@menu * Basics:: Initialization and other basic things. * Window Management:: Working with the window system. * Input:: Keyboard, mouse, joystick input. * Events:: Asynchronous event handling. * Rects:: 2D rectangles. * Surfaces:: Software rendering. * Rendering:: Hardware accelerated rendering. * Images:: Loading and saving images. * Sound:: Sound effects and music. * Fonts:: Truetype and bitmap font rendering. @end menu @node Basics @section Basics @example (use-modules (sdl2)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} sdl-init [@var{subsystems}] Initialize the SDL library. This must be called before using any other SDL procedure. @var{subsystems} is an optional list of symbols that specifies the subsystems to initialize. All subsystems are initialized by default. The possible flags are @code{timer}, @code{audio}, @code{video}, @code{haptic}, @code{game-controller}, and @code{events}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} sdl-quit Quit all activated SDL subsystems. This procedure should be called upon all exit conditions. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} sdl-version Return a three element list containing the major, minor, and patch version of the linked SDL library. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} sdl-ticks Return the number of milliseconds since the SDL library was initialized. @end deffn @node Window Management @section Window Management @menu * Windows:: Window manipulation. * OpenGL:: OpenGL contexts. @end menu @example (use-modules (sdl2 video)) @end example @node Windows @subsection Windows @deffn {Procedure} make-window [#:title "Guile SDL2 Window"] @ [#:position (#f #f)] @ [#:size (640 480)] @ [#:maximize? #f] @ [#:minimize? #f] @ [#:opengl? #f] @ [#:border? #t] @ [#:fullscreen? #f] @ [#:fullscreen-desktop? #f] @ [#:grab-input? #f] @ [#:high-dpi? #f] Create a new window named @var{title} with dimensions @var{size} located at @var{position} on the display. @var{position} and @var{size} are two-element lists in the form @code{(x y)}, where each coordinate is measured in pixels. In the case of @var{position}, a coordinate may use the special symbol @var{center} to indicate that the window should be centered on that axis, or @code{#f} to indicate that it does not matter where the window is located on that axis. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} close-window! window Close @var{window}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} call-with-window window proc Call @var{proc} with @var{window}, an SDL window object, and close it when @var{proc} returns or otherwise exits. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-title window Return the title for @var{window}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-size window Return the dimensions of @var{window}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-position window Return the position of @var{window} on the display. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-id window Return the numeric ID of @var{window}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} id->window id Return the window corresponding to @var{ID}, a positive integer, or @code{#f} if there is no such window. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} hide-window! window Hide @var{window}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} show-window! window Show @var{window} and focus on it. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} maximize-window! window Make @var{window} as large as possible. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} minimize-window! window Shrink @var{window} to an iconic representation. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} raise-window! window Raise @var{window} above all other windows and set input focus. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} restore-window! window Restore the size and position of a minimized or maximized @var{window}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-window-border! window border? When @var{border?}, draw the usual border around @var{window}, otherwise remove the border. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-window-title! window title Set the title of @var{window} to the string @var{title}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-window-position! window position Set the position of @var{window} to @var{position}, a two-element list of (x,y) coordinates measured in pixels. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-window-size! window size Set the dimensions of @var{window} to @var{size}, a two-element list of (width,height) coordinates measured in pixels. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-window-fullscreen! window fullscreen? [#:desktop?] Toggle fullscreen mode on/off for @var{window}. If @var{fullscreen?}, fullscreen mode is activated, otherwise it is deactivated. If @var{fullscreen?} and @var{desktop?}, a special "fake" fullscreen mode is used that takes the size of the desktop. @end deffn @node OpenGL @subsection OpenGL @deffn {Procedure} make-gl-context window Create an OpenGL context for @var{window}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} delete-gl-context! context Delete @var{context}, an OpenGL context object. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} call-with-gl-context window proc Call @var{proc} with a new OpenGL context created for @var{window}, and close the context when @var{proc} returns or otherwise exits. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} swap-gl-window window Update @var{window} with OpenGL rendering. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-gl-attribute! attr value Set the OpenGL attribute represented by the symbol @var{attr} to @var{value}. Possible values for @var{attr} are: @itemize @item @code{red-size} @item @code{green-size} @item @code{blue-size} @item @code{alpha-size} @item @code{buffer-size} @item @code{double-buffer} @item @code{depth-size} @item @code{stencil-size} @item @code{accum-red-size} @item @code{accum-green-size} @item @code{accum-blue-size} @item @code{stereo} @item @code{multisample-buffers} @item @code{multisample-samples} @item @code{retained-backing} @item @code{context-major-version} @item @code{context-minor-version} @item @code{context-egl} @item @code{context-flags} @item @code{context-profile-mask} @item @code{share-with-current-context} @item @code{framebuffer-srgb-capable} @end itemize @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-gl-swap-interval! interval Set the framebuffer swap interval for the current OpenGL context to the type indicated by the symbol @var{interval}. Possible values of @var{interval} are: @itemize @item @code{immediate}, for immediate updates @item @code{vsync}, for updates synchronized with the screen's vertical retrace @item @code{late-swap-tear}, for late swap tearing @end itemize Late swap tearing works the same as vsync, but if the vertical retrace has been missed for a given frame, buffers are swapped immediately, which might be less jarring for the user during occasional framerate drops. @end deffn @node Input @section Input @menu * Keyboard:: Keyboard input. * Mouse:: Mouse input. * Joysticks:: Joystick input. * Game Controllers:: Game controller input. @end menu @node Keyboard @subsection Keyboard @example (use-modules (sdl2 input keyboard)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} key-pressed? key Return @code{#t} if @var{key} is currently being pressed. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} key-released? key Return @code{#t} is @var{key} is not currently being pressed. @end deffn @node Mouse @subsection Mouse @example (use-modules (sdl2 input mouse)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} mouse-x Return the x coordinate of the mouse cursor. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-y Return the y coordinate of the mouse cursor. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-pressed? button Return @code{#t} if @var{button} is currently being pressed. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-released? button Return @code{#t} if @var{button} is not currently being pressed. @end deffn @node Joysticks @subsection Joysticks @example (use-modules (sdl2 input joystick)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} num-joysticks Return the current number of connected joystick devices. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} open-joystick device-index Return a joystick object for the physical joystick device associated with @var{device-index}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} close-joystick joystick Close @var{joystick}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-instance-id joystick Return the instance id of @var{joystick}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-power-level joystick Return the symbolic battery power level for @var{joystick}, either @code{unknown}, @code{empty}, @code{low}, @code{medium}, @code{full}, or @code{wired}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-num-axes joystick Return the number of axes for @var{joystick}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-num-balls joystick Return the number of balls for @var{joystick}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-num-buttons joystick Return the number of buttons for @var{joystick}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-num-hats joystick Return the number of hats for @var{joystick}. @end deffn @node Game Controllers @subsection Game Controllers @example (use-modules (sdl2 input game-controller)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} load-game-controller-mappings! file Load game controller mapping from @var{file} and return the number of mappings added this way. See @url{https://raw.github.com/gabomdq/SDL_GameControllerDB/master/gamecontrollerdb.txt} for a community maintained controller mapping file. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} open-game-controller joystick-index Return a game controller object for the physical joystick device associated with the @var{joystick-index}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} close-game-controller controller Close @var{controller}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} game-controller? controller Close @var{controller}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} game-controller-attached? controller Return @code{#t} if @var{controller} is currently in use. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} game-controller-joystick controller Return the underlying joystick object associated with @var{controller}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} game-controller-name controller Return the human readable name for @var{controller}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} game-controller-axis controller axis Return a number in the range [-32768, 32767] representing the current state of @var{axis} on @var{controller}. @var{axis} may be one of the following symbols: @itemize @item @code{left-x} @item @code{left-y} @item @code{right-x} @item @code{right-y} @item @code{trigger-left} @item @code{trigger-right} @end itemize @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} game-controller-button-pressed? controller button Return @code{#t} if @var{button} is pressed on @var{controller}. @var{button} may be one of the following symbols: @itemize @item @code{a} @item @code{b} @item @code{x} @item @code{y} @item @code{back} @item @code{guide} @item @code{start} @item @code{left-stick} @item @code{right-stick} @item @code{left-shoulder} @item @code{right-shoulder} @item @code{dpad-up} @item @code{dpad-down} @item @code{dpad-left} @item @code{dpad-right} @end itemize @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} game-controller-index? joystick-index Return @code{#t} if @var{joystick-index} is a valid game controller index. @end deffn @node Events @section Events @example (use-modules (sdl2 events)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} make-quit-event timestamp @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} quit-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a quit event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} quit-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-window-event timestamp window-id type vector @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-shown-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window shown event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-hidden-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window hidden event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-exposed-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window exposed event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-moved-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window moved event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-resized-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window resized event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-size-changed-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window size changed event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-minimized-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window minimized event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-maximized-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window maximized event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-restored-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window restored event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-enter-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window enter event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-leave-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window leave event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-focus-gained-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window focus gained event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-focus-lost-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window focus lost event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-closed-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a window closed event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-event-window-id e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-event-type e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} window-event-vector e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-keyboard-event timestamp @ window-id @ pressed? @ repeat? @ key @ scancode @ modifiers @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a keyboard event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-down-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a key press event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-up-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a key release event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event-window-id e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event-pressed? e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event-repeat? e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event-key e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event-scancode e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} keyboard-event-modifiers e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-text-input-event timestamp window-id text @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} text-input-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a text input event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} text-input-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} text-input-event-window-id e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} text-input-event-text e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-mouse-button-event timestamp @ window-id @ which @ button @ pressed? @ clicks @ x @ y @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a mouse button event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-down-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a mouse button down event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-up-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a mouse button up event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-window-id e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-button e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-pressed? e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-clicks e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-x e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-button-event-y e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-mouse-motion-event timestamp @ window-id @ which @ buttons @ x @ y @ x-rel @ y-rel @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a mouse motion event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-window-id e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-buttons e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-x e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-y e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-x-rel e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mouse-motion-event-y-rel e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-joystick-axis-event timestamp which axis value @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-axis-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a joystick axis event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-axis-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-axis-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-axis-event-button e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-axis-event-pressed? e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-joystick-ball-event timestamp @ which @ ball @ x-rel @ y-rel @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-ball-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a joystick ball event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-ball-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-ball-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-ball-event-ball e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-ball-event-x-rel e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-ball-event-y-rel e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-joystick-hat-event timestamp which hat value @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-hat-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a joystick hat event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-hat-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-hat-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-hat-event-hat e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-hat-event-value e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-joystick-device-event timestamp which action @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-device-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a joystick device event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-device-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-device-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} joystick-device-event-action e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-controller-axis-event timestamp which axis value @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-axis-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{e} is a game controller axis event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-axis-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-axis-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-axis-event-axis e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-axis-event-value e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-controller-button-event timestamp @ which @ button @ pressed? @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-button-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{event} is a game controller button event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-button-down-event? e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-button-up-event? e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-button-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-button-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-button-event-button e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-button-event-pressed? e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-controller-device-event timestamp which action @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-device-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{event} is a game controller device event. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-added-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{event} is a game controller device event with the 'added' action. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-removed-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{event} is a game controller device event with the 'removed' action. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-remapped-event? e Return @code{#t} if @var{event} is a game controller device event with the 'remapped' action. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-device-event-timestamp e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-device-event-which e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} controller-device-event-action e @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} poll-event @end deffn @node Rects @section Rects @example (use-modules (sdl2 rect)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} make-rect @var{x} @var{y} @var{width} @var{height} Return a new rectangle whose upper-left corner is at (@var{x}, @var{y}) and is @var{width} pixels wide and @var{height} pixels high. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} rect-x @var{rect} Return the X coordinate of @var{rect}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} rect-y @var{rect} Return the Y coordinate of @var{rect}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} rect-width @var{rect} Return the width of @var{rect}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} rect-height @var{rect} Return the height of @var{rect}. @end deffn @node Surfaces @section Surfaces @example (use-modules (sdl2 surface)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} color? c Return @code{#t} if @var{c} is a color. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} color-r c @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} color-g c @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} color-b c @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} color-a c @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} palette? p Return @code{#t} if @var{p} is a palette. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} palette-length palette Return the number of colors in @var{palette}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} palette-colors palette Return the colors in @var{palette}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format? pf Return @code{#t} if @var{pf} is a pixel format. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-name pf Return the symbolic name of the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-palette pf Return the palette for the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-bits-per-pixel pf Return the number of bits per pixel for the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-bytes-per-pixel pf Return the number of bytes per pixel for the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-red-mask pf Return the bitmask for the red component of a pixel in the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-green-mask pf Return the bitmask for the green component of a pixel in the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-blue-mask pf Return the bitmask for the blue component of a pixel in the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pixel-format-alpha-mask pf Return the bitmask for the alpha component of a pixel in the pixel format @var{pf}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} make-rgb-surface width height depth Create a new SDL surface with the dimensions @var{width} and @var{height} and @var{depth} bits per pixel. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} bytevector->surface bv width height depth pitch Convert @var{bv}, a bytevector of pixel data with dimensions @var{width}x@var{height}, to an SDL surface. Each pixel is @var{depth} bits in size, and each row of pixels is @var{pitch} bytes in size. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} delete-surface! surface Free the memory used by @var{surface}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} call-with-surface surface proc Call @var{proc}, passing it @var{surface} and deleting @var{surface} upon exit of @var{proc}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} load-bmp file Create a new surface from the bitmap data in @var{file}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} surface-width surface Return the width of @var{surface} in pixels. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} surface-height surface Return the height of @var{surface} in pixels. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} surface-pitch surface Return the length of a row of pixels in @var{surface} in bytes. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} surface-pixels surface Return a bytevector containing the raw pixel data in @var{surface}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} surface-pixel-format surface Return the pixel format for @var{surface}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} convert-surface-format surface format Convert the pixels in @var{surface} to @var{format}, a symbol representing a specific pixel format, and return a new surface object. Valid format types are: @itemize @item @code{index1lsb} @item @code{index1msb} @item @code{index4lsb} @item @code{index4msb} @item @code{index8} @item @code{rgb332} @item @code{rgb444} @item @code{rgb555} @item @code{bgr555} @item @code{argb4444} @item @code{rgba4444} @item @code{abgr4444} @item @code{bgra4444} @item @code{argb1555} @item @code{rgba5551} @item @code{abgr1555} @item @code{bgra5551} @item @code{rgb565} @item @code{bgr565} @item @code{rgb24} @item @code{bgr24} @item @code{rgb888} @item @code{rgbx8888} @item @code{bgr888} @item @code{bgrx8888} @item @code{argb8888} @item @code{rgba8888} @item @code{abgr8888} @item @code{bgra8888} @item @code{argb2101010} @item @code{yv12} @item @code{iyuv} @item @code{yuy2} @item @code{uyvy} @item @code{yvyu} @end itemize @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} blit-surface @var{src} @var{src-rect} @var{dst} @var{dst-rect} Blit the rectangle @var{src-rect} from the surface @var{src} to @var{dst-rect} of the surface @var{dst}. @end deffn @node Rendering @section Rendering @example (use-modules (sdl2 render)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} make-renderer window @ [#:optional flags='(accelerated vsync)] Return a new renderer for @var{window} created with the options specified in @var{flags}, a list of symbols. The valid symbols that may appear in @var{flags} are: @itemize @item software, to use a software renderer fallback @item accelerated, to use hardware acceleration @item vsync, to synchronize rendering with the monitor's refresh rate @item texture, for render to texture support @end itemize @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} renderer? r Return @code{#t} if @var{r} is a renderer. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} delete-renderer! renderer Delete the rendering context @var{renderer}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} call-with-renderer renderer proc Call @var{proc}, passing it @var{renderer} and closing @var{renderer} upon exit of @var{proc}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} clear-renderer renderer Clear the rendering target @var{renderer} with the current drawing color. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} present-renderer renderer Display @var{renderer}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} render-copy renderer @ texture @ [#:srcrect] [#:dstrect] Copy @var{texture} to the rendering target of @var{renderer}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} surface->texture renderer surface Convert @var{surface} to a texture suitable for @var{renderer}. @end deffn @node Images @section Images @example (use-modules (sdl2 image)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} image-init Initialize dynamically loaded image libraries. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} image-quit Clean up dynamically loaded image libraries. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} load-image file Load the image in @var{file} and return an SDL surface. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} save-png surface file Save @var{surface} to @var{file} as a PNG formatted image. @end deffn @node Sound @section Sound @example (use-modules (sdl2 mixer)) @end example @defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-frequency @end defvr @defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-format @end defvr @defvr {Scheme Variable} %default-chunk-size @end defvr @deffn {Procedure} mixer-init [#:optional formats='(flac mod modplug mp3 ogg fluidsynth)] Initialize mixer library with support for @var{formats}, a list of symbols representing audio file formats. Possible formats are: @itemize @item flac @item mod @item modplug @item mp3 @item ogg @item fluidsynth @end itemize @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} mixer-quit Shutdown mixer library. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} open-audio [#:frequency=%default-frequency] @ [#:format=%default-format] @ [#:stereo?=#t] @ [#:chunk-size=%default-chunk-size] Initialize the mixer API. @var{frequency} specificies the sample rate in hertz. When @var{stereo?} is @code{#t}, two output channels are used, otherwise mono output is used instead. @var{chunk-size} specifies the number of bytes used per output sample. @var{format} is a symbol that specifies the output sample format. Possible values are: @itemize @item u8 @item s8 @item u16lsb @item s16lsb @item u16msb @item s16msb @item u16 @item s16 @item s32lsb @item s32msb @item s32 @item f32lsb @item f32msb @item f32 @end itemize @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} close-audio Shut down the mixer API. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} chunk? c Return @code{#t} if @var{c} is a chunk. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} load-chunk file Load the audio data in @var{file} and return an audio chunk. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} delete-chunk! chunk Free the memory used for @var{chunk}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-chunk-volume! chunk volume Set the loudness of @var{chunk} to @var{volume}, an integer in the range [0,128]. Return the previous chunk volume setting. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} play-chunk! chunk @ [#:loops=0] @ [#:channel] Play @var{chunk} on @var{channel}, an integer channel identifier or @code{#f} to use the first unreserved audio channel. @var{chunk} will play @var{loops} + 1 times. Return the channel identifier that @var{chunk} is played on. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-channel-volume! channel volume Set the loudness of @var{channel}, an integer channel identifier or @code{#f} for all channels, to @var{volume}, an integer in the range [0,128]. Return the previous volume of @var{channel}, or the average of all channels if @var{channel} is @code{#f}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pause-channel! channel Pause playback on @var{channel}, an integer channel identifier, or @code{#f} to pause all channels. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} resume-channel! channel Resume playback on @var{channel}, an integer channel identifier, or @code{#f} to resume all channels. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} stop-channel! channel Halt playback on @var{channel}, an integer channel identifier, or @code{#f} to halt all channels. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} channel-playing? channel Return @code{#t} if @var{channel} is playing. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} playing-channels-count Return the number of channels currently playing. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} channel-paused? channel Return @code{#t} if @var{channel} is paused. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} paused-channels-count Return the number of channels that are paused. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} music? m Return @code{#t} if @var{m} is music. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} load-music file Load music from @var{file}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} delete-music! music Delete the memory used for @var{music}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} play-music! music [#:optional loops=1] Play @var{music}, repeated @var{loops} times. @var{loops} may be @code{#f}, in which case the music loops indefinitely. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} set-music-volume! volume Set music loudness to @var{volume}, an integer in the range [0,128]. Return the previous volume. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} music-volume Return the music volume. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} pause-music! Puase the music. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} resume-music! Resume music playback. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} rewind-music! Start music playback from the beginning. Rewinding is only supported for MOD, OGG, MP3, and native MIDI music. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} stop-music! Halt music playback. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} music-playing? Return @code{#t} if music is currently playing. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} music-paused? Return @code{#t} if music is currently paused. @end deffn @node Fonts @section Fonts @example (use-modules (sdl2 ttf)) @end example @deffn {Procedure} ttf-init Initialize the TTF system. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} ttf-quit Shut down and clean up the TTF system. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} load-font file point-size Load TTF font from @var{file} and return a new font object whose glyph size is @var{point-size}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} delete-font! font Delete the memory allocated for @var{font}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} font-height font Return the maximum height of @var{font}. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} render-font-solid font text color Render @var{text}, a UTF-8 encoded string, using @var{font} and @var{color}, the foreground color, and return a surface containing the results. @end deffn @deffn {Procedure} render-font-blended font text color Render @var{text}, a UTF-8 encoded string, using @var{font} and @var{color}, the foreground color, and return a high-quality alpha-blended surface containing the results. @end deffn