;;; guile-syntax-highlight --- General-purpose syntax highlighter ;;; Copyright © 2015 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Guile-syntax-highlight is free software; you can redistribute it ;;; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Guile-syntax-highlight is distributed in the hope that it will be ;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ;;; warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ;;; See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with guile-syntax-highlight. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Parsing utilities. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (syntax-highlight parsers) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (srfi srfi-41) #:export (parse-fail parse-bind parse-return parse-lift parse-never parse-map parse-filter parse-either parse-both parse-any parse-each parse-many parse-string parse-char-set parse-whitespace parse-delimited tagged-parser)) ;;; ;;; Parser combinators ;;; (define (parse-fail stream) "Return a failed parse value with STREAM as the remainder." (values #f stream)) (define (parse-bind proc parser) (lambda (stream) (let-values (((result stream) (parser stream))) (if result ((proc result) stream) (parse-fail stream))))) (define (parse-return x) "Return a parser that always yields X as the parse result." (lambda (stream) (values x stream))) (define (parse-lift proc) "Return a procedure that wraps the result of PROC in a parser." (lambda args (parse-return (apply proc args)))) (define (parse-never stream) "Always fail to parse STREAM." (parse-fail stream)) (define (parse-map proc parser) "Return a new parser that applies PROC to result of PARSER." (parse-bind (parse-lift proc) parser)) (define (parse-filter predicate parser) "Create a new parser that succeeds when PARSER is successful and PREDICATE is satisfied with the result." (lambda (stream) (let-values (((result remaining) (parser stream))) (if (and result (predicate result)) (values result remaining) (parse-fail stream))))) (define (parse-either first second) "Create a parser that tries to parse with FIRST or, if that fails, parses SECOND." (lambda (stream) (let-values (((result stream) (first stream))) (if result (values result stream) (second stream))))) (define (parse-both first second) "Create a parser that returns a pair of the results of the parsers FIRST and SECOND if both are successful." (lambda (stream) (let-values (((result1 stream) (first stream))) (if result1 (let-values (((result2 stream) (second stream))) (if result2 (values (cons result1 result2) stream) (parse-fail stream))) (parse-fail stream))))) (define (parse-any . parsers) "Create a parser that returns the result of the first successful parser in PARSERS. This parser fails if no parser in PARSERS succeeds." (fold-right parse-either parse-never parsers)) (define (parse-each . parsers) "Create a parser that builds a list of the results of PARSERS. This parser fails without consuming any input if any parser in PARSERS fails." (fold-right parse-both (parse-return '()) parsers)) (define (parse-many parser) "Create a parser that uses PARSER as many times as possible until it fails and return the results of each successful parse in a list. This parser always succeeds." (lambda (stream) (let loop ((stream stream) (results '())) (let-values (((result remaining) (parser stream))) (if result (loop remaining (cons result results)) (values (reverse results) remaining)))))) (define stream->string (compose list->string stream->list)) (define (parse-string str) "Create a parser that succeeds when the front of the stream contains the character sequence in STR." (lambda (stream) (let ((input (stream->string (stream-take (string-length str) stream)))) (if (string=? str input) (values str (stream-drop (string-length str) stream)) (parse-fail stream))))) (define (parse-char-set char-set) "Create a parser that returns a string containing a contiguous sequence of characters that belong to CHAR-SET." (lambda (stream) (let loop ((stream stream) (result '())) (define (stringify) (if (null? result) (parse-fail stream) (values (list->string (reverse result)) stream))) (stream-match stream (() (stringify)) ((head . rest) (if (char-set-contains? char-set head) (loop rest (cons head result)) (stringify))))))) (define parse-whitespace (parse-char-set char-set:whitespace)) (define* (parse-delimited str #:key (until str) (escape #\\)) "Create a parser that parses a delimited character sequence beginning with the string STR and ending with the string UNTIL. Within the sequence, ESCAPE is recognized as the escape character." (let ((parse-str (parse-string str)) (parse-until (parse-string until))) (define (stringify lst stream) (values (list->string (reverse lst)) stream)) (define (parse-until-maybe stream) (let-values (((result remaining) (parse-until stream))) (and result remaining))) (lambda (stream) (let-values (((result remaining) (parse-str stream))) (if result (let loop ((stream remaining) (result (reverse (string->list str)))) (cond ((stream-null? stream) (stringify result stream)) ;; Escape character. ((eqv? (stream-car stream) escape) (stream-match (stream-cdr stream) (() (stringify result stream-null)) ((head . rest) (loop rest (cons* head escape result))))) ((parse-until-maybe stream) => (lambda (remaining) (stringify (append (reverse (string->list until)) result) remaining))) (else (loop (stream-cdr stream) (cons (stream-car stream) result))))) (parse-fail stream)))))) (define (tagged-parser tag parser) "Create a parser that wraps the result of PARSER in a two element list whose first element is TAG." (parse-map (cut list tag <>) parser))