// guix-web - Web interface for GNU Guix // Copyright © 2014 David Thompson // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public // License along with this program. If not, see // . (function(packages) { packages.controller = (function() { function controller() { var self = this; this.packages = packages.Packages(); this.pages = m.prop([]); this.currentPageIndex = 0; this.pageSize = 20; this.searchTerm = m.prop(""); this.columns = [ { header: "Name", sortField: "name" }, { header: "Version", sortField: "version" }, { header: "Synopsis", sortField: "synopsis" }, { header: "Home Page", sortField: "homepage" }, { header: "License", sortField: function(package) { if(_.isArray(package.license)) { // Concatenate all license names together for sorting. return package.license.reduce(function(memo, l) { return memo.concat(l.name); }, ""); } return package.license.name; } } ]; this.sorter = m.prop(new packages.Sorter("name")); this.phase = m.prop(packages.PHASE_NONE); this.selectedPackage = m.prop(null); // All packages are visible initially this.packages.then(function(packages) { self.pages(self.paginate(packages, self.pageSize)); }); }; controller.prototype.paginate = function(array, pageSize) { return guix.chunk(this.sorter().sort(array), pageSize); }; controller.prototype.currentPage = function() { return this.pages()[this.currentPageIndex] || []; }; controller.prototype.isFirstPage = function() { return this.currentPageIndex === 0; }; controller.prototype.isLastPage = function() { return this.currentPageIndex === this.pages().length - 1; }; controller.prototype.isCurrentPage = function(i) { return this.currentPageIndex === i; }; controller.prototype.packageCount = function() { return this.pages().reduce(function(memo, page) { return memo + page.length; }, 0); }; controller.prototype.doSearch = function() { var regexp = new RegExp(this.searchTerm(), "i"); this.pages(this.paginate(this.packages().filter(function(package) { return regexp.test(package.name) || regexp.test(package.synopsis); }), this.pageSize)); // Reset pagination this.currentPageIndex = 0; }; controller.prototype.sortBy = function(field) { if(this.sorter().field === field) { // Reverse sort order if the field is the same as before. this.sorter(this.sorter().reverse()); } else { this.sorter(new packages.Sorter(field)); } this.doSearch(); }; controller.prototype.installSelectedPackage = function() { var self = this; this.phase(packages.PHASE_DERIVATION); m.request({ method: "POST", url: "/packages/" .concat(this.selectedPackage().name) .concat("/install") }).then(function() { self.phase(packages.PHASE_SUCCESS); }, function() { self.phase(packages.PHASE_ERROR); }); }; return controller; })(); })(guix.packages);