;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit ;;; Copyright © 2018 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Chickadee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, ;;; or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Chickadee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Tiled map format parser and renderer. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (chickadee render tiled) #:use-module (chickadee math matrix) #:use-module (chickadee math rect) #:use-module (chickadee math vector) #:use-module (chickadee render) #:use-module (chickadee render color) #:use-module (chickadee render sprite) #:use-module (chickadee render texture) #:use-module (chickadee render viewport) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-43) #:use-module (sxml simple) #:use-module (sxml xpath) #:export (tile-map? tile-map-orientation tile-map-width tile-map-height tile-map-tile-width tile-map-tile-height tile-map-tilesets tile-map-layers tile-map-properties tile-map-rect tile-map-layer-ref point->tile animation-frame? animation-frame-tile animation-frame-duration tile? tile-id tile-animation tile-properties tileset? tileset-name tileset-first-gid tileset-size tileset-tile-width tileset-tile-height tileset-atlas tileset-tiles tileset-properties map-tile? map-tile-ref map-tile-rect tile-layer? tile-layer-name tile-layer-width tile-layer-height tile-layer-tiles tile-layer-properties object-layer? object-layer-name object-layer-objects object-layer-properties polygon? polygon-points map-object? map-object-id map-object-name map-object-type map-object-shape map-object-properties load-tile-map draw-tile-map draw-tile-map*)) (define-record-type (%make-tile-map orientation width height tile-width tile-height tilesets layers properties rect) tile-map? (orientation tile-map-orientation) (width tile-map-width) (height tile-map-height) (tile-width tile-map-tile-width) (tile-height tile-map-tile-height) (tilesets tile-map-tilesets) (layers tile-map-layers) (properties tile-map-properties) (rect tile-map-rect)) (define-record-type (%make-animation-frame tile duration) animation-frame? (tile animation-frame-tile) (duration animation-frame-duration)) (define-record-type (%make-tile id texture batch animation properties) tile? (id tile-id) (texture tile-texture) (batch tile-batch) (animation tile-animation) (properties tile-properties)) (define-record-type (%make-tileset name first-gid size tile-width tile-height atlas tiles properties batch) tileset? (name tileset-name) (first-gid tileset-first-gid) (size tileset-size) (tile-width tileset-tile-width) (tile-height tileset-tile-height) (atlas tileset-atlas) (tiles tileset-tiles) (properties tileset-properties) (batch tileset-batch)) (define-record-type (%make-map-tile tile rect) map-tile? (tile map-tile-ref) (rect map-tile-rect)) (define-record-type (%make-tile-layer name width height tiles properties) tile-layer? (name tile-layer-name) (width tile-layer-width) (height tile-layer-height) (tiles tile-layer-tiles) (properties tile-layer-properties)) (define-record-type (%make-object-layer name objects properties) object-layer? (name object-layer-name) (objects object-layer-objects) (properties object-layer-properties)) ;; TODO: This should probably be a generic thing that we can use ;; outside of tiled maps. (define-record-type (make-polygon points) polygon? (points polygon-points)) (define-record-type (%make-map-object id name type shape properties) map-object? (id map-object-id) (name map-object-name) (type map-object-type) (shape map-object-shape) (properties map-object-properties)) (define (tile-map-layer-ref tile-map name) "Return the layer named NAME." (define (layer-name layer) (if (tile-layer? layer) (tile-layer-name layer) (object-layer-name layer))) (let ((layers (tile-map-layers tile-map))) (let loop ((i 0)) (cond ((= i (vector-length layers)) #f) ((string=? name (layer-name (vector-ref layers i))) (vector-ref layers i)) (else (loop (+ i 1))))))) (define (point->tile tile-map x y) "Translate the pixel coordinates (X, Y) into tile coordinates." (values (floor (/ x (tile-map-tile-width tile-map))) (floor (/ y (tile-map-tile-height tile-map))))) (define (load-tile-map file-name) "Load the Tiled TMX formatted map in FILE-NAME." (define map-directory (if (absolute-file-name? file-name) (dirname file-name) (string-append (getcwd) "/" (dirname file-name)))) (define (scope file-name) (string-append map-directory "/" file-name)) (define* (attr node name #:optional (parse identity)) (let ((result ((sxpath `(@ ,name *text*)) node))) (if (null? result) #f (parse (car result))))) (define (parse-color-channel s start) (/ (string->number (substring s start (+ start 2)) 16) 255.0)) (define (parse-property node) (let ((name (attr node 'name string->symbol)) (type (or (attr node 'type string->symbol) 'string)) (value (attr node 'value))) (cons name (match type ((or 'string 'file) value) ('bool (not (string=? value "false"))) ((or 'int 'float) (string->number value)) ('color (make-color (parse-color-channel value 3) (parse-color-channel value 5) (parse-color-channel value 7) (parse-color-channel value 1))) (_ (error "unsupported property type" type)))))) (define (parse-image node) (let ((source (attr node 'source)) (trans (attr node 'trans))) (load-image (scope source) #:transparent-color (and trans (string->color trans))))) (define (parse-frame node) (let ((tile-id (attr node 'tileid string->number)) (duration (attr node 'duration string->number))) ;; TODO: lookup actual tile in tileset (%make-animation-frame tile-id duration))) (define (parse-tile node rows columns atlas batch) (let ((id (attr node 'id string->number)) (animation (map parse-frame ((sxpath '(animation frame)) node))) (properties (map parse-property ((sxpath '(properties property)) node)))) (%make-tile id (texture-atlas-ref atlas id) batch animation properties))) (define (parse-tiles nodes size columns atlas batch) (let ((table (make-hash-table)) (tiles (make-vector size)) (rows (/ size columns))) (for-each (lambda (node) (let ((tile (parse-tile node rows columns atlas batch))) (hash-set! table (tile-id tile) tile))) nodes) (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i size) (let ((tile (or (hash-ref table i) (%make-tile i (texture-atlas-ref atlas i) batch #f '())))) (vector-set! tiles i tile)) (loop (+ i 1)))) tiles)) (define (first-gid node) (attr node 'firstgid string->number)) (define (parse-internal-tileset node first-gid) (let* ((name (attr node 'name)) (tile-width (attr node 'tilewidth string->number)) (tile-height (attr node 'tileheight string->number)) (margin (or (attr node 'margin string->number) 0)) (spacing (or (attr node 'spacing string->number) 0)) (columns (attr node 'columns string->number)) (size (attr node 'tilecount string->number)) (texture (parse-image ((sxpath '(image)) node))) (atlas (split-texture texture tile-width tile-height #:margin margin #:spacing spacing)) (batch (make-sprite-batch texture)) (tiles (parse-tiles ((sxpath '(tile)) node) size columns atlas batch)) (properties (map parse-property ((sxpath '(properties property)) node)))) (%make-tileset name first-gid size tile-width tile-height atlas tiles properties batch))) (define (parse-external-tileset node) (let* ((first-gid (attr node 'firstgid string->number)) (source (scope (attr node 'source))) (tree (call-with-input-file source xml->sxml))) (parse-internal-tileset (car ((sxpath '(tileset)) tree)) first-gid))) (define (parse-tileset node) (if (attr node 'source) (parse-external-tileset node) (parse-internal-tileset node (first-gid node)))) (define (tile-gid->map-tile raw-gid tilesets x y tile-width tile-height) ;; The top 3 bits of the tile gid are flags for various types of ;; flipping. ;; ;; TODO: Respect the flipping settings. (let* ((flipped-horizontally? (> (logand raw-gid #x80000000) 0)) (flipped-vertically? (> (logand raw-gid #x40000000) 0)) (flipped-diagonally? (> (logand raw-gid #x20000000) 0)) ;; Remove the upper 3 bits to get the true tile id. (gid (logand raw-gid #x1FFFFFFF)) (tileset (find (lambda (t) (and (>= gid (tileset-first-gid t)) (< gid (+ (tileset-first-gid t) (tileset-size t))))) tilesets)) (tw (tileset-tile-width tileset)) (th (tileset-tile-height tileset))) (%make-map-tile (vector-ref (tileset-tiles tileset) (- gid (tileset-first-gid tileset))) (make-rect (* x tw) (* y th) tw th)))) (define (tile-gids->map-tiles gids width height tilesets) (let ((tiles (make-vector (* width height)))) (let y-loop ((y 0) (rows (reverse gids))) ; invert y (when (< y height) (match rows ((row . rest) (let x-loop ((x 0) (columns row)) (when (< x width) (match columns ((gid . rest) (vector-set! tiles (+ (* width y) x) (if (zero? gid) #f (tile-gid->map-tile gid tilesets x y width height))) (x-loop (+ x 1) rest))))) (y-loop (+ y 1) rest))))) tiles)) (define (parse-csv lines width height tilesets) (let ((gids (map (lambda (line) (filter-map (lambda (s) (and (not (string-null? s)) (string->number s))) (string-split line #\,))) (take (drop (string-split lines #\newline) 1) height)))) (tile-gids->map-tiles gids width height tilesets))) (define (parse-layer-data node width height tilesets) (let ((encoding (attr node 'encoding string->symbol)) (data (car ((sxpath '(*text*)) node)))) (match encoding ('csv (parse-csv data width height tilesets)) (_ (error "unsupported tile layer encoding" encoding))))) (define (parse-tile-layer node tilesets) (let* ((name (attr node 'name)) (width (attr node 'width string->number)) (height (attr node 'height string->number)) (tiles (parse-layer-data ((sxpath '(data)) node) width height tilesets)) (properties (map parse-property ((sxpath '(properties property)) node)))) (%make-tile-layer name width height tiles properties))) (define (parse-polygon node pixel-height) (make-polygon (list->vector (map (lambda (s) (match (string-split s #\,) ((x y) (vec2 (string->number x) (- pixel-height (string->number y)))))) (string-split (attr node 'points) #\space))))) (define (parse-object node pixel-height) (let* ((id (attr node 'id string->number)) (name (attr node 'name)) (type (attr node 'type string->symbol)) (x (attr node 'x string->number)) (y (- pixel-height (attr node 'y string->number))) (width (attr node 'width string->number)) (height (attr node 'height string->number)) (shape (if (and width height) (make-rect x y width height) (parse-polygon (car ((sxpath '(polygon)) node)) pixel-height))) (properties (map parse-property ((sxpath '(properties property)) node)))) (%make-map-object id name type shape properties))) (define (parse-object-layer node pixel-height) (let ((name (attr node 'name)) (objects (map (lambda (node) (parse-object node pixel-height)) ((sxpath '(object)) node))) (properties (map parse-property ((sxpath '(properties property)) node)))) (%make-object-layer name objects properties))) (let* ((tree (call-with-input-file file-name xml->sxml)) (m ((sxpath '(map)) tree)) (version (let ((version (attr m 'version))) (unless (any (lambda (v) (string=? version v)) '("1.0" "1.1" "1.2")) (error "unsupported tiled map format version" version)) version)) (orientation (attr m 'orientation string->symbol)) (width (attr m 'width string->number)) (height (attr m 'height string->number)) (tile-width (attr m 'tilewidth string->number)) (tile-height (attr m 'tileheight string->number)) (properties ((sxpath '(map properties property)) tree)) (tilesets (map parse-tileset ((sxpath '(map tileset)) tree))) (layers ((node-or (sxpath '(map layer)) (sxpath '(map objectgroup))) tree))) (%make-tile-map orientation width height tile-width tile-height tilesets (list->vector (map (lambda (node) (match node (('layer . _) (parse-tile-layer node tilesets)) (('objectgroup . _) (parse-object-layer node (* height tile-height))))) layers)) (map parse-property properties) (make-rect 0.0 0.0 (* width tile-width) (* height tile-height))))) (define (draw-tile-layer layer matrix x1 y1 x2 y2) (let ((width (tile-layer-width layer)) (height (tile-layer-height layer))) (let y-loop ((y y1)) (when (< y y2) (let x-loop ((x x1)) (when (< x x2) (let ((tile (vector-ref (tile-layer-tiles layer) (+ (* y width) x)))) (when tile (let ((tref (map-tile-ref tile))) (sprite-batch-add* (tile-batch tref) (map-tile-rect tile) matrix #:texture-region (tile-texture tref))))) (x-loop (+ x 1)))) (y-loop (+ y 1)))))) (define* (draw-tile-map* tile-map matrix region #:key layers) ;; Calculate the tiles that are visible so we don't waste time ;; drawing unnecessary sprites. (let* ((w (tile-map-width tile-map)) (h (tile-map-height tile-map)) (tw (tile-map-tile-width tile-map)) (th (tile-map-tile-height tile-map)) (rx (rect-x region)) (ry (rect-y region)) (rw (rect-width region)) (rh (rect-height region)) (x1 (max (inexact->exact (floor (/ rx tw))) 0)) (y1 (max (inexact->exact (floor (/ ry th))) 0)) (x2 (min (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ (+ rx rw) tw))) w)) (y2 (min (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ (+ ry rh) th))) h))) (vector-for-each (lambda (i layer) (when (and (tile-layer? layer) (or (not layers) (memv i layers))) (for-each (lambda (tileset) (sprite-batch-clear! (tileset-batch tileset))) (tile-map-tilesets tile-map)) (draw-tile-layer layer matrix x1 y1 x2 y2) (for-each (lambda (tileset) (draw-sprite-batch (tileset-batch tileset))) (tile-map-tilesets tile-map)))) (tile-map-layers tile-map)))) (define %null-vec2 (vec2 0.0 0.0)) (define %default-scale (vec2 1.0 1.0)) (define %matrix (make-null-matrix4)) (define %region (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) ;; Make a default region that is as big as the viewport. (define (default-region tile-map position) (let ((vp (current-viewport))) (set-rect-x! %region (- (vec2-x position))) (set-rect-y! %region (- (vec2-y position))) (set-rect-width! %region (viewport-width vp)) (set-rect-height! %region (viewport-height vp)) %region)) (define* (draw-tile-map tile-map #:key layers (position %null-vec2) (region (default-region tile-map position)) (origin %null-vec2) (scale %default-scale) (rotation 0.0)) "Draw TILE-MAP. By default, all layers are drawn. The LAYERS argument may be used to specify a list of layers to draw, instead." (matrix4-2d-transform! %matrix #:origin origin #:position position #:rotation rotation #:scale scale) (draw-tile-map* tile-map %matrix region #:layers layers))