path: root/website/manual/Introduction.html
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authorDavid Thompson <>2023-11-12 12:45:23 -0500
committerDavid Thompson <>2023-11-12 12:45:23 -0500
commit2faff242ffd4faf7c8c53e4a9317d5d9c930ad09 (patch)
tree2daee7636b843d6602f77e1cf29b216b0187dfa6 /website/manual/Introduction.html
parent57743abaecf22cfd4b80320b7fea560b583f316f (diff)
Remove obsolete website.
The official Haunt page is hosted on my blog now.
Diffstat (limited to 'website/manual/Introduction.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/website/manual/Introduction.html b/website/manual/Introduction.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e6f3255..0000000
--- a/website/manual/Introduction.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
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-<a name="Introduction-1"></a>
-<h2 class="chapter">1 Introduction</h2>
-<p>Haunt is a hackable static site generator written in Guile Scheme. A
-static site generator assists an author with generating the HTML pages
-that they publish on the web. Unlike &ldquo;content management systems&rdquo;
-such as Wordpress or Drupal, static site generators are not dynamic
-web applications (complete with a relational database) that build
-pages on-the-fly. Instead, web pages are built in advance, on the
-author&rsquo;s computer, and copied to a web server when it is time to
-publish changes. The consequence of this design is that the web
-server no longer needs to run a complex, potentially insecure web
-application that connects to a database to retrieve data. Static
-files can be served easily by any generic web server. Since there is
-no web application or database server to deal with, static websites
-are easier to maintain, more secure, and resistant to high web traffic
-(&ldquo;slashdotting.&rdquo;) Furthermore, the entire website is stored in
-plain text, which allows the files to be version-controlled rather
-than kept in a relational database with no concept of history that
-needs to be backed up regularly.
-<p>At the time that Haunt was conceived, there existed literally hundreds
-of other static site generators. Why add another one? Haunt
-differentiates itself from most other static site generators in that
-it aspires to the Emacs philosophy of &ldquo;practical software freedom.&rdquo;
-Not only is the source code available under a Free Software license,
-as most static site generators are, it is designed to be easily hacked
-and extended without altering the core source code. Haunt
-purposefully blurs the line between document and program, author and
-programmer, by embracing the notion of data as code. A Haunt-based
-website is not simply data, but a computer program. This design
-strategy encourages authors to automate repetitive tasks and empowers
-them to extend the software with their own ideas.
-<p>To make such a system work well, a general-purpose, extensible
-programming language is needed. A traditional configuration file
-format simply will not do. The programming language that we feel is
-best suited to this task is Scheme, a clean and elegant dialect of
-Lisp. We believe that by giving authors the full expressive power of
-Scheme, they will be able to produce better websites and make better
-use of their time than with less programmable systems and less capable
-programming languages. Authors should feel empowered to hack the
-system to make it do what they want rather than what some programmer
-decided they should want. And perhaps most importantly, building
-websites with Haunt should be <em>fun</em>.
-<p>Websites written in Haunt are described as purely functional programs
-that accept &ldquo;posts&rdquo;, text documents containing arbitrary metadata,
-as input and transform them into complete HTML pages using Scheme
-procedures. Haunt has no opinion about what markup language authors
-should use to write their posts and will happily work with any format
-for which a &ldquo;reader&rdquo; procedure exists. Likewise, Haunt also has no
-opinion about how authors should structure their sites, but has sane
-defaults. Currently, there exist helpful &ldquo;builder&rdquo; procedures that
-do common tasks such as generating a blog or Atom feed. While the
-built-in features may be enough for some, they surely will not be
-enough for all. Haunt&rsquo;s Scheme API empowers authors to easily tweak
-existing components, write replacements, or add entirely new features
-that do things no else has thought to do yet.
-<p>Happy haunting!
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