;;; guile-cloudformation --- Scheme DSL for CloudFormation templates ;;; Copyright © 2018 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Guile-CloudFormation is free software: you can redistribute it ;;; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Guile-CloudFormation is distributed in the hope that it will be ;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ;;; warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ;;; See the GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . (define-module (language cloudformation spec) #:use-module (aws cloudformation utils) #:use-module (aws cloudformation utils json) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (system base language) #:export (cloudformation)) (define (property-type-name? name) (number? (string-index name #\.))) (define (classify sym) "Add < and > around SYM to form a conventional class name." (symbol-append '< sym '>)) (define (compile-property-slots properties) (define (update-type-string->symbol s) (match s ("Conditional" 'conditional) ("Immutable" 'immutable) ("Mutable" 'mutable))) (define (primitive-type-checker type) (match type ("String" 'string?) ("Boolean" 'boolean?) ((or "Integer" "Long") 'integer?) ("Double" 'real?) ("Timestamp" 'date?) ;; TODO: deal with this ("Json" '(const #t)))) (define (type-checker pspec) (cond ;; Primitive types ((assoc-ref pspec "PrimitiveType") => primitive-type-checker) ;; Primitive lists/maps ((assoc-ref pspec "PrimitiveItemType") => (lambda (item-type) (match (assoc-ref pspec "Type") ("List" `(lambda (items) (every (lambda (item) (type-check ,(primitive-type-checker item-type) item)) items))) ("Map" `(lambda (items) (every (match-lambda ((key . value) (and (or (string? key) (symbol? key)) (,(primitive-type-checker item-type) value))) (_ #f)) items)))))) ;; Composite lists/maps ((assoc-ref pspec "ItemType") (match (assoc-ref pspec "Type") ("List" '(lambda (items) (every valid? items))) ("Map" '(lambda (items) (every (match-lambda ((key . value) (and (or (string? key) (symbol? key)) (valid? value))) (_ #f)) items))))) ;; Composite types ((assoc-ref pspec "Type") 'valid?) ;; Uh oh! (else (error "cannot compute type checker for property specification:" pspec)))) (map (match-lambda ((pname . pspec) (let* ((boolean? (equal? (assoc-ref pspec "PrimitiveType") "Boolean")) (slot-name-base (aws-string->symbol pname)) ;; Make boolean property names more ;; Scheme-like by using a question mark ;; at the end. (slot-name (if boolean? (symbol-append slot-name-base '?) slot-name-base))) `(,slot-name #:init-keyword ,(symbol->keyword slot-name) #:accessor ,slot-name #:cfn-property (make #:documentation-url ,(assoc-ref pspec "Documentation") #:name ,pname #:required? ,(assoc-ref pspec "Required") #:type-checker ,(type-checker pspec) #:update-type ',(update-type-string->symbol (assoc-ref pspec "UpdateType"))))))) properties)) (define (strip-namespace s) (match (delete "" (string-split s #\:)) ((_ _ x) x) ((x) x))) (define (compile-property-type exp) (match exp ((name . spec) (let* ((sym (aws-string->symbol (strip-namespace name))) (class-name (classify sym))) `(begin (define-class ,class-name () ,@(compile-property-slots (assoc-ref spec "Properties")) #:cfn-name ,name #:documentation-url ,(assoc-ref spec "Documentation")) (export ,class-name ;; Export all slot getter methods. ,@(map (match-lambda ((pname . _) (aws-string->symbol pname))) (assoc-ref spec "Properties")))))))) (define (compile-resource-type exp) (define (primitive-type-string->symbol type) (match type ;; TODO: Handle JSON in a special way? ((or "Json" "String") 'string) ("Boolean" 'boolean) ("Integer" 'integer))) (define (compile-attributes attributes) (if attributes (map (match-lambda ((name . spec) `(cons ',(aws-string->symbol name) (make #:name ,name #:primitive-type ',(primitive-type-string->symbol ;; TODO: Handle attribute arrays (or (assoc-ref spec "PrimitiveType") (assoc-ref spec "PrimitiveItemType"))))))) attributes) '())) (match exp ((name . spec) (let* ((sym (aws-string->symbol (strip-namespace name))) (class-name (classify sym))) `(begin (define-class ,class-name () ,@(compile-property-slots (assoc-ref spec "Properties")) #:cfn-name ,name #:documentation-url ,(assoc-ref spec "Documentation") #:attributes (list ,@(compile-attributes (assoc-ref spec "Attributes")))) (export ,class-name ;; Export all slot getter methods. ,@(map (match-lambda ((aws-name . _) (aws-string->symbol aws-name))) (assoc-ref spec "Properties")))))))) (define (compile-scheme exp env opts) (let ((module-suffix (string->symbol (assoc-ref exp "ModuleSuffix"))) (version (assoc-ref exp "ResourceSpecificationVersion"))) (values `(begin (define-module (aws cloudformation ,module-suffix) #:use-module (aws cloudformation utils) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (oop goops) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)) ,@(if version `((define-public cloudformation-specification-version ,version)) '()) ,@(map compile-property-type (assoc-ref exp "PropertyTypes")) ,@(map compile-resource-type (assoc-ref exp "ResourceTypes"))) env env))) (define-language cloudformation #:title "AWS Cloudformation" #:reader (lambda (port env) (if (eof-object? (peek-char port)) (read-char port) (read port))) #:compilers `((scheme . ,compile-scheme)) #:printer write)