(define-module (test-frame) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-64) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (rnrs io ports) #:use-module (web socket frame)) (define (hex-string->bytevector str) "Convert the hexadecimal encoded string STR to a bytevector." (define hex-char->int (match-lambda (#\0 0) (#\1 1) (#\2 2) (#\3 3) (#\4 4) (#\5 5) (#\6 6) (#\7 7) (#\8 8) (#\9 9) (#\a 10) (#\b 11) (#\c 12) (#\d 13) (#\e 14) (#\f 15))) (define (read-byte i) (let ((j (* 2 i))) (+ (hex-char->int (string-ref str (1+ j))) (* (hex-char->int (string-ref str j)) 16)))) (let* ((len (/ (string-length str) 2)) (bv (make-bytevector len))) (let loop ((i 0)) (if (= i len) bv (begin (bytevector-u8-set! bv i (read-byte i)) (loop (1+ i))))))) (define (bytevector->hex-string bv) (define int->hex-char (match-lambda (0 #\0) (1 #\1) (2 #\2) (3 #\3) (4 #\4) (5 #\5) (6 #\6) (7 #\7) (8 #\8) (9 #\9) (10 #\a) (11 #\b) (12 #\c) (13 #\d) (14 #\e) (15 #\f))) (list->string (append-map (lambda (x) (let ((high (ash (logand x #xf0) -4)) (low (logand x #x0f))) (list (int->hex-char high) (int->hex-char low)))) (bytevector->u8-list bv)))) (define (call-with-input-bytevector bv proc) (let ((port (open-bytevector-input-port bv))) (dynamic-wind (const #t) (lambda () (proc port)) (lambda () (close-port port))))) (define (frame->hex-string frame) (call-with-values open-bytevector-output-port (lambda (port get-bytevector) (write-frame frame port) (bytevector->hex-string (get-bytevector))))) (define (bytevector->frame bv) (call-with-input-bytevector bv read-frame)) (define (hex-string->frame str) (bytevector->frame (hex-string->bytevector str))) (test-begin "frame") (test-equal "read unmasked text message" (hex-string->frame "810548656c6c6f") (make-text-frame "Hello")) (test-equal "write unmasked text message" "810548656c6c6f" (frame->hex-string (make-text-frame "Hello"))) (test-equal "read masked text message" (hex-string->frame "818537fa213d7f9f4d5158") (make-text-frame "Hello" #vu8(#x37 #xfa #x21 #x3d))) (test-equal "write masked text message" "818537fa213d7f9f4d5158" (frame->hex-string (make-text-frame "Hello" #vu8(#x37 #xfa #x21 #x3d)))) (test-equal "read fragmented umasked text message" (list (hex-string->frame "010348656c") (hex-string->frame "80026c6f")) (list (make-frame #f 'text #f (string->utf8 "Hel")) (make-frame #t 'continuation #f (string->utf8 "lo")))) (test-equal "read unmasked ping frame" (hex-string->frame "890548656c6c6f") (make-ping-frame (string->utf8 "Hello"))) (test-equal "write unmasked ping frame" "890548656c6c6f" (frame->hex-string (make-ping-frame (string->utf8 "Hello")))) (test-equal "read masked pong frame" (hex-string->frame "8a8537fa213d7f9f4d5158") (make-pong-frame (string->utf8 "Hello") #vu8(#x37 #xfa #x21 #x3d))) (test-equal "write masked pong frame" "8a8537fa213d7f9f4d5158" (frame->hex-string (make-pong-frame (string->utf8 "Hello") #vu8(#x37 #xfa #x21 #x3d)))) (test-equal "read 256 bytes binary message in a single unmasked frame" (let* ((header (hex-string->bytevector "827e0100")) (len (bytevector-length header)) (frame (make-bytevector (+ len 256) 170))) (bytevector-copy! header 0 frame 0 len) (bytevector->frame frame)) (make-binary-frame (make-bytevector 256 170))) (test-equal "read 64KiB binary message in a single unmasked frame" (let* ((header (hex-string->bytevector "827f0000000000010000")) (len (bytevector-length header)) (frame (make-bytevector (+ len 65536) 170))) (bytevector-copy! header 0 frame 0 len) (bytevector->frame frame)) (make-binary-frame (make-bytevector 65536 170))) (test-equal "frame-length" 10 (frame-length (make-binary-frame (make-bytevector 10)))) (test-equal "frame-concatenate" #vu8(1 2 3 4 5) (frame-concatenate (list (make-binary-frame #vu8(1 2 3)) (make-binary-frame #vu8(4 5))))) (test-equal "text-frame->string" "Hello" (text-frame->string (make-text-frame "Hello"))) (test-equal "text-frames->string" "Hello" (text-frames->string (list (make-text-frame "Hel") (make-text-frame "lo")))) (define test-runner (test-runner-current)) (test-end "frame") (exit (= (test-runner-fail-count test-runner) 0))