,@(map (lambda (post)
+ `(li
+ (a (@ (href ,(post-uri post)))
+ ,(post-ref post 'title)
" — "
- (site-title site))))
- (body
- (h1 ,(post-ref post 'title))
- (h3 ,(post-ref post 'author))
- (div ,(post-sxml post)))))
+ ,(date->string* (post-date post)))))
+ posts))))))
(define* (blog #:key (theme ugly-theme) prefix)
"Return a procedure that transforms a list of posts into pages
@@ -51,31 +109,18 @@ decorated by THEME, whose URLs start with PREFIX."
(string-append prefix "/" base-name)
- (define (post-uri post)
- (string-append "/" (or prefix "") (post-slug post) ".html"))
- (define (post->recent-post-entry post)
- `(li
- (a (@ (href ,(post-uri post)))
- ,(post-ref post 'title))))
(lambda (site posts)
(define (post->page post)
(let ((base-name (string-append (post-slug post) ".html")))
(make-page (make-file-name base-name)
- (theme site post)
+ (render-post theme site post)
(define index-page
(make-page (make-file-name "index.html")
- `((doctype "html")
- (head
- (title ,(site-title site)))
- (body
- (h1 ,(site-title site))
- (h3 "Recent Posts")
- (ul ,@(map post->recent-post-entry
- (posts/reverse-chronological posts)))))
+ (render-list theme site "Recent Posts"
+ (posts/reverse-chronological posts)
+ prefix)
(cons index-page (map post->page posts))))