;;; guile-sdl2 --- FFI bindings for SDL2 ;;; Copyright © 2015 David Thompson ;;; ;;; This file is part of guile-sdl2. ;;; ;;; Guile-sdl2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Guile-sdl2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with guile-sdl2. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; SDL display and window management functions. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (sdl2 video) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (srfi srfi-4) #:use-module (system foreign) #:use-module ((sdl2 bindings) #:prefix ffi:) #:use-module (sdl2) #:export (window? make-window close-window! call-with-window window-title window-size window-position window-id id->window hide-window! show-window! maximize-window! minimize-window! raise-window! restore-window! set-window-border! set-window-title! set-window-position! set-window-size! make-gl-context gl-context? delete-gl-context! call-with-gl-context swap-gl-window set-gl-attribute! set-gl-swap-interval!)) ;;; ;;; Windows ;;; (define-wrapped-pointer-type window? wrap-window unwrap-window (lambda (window port) (format port "#" (window-id window) (window-title window) (window-size window) (window-position window)))) (define* (make-window #:key (title "Guile SDL2 Window") (position '(#f #f)) (size '(640 480)) (maximize? #f) (minimize? #f) (show? #t) (resizable? #f) (opengl? #f) (border? #t) (fullscreen? #f) (fullscreen-desktop? #f) (grab-input? #f) (high-dpi? #f)) "Create a new window named TITLE with dimensions SIZE located at POSITION on the display. POSITION and SIZE are two-element lists in the form '(x y)', where each coordinate is measured in pixels. In the case of POSITION, a coordinate may use the special symbol 'center' to indicate that the window should be centered on that axis, or #f to indicate that it does not matter where the window is located on that axis." (define coord->int (match-lambda (#f ffi:SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED) ('center ffi:SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED) (n n))) (define x (match-lambda ((x _) x))) (define y (match-lambda ((_ y) y))) (let* ((flags (logior (if fullscreen? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN 0) (if fullscreen-desktop? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP 0) (if opengl? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL 0) (if show? 0 ffi:SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN) (if border? 0 ffi:SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS) (if resizable? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE 0) (if minimize? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED 0) (if maximize? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED 0) (if grab-input? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_GRABBED 0) (if high-dpi? ffi:SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI 0))) (ptr (ffi:sdl-create-window (string->pointer title) (coord->int (x position)) (coord->int (y position)) (x size) (y size) flags))) (if (null-pointer? ptr) (sdl-error "make-window" "failed to create window") (wrap-window ptr)))) (define (close-window! window) "Close WINDOW." (ffi:sdl-destroy-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (call-with-window window proc) "Call PROC with WINDOW, an SDL window object, and close it when PROC returns or otherwise exits." (dynamic-wind (const #t) (lambda () (proc window)) (lambda () (close-window! window)))) (define (window-title window) "Return the title for WINDOW." (pointer->string (ffi:sdl-get-window-title (unwrap-window window)))) (define (%get-coords window proc) (let ((bv (make-bytevector (* 2 (sizeof int)) 0))) (proc (unwrap-window window) (bytevector->pointer bv) (bytevector->pointer bv (sizeof int))) (bytevector->sint-list bv (native-endianness) (sizeof int)))) (define (window-size window) "Return the dimensions of WINDOW." (%get-coords window ffi:sdl-get-window-size)) (define (window-position window) "Return the position of WINDOW on the display." (%get-coords window ffi:sdl-get-window-position)) (define (window-id window) "Return the numeric ID of WINDOW." (ffi:sdl-get-window-id (unwrap-window window))) (define (id->window id) "Return the window corresponding to ID, a positive integer, or #f if there is no such window." (let ((ptr (ffi:sdl-get-window-from-id id))) (if (null-pointer? ptr) #f (wrap-window ptr)))) (define (hide-window! window) "Hide WINDOW." (ffi:sdl-hide-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (show-window! window) "Show WINDOW and focus on it." (ffi:sdl-show-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (maximize-window! window) "Make WINDOW as large as possible." (ffi:sdl-maximize-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (minimize-window! window) "Shrink WINDOW to an iconic representation." (ffi:sdl-minimize-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (raise-window! window) "Raise WINDOW above all other windows and set input focus." (ffi:sdl-raise-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (restore-window! window) "Restore the size and position of a minimized or maximized WINDOW." (ffi:sdl-restore-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (set-window-border! window border?) "When BORDER?, draw the usual border around WINDOW, otherwise remove the border." (ffi:sdl-set-window-bordered (unwrap-window window) (ffi:boolean->sdl-bool border?))) (define (set-window-title! window title) "Set the title of WINDOW to the string TITLE." (ffi:sdl-set-window-title (unwrap-window window) (string->pointer title))) (define (set-window-position! window position) "Set the position of WINDOW to POSITION, a two-element list of (x,y) coordinates measured in pixels." (match position ((x y) (ffi:sdl-set-window-position (unwrap-window window) x y)))) (define (set-window-size! window size) "Set the dimensions of WINDOW to SIZE, a two-element list of (width,height) coordinates measured in pixels." (match size ((width height) (ffi:sdl-set-window-size (unwrap-window window) width height)))) ;;; ;;; OpenGL ;;; (define-wrapped-pointer-type gl-context? wrap-gl-context unwrap-gl-context (lambda (context port) (format port "#" (pointer-address (unwrap-gl-context context))))) (define (make-gl-context window) "Create an OpenGL context for WINDOW." (let ((ptr (ffi:sdl-gl-create-context (unwrap-window window)))) (if (null-pointer? ptr) (sdl-error "make-gl-context" "failed to create OpenGL context") (wrap-gl-context ptr)))) (define (delete-gl-context! context) "Delete CONTEXT, an OpenGL context object." (ffi:sdl-gl-delete-context (unwrap-gl-context context))) (define (call-with-gl-context window proc) "Call PROC with a new OpenGL context created for WINDOW, and close the context when PROC returns or otherwise exits.." (let ((context (make-gl-context window))) (dynamic-wind (const #t) (lambda () (proc context)) (lambda () (delete-gl-context! context))))) (define (swap-gl-window window) "Update WINDOW with OpenGL rendering." (ffi:sdl-gl-swap-window (unwrap-window window))) (define (set-gl-attribute! attr value) "Set the OpenGL attribute represented by the symbol ATTR to VALUE. Possible values for ATTR are: - red-size - green-size - blue-size - alpha-size - buffer-size - double-buffer - depth-size - stencil-size - accum-red-size - accum-green-size - accum-blue-size - stereo - multisample-buffers - multisample-samples - retained-backing - context-major-version - contet-minor-version - context-egl - context-flags - context-profile-mask - share-with-current-context - framebuffer-srgb-capable" (let ((attr-enum (match attr ('red-size ffi:SDL_GL_RED_SIZE) ('green-size ffi:SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE) ('blue-size ffi:SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE) ('alpha-size ffi:SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE) ('buffer-size ffi:SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE) ('double-buffer ffi:SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER) ('depth-size ffi:SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE) ('stencil-size ffi:SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE) ('accum-red-size ffi:SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE) ('accum-green-size ffi:SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE) ('accum-blue-size ffi:SDL_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE) ('stereo ffi:SDL_GL_STEREO) ('multisample-buffers ffi:SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS) ('multisample-samples ffi:SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES) ('retained-backing ffi:SDL_GL_RETAINED_BACKING) ('context-major-version ffi:SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION) ('context-minor-version ffi:SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION) ('context-egl ffi:SDL_GL_CONTEXT_EGL) ('context-flags ffi:SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS) ('context-profile-mask ffi:SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK) ('share-with-current-context ffi:SDL_GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT) ('framebuffer-srgb-capable ffi:SDL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE)))) (unless (zero? (ffi:sdl-gl-set-attribute attr-enum value)) (sdl-error "set-gl-attribute!" "failed to set OpenGL attribute")))) (define (set-gl-swap-interval! interval) "Set the framebuffer swap interval for the current OpenGL context to the type indicated by the symbol INTERVAL. Possible values of INTERVAL are: - immediate, for immediate updates - vsync, for updates synchronized with the screen's vertical retrace - late-swap-tear, for late swap tearing Late swap tearing works the same as vsync, but if the vertical retrace has been missed for a given frame, buffers are swapped immediately, which might be less jarring for the user during occasional framerate drops." (unless (zero? (ffi:sdl-gl-set-swap-interval (match interval ('immediate 0) ('vsync 1) ('late-swap-tear -1)))) (sdl-error "set-gl-swap-interval!" "failed to set OpenGL swap interval")))