;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit ;;; Copyright © 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Chickadee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, ;;; or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Chickadee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Bitmap font rendering. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (chickadee graphics text) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-4) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (sxml xpath) #:use-module (sxml simple) #:use-module (chickadee config) #:use-module (chickadee data array-list) #:use-module (chickadee freetype) #:use-module (chickadee math) #:use-module (chickadee math matrix) #:use-module (chickadee math rect) #:use-module (chickadee math vector) #:use-module (chickadee pixbuf) #:use-module (chickadee graphics blend) #:use-module (chickadee graphics color) #:use-module (chickadee graphics engine) #:use-module (chickadee graphics shader) #:use-module (chickadee graphics sprite) #:use-module (chickadee graphics texture) #:use-module (chickadee utils) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:export (load-tile-font load-bitmap-font load-font font? font-face font-ascent font-descent font-glyph font-glyph* font-line-height font-line-width font-bold? font-italic? default-font glyph? glyph-id glyph-texture-region glyph-offset glyph-dimensions glyph-advance make-compositor compositor? compositor-cursor compositor-reset! typeset-lrtb make-page page? page-bounding-box page-reset! page-write! draw-page draw-text* draw-text)) ;;; ;;; Fonts ;;; (define-record-type (make-glyph id texture-region offset dimensions advance) glyph? (id glyph-id) (texture-region glyph-texture-region) (offset glyph-offset) (dimensions glyph-dimensions) (advance glyph-advance)) (define-record-type (make-font face bold? italic? ascent descent line-height glyphs kernings) font? (face font-face) (bold? font-bold?) (italic? font-italic?) (ascent font-ascent) (descent font-descent) (line-height font-line-height) (glyphs font-glyphs) (kernings font-kernings)) (define (display-font font port) (format port "#" (font-face font) (font-line-height font) (font-bold? font) (font-italic? font))) (set-record-type-printer! display-font) (define (font-line-width font text) "Return the width of TEXT when rendered with FONT." (let loop ((width 0.0) (i 0)) (if (< i (string-length text)) (let ((char (font-glyph* font (string-ref text i)))) (loop (+ width (vec2-x (glyph-advance char))) (+ i 1))) width))) (define (font-kerning font a b) (let ((t (hashv-ref (font-kernings font) b))) (and t (hashv-ref t a)))) (define freetype-handle (delay (init-freetype))) (define* (load-font file-name point-size #:key (char-set char-set:ascii) (smooth? #t)) "Load all the glyphs in CHAR-SET from the font in FILE-NAME and display it at POINT-SIZE. By default, the ASCII character is used. If SMOOTH? is #t (the default), text rendered with this font will have a smoother appearance when text is rotated or scaled, otherwise non-smooth scaling will be used." (unless (file-exists? file-name) (error "no such file" file-name)) (let ((face (load-face (force freetype-handle) file-name)) (chars (make-hash-table)) (kernings (make-hash-table)) (texture-size (min (graphics-engine-max-texture-size) 2048))) ;; TODO: Use actual screen DPI. (set-char-size! face (* point-size 64) 0 96 96) (let ((glyph (face-glyph-slot face)) (pixels (make-bytevector (* texture-size texture-size 4))) (x 0) (y 0) (next-y 0)) (define (add-pixels char width height pitch left top advance glyph-pixels) (when (> (+ x width) texture-size) (set! y next-y) (set! x 0)) (for-range ((column width) (row height)) (let ((gray (u8vector-ref glyph-pixels (+ (* row pitch) column))) (offset (+ (* (- height (+ y row) 1) texture-size 4) (* (+ x column) 4)))) (u8vector-set! pixels offset 255) (u8vector-set! pixels (+ offset 1) 255) (u8vector-set! pixels (+ offset 2) 255) (u8vector-set! pixels (+ offset 3) gray))) (let ((spec (list char x y width height left top advance))) ;; 1 pixel of padding to avoid artifacts when texture is ;; scaled up. (set! x (+ x width 1)) (set! next-y (max next-y (+ y height 1))) spec)) ;; Render individual glyph bitmaps and compose them into larger ;; images to be used as textures. (let* ((specs (char-set-fold (lambda (char prev) (load-char face char '(render)) (let ((left (glyph-bitmap-left glyph)) (top (glyph-bitmap-top glyph))) (match (glyph-metrics glyph) ((bearing-x bearing-y advance) (match (glyph-bitmap glyph) ((width height pitch glyph-pixels) (cons (if glyph-pixels (add-pixels char width height pitch left top advance glyph-pixels) (list char #f #f width height left top advance)) prev))))))) '() char-set)) (texture-filter (if smooth? 'linear 'nearest)) ;; TODO: Use multiple textures if needed. (texture (make-texture (bytevector->pixbuf pixels texture-size texture-size) #:min-filter texture-filter #:mag-filter texture-filter))) ;; Process kernings. (char-set-for-each (lambda (left) (let ((left-index (get-char-index face left))) (char-set-for-each (lambda (right) (let* ((k (get-kerning face left-index (get-char-index face right))) (kx (s64vector-ref k 0)) (ky (s64vector-ref k 1)) (t (hashv-ref kernings left))) (unless (and (zero? kx) (zero? ky)) (let ((kv (vec2 (/ kx 64.0) (/ ky 64.0)))) (if t (hashv-set! t right kv) (let ((t (make-hash-table))) (hashv-set! t right kv) (hashv-set! kernings left t))))))) char-set))) char-set) ;; Build chars. (for-each (match-lambda ((char x y width height left top advance) (hashv-set! chars char (make-glyph char (and x y (make-texture-region texture (make-rect x y width height))) (vec2 left (- top height)) (vec2 width height) (vec2 advance 0.0))))) specs))) (let ((style (face-style-name face))) (match (size-metrics (face-size face)) ((_ _ _ _ ascent descent height _) (make-font (face-family-name face) (and (string-match ".*[B,b]old.*" style) #t) (and (string-match ".*[I,i]talic.*" style) #t) (/ ascent 64.0) (/ descent 64.0) (/ height 64.0) chars kernings)))))) (define* (load-tile-font file tile-width tile-height characters #:key (face "untitled") (margin 0) (spacing 0)) "Load the font named FACE from FILE, a bitmap image containing the characters in the string CHARACTERS that are TILE-WIDTH by TILE-HEIGHT pixels in size. The characters in the image *must* appear in the order that they are specified in the character set or text will not render properly. Optionally, each tile may have SPACING pixels of horizontal and vertical space between surrounding tiles and the entire image may have MARGIN pixels of empty space around its border." (let* ((texture (load-image file)) (atlas (split-texture texture tile-width tile-height #:margin margin #:spacing spacing)) (chars (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (string-for-each-index (lambda (i) (hashv-set! table (string-ref characters i) (make-glyph (string-ref characters i) (texture-atlas-ref atlas i) (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 tile-width tile-height) (vec2 tile-width 0.0)))) characters) table)) ;; These fonts are by definition monospace fonts, so no ;; kerning. (kernings (make-hash-table))) (make-font face #f #f (exact->inexact tile-height) 0.0 (exact->inexact tile-height) chars kernings))) (define (load-bitmap-font file) "Load the AngelCode formatted bitmap font within FILE. The file extension must be either .xml or .fnt." (cond ((string-suffix? ".xml" file) (parse-bmfont-sxml file (call-with-input-file file xml->sxml))) ((string-suffix? ".fnt" file) (parse-bmfont-sxml file (parse-fnt file))) (else (error "unknown bmfont file type: " file)))) (define (parse-fnt file) (define (newline? char) (eqv? char #\newline)) (define (whitespace? char) (and (not (newline? char)) (char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace char))) (define (letter? char) (char-set-contains? char-set:letter char)) (define (consume-whitespace port) (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) *unspecified*) ((? whitespace?) (read-char port) (consume-whitespace port)) (_ *unspecified*))) (define (read-tag port) (list->symbol (let loop () (match (peek-char port) ((? letter? char) (read-char port) (cons char (loop))) ((? whitespace? char) '()))))) (define (read-key port) (list->symbol (let loop () (match (read-char port) (#\= '()) ((? letter? char) (cons char (loop))))))) (define (read-quoted-string port) (match (read-char port) (#\" #t)) (list->string (let loop () (match (read-char port) (#\" (if (or (whitespace? (peek-char port)) (newline? (peek-char port))) '() (cons #\" (loop)))) (char (cons char (loop))))))) (define (read-unquoted-string port) (list->string (let loop () (match (peek-char port) ((or (? whitespace?) (? newline?)) '()) (char (read-char port) (cons char (loop))))))) (define (read-value port) (match (peek-char port) (#\" (read-quoted-string port)) (_ (read-unquoted-string port)))) (define (read-key/value-pair port) (list (read-key port) (read-value port))) (define (read-key/value-pairs port) (cons '@ (let loop () (consume-whitespace port) (match (peek-char port) ((? newline?) (read-char port) '()) ((? letter?) (cons (read-key/value-pair port) (loop))))))) (define (read-line port) (list (read-tag port) (read-key/value-pairs port))) `(*TOP* (font ,@(call-with-input-file file (lambda (port) (let loop ((pages '())) (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) `((pages (@ (count ,(number->string (length pages)))) ,@pages))) ((? newline?) (read-char port) (loop pages)) ((? letter?) (match (read-line port) ((tag ('@ ('count count))) (cons (cons* tag `(@ (count ,count)) (list-tabulate (string->number count) (lambda (i) (read-line port)))) (loop pages))) ((and ('page . _) page) (loop (cons page pages))) (exp (cons exp (loop pages)))))))))))) (define (parse-bmfont-sxml file tree) (define directory (dirname file)) (define* (attr tree name #:optional (parse identity)) (let ((result ((sxpath `(@ ,name *text*)) tree))) (if (null? result) #f (parse (car result))))) (define (parse-pages nodes) (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (node) (let* ((id (attr node 'id string->number)) (file (attr node 'file)) (texture (load-image (string-append directory "/" file)))) (hashv-set! table id texture))) nodes) table)) (define (string->character s) (integer->char (string->number s))) (define (parse-chars nodes pages image-width image-height line-height) (define (x->s x) (exact->inexact (/ x image-width))) (define (y->t y) (exact->inexact (/ y image-height))) (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (node) (let* ((id (attr node 'id string->character)) (width (attr node 'width string->number)) (height (attr node 'height string->number)) (x (attr node 'x string->number)) ;; Invert the y axis. Our origin is the ;; bottom-left corner, not top-left. (y (- image-height height (attr node 'y string->number))) (x-offset (attr node 'xoffset string->number)) (y-offset (- line-height height (attr node 'yoffset string->number))) (x-advance (attr node 'xadvance string->number)) (page (or (attr node 'page string->number) 0)) (region (make-texture-region (hashv-ref pages page) (make-rect x y width height))) (char (make-glyph id region (vec2 x-offset y-offset) (vec2 width height) (vec2 x-advance 0.0)))) (hashv-set! table id char))) nodes) table)) (define (parse-kernings nodes) (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (node) (let* ((first (attr node 'first string->character)) (second (attr node 'second string->character)) (x-offset (attr node 'amount string->number)) (inner-table (hashv-ref table first))) (if inner-table (hashv-set! inner-table second (vec2 x-offset 0.0)) (let ((inner-table (make-hash-table))) (hashv-set! inner-table second (vec2 x-offset 0.0)) (hashv-set! table first inner-table))))) nodes) table)) (let* ((info ((sxpath '(font info)) tree)) (common ((sxpath '(font common)) tree)) (face (attr info 'face)) (bold? (attr info 'bold (const #t))) (italic? (attr info 'italic (const #t))) (line-height (exact->inexact (attr common 'lineHeight string->number))) (image-width (attr common 'scaleW string->number)) (image-height (attr common 'scaleH string->number)) (pages (parse-pages ((sxpath '(font pages page)) tree))) (chars (parse-chars ((sxpath '(font chars char)) tree) pages image-width image-height line-height)) (kernings (parse-kernings ((sxpath '(font kernings kerning)) tree)))) (make-font face bold? italic? line-height 0.0 line-height chars kernings))) (define (font-glyph font char) "Return the glyph for CHAR in FONT, or #f if the char is not represented in FONT." (hashv-ref (font-glyphs font) char)) (define (font-glyph* font char) "Return the glyph for CHAR in FONT, or a placeholder glyph if the char is not represented in FONT." (or (font-glyph font char) (font-glyph font #\?))) ;;; ;;; Typesetting ;;; ;; Using an old printing press metaphor here. The compositor was the ;; person who arranged the individual characters for printing. A ;; composited glyph is a glyph that has been placed in a particular ;; location, assigned a color, and, optionally, given an arbitrary ;; transformation matrix. (define-record-type (%make-composited-glyph position) composited-glyph? (glyph composited-glyph-glyph set-composited-glyph-glyph!) (position composited-glyph-position) (color composited-glyph-color set-composited-glyph-color!) (matrix composited-glyph-matrix set-composited-glyph-matrix!)) ;; A compositor manages the state of the typesetting process. It does ;; not know anything about typesetting techniques, as even something ;; as fundamental as which way the text is read varies greatly. ;; English reads left to right. Arabic reads right to left. Japanese ;; can read left to right or top to bottom. Since layout decisions ;; are so context sensitive, we leave glyph placement up to a user ;; provided compositing procedure. ;; ;; The coordinate space of the compositor is *different* than the ;; coordinate space of OpenGL in that the positive Y axis points ;; *down*, not up. This just makes more sense for text since we read ;; from the top of a page. The Y coordinates will be inverted later ;; when assembling the vertex data. (define-record-type (%make-compositor cursor free-cglyphs cglyphs size) compositor? ;; The position where glyphs will be placed. (cursor compositor-cursor) (free-cglyphs compositor-free-cglyphs) (cglyphs compositor-cglyphs) ;; Tracking the extremes of the cursor position. Currently only the ;; Y value is tracked, for the purposes of inverting coordinates ;; later. (size compositor-size)) (define (make-compositor) (%make-compositor (vec2 0.0 0.0) (make-array-list) (make-array-list) (vec2 0.0 0.0))) (define (compositor-free-composited-glyph compositor) (let ((free-cglyphs (compositor-free-cglyphs compositor))) (if (array-list-empty? free-cglyphs) (%make-composited-glyph (vec2 0.0 0.0)) (array-list-pop! free-cglyphs)))) (define (make-composited-glyph compositor glyph color matrix) (let ((cglyph (compositor-free-composited-glyph compositor))) (vec2-copy! (compositor-cursor compositor) (composited-glyph-position cglyph)) (set-composited-glyph-glyph! cglyph glyph) (set-composited-glyph-color! cglyph color) (set-composited-glyph-matrix! cglyph matrix) cglyph)) (define* (compositor-put-glyph! compositor glyph color #:optional (matrix #f)) (let ((size (compositor-size compositor))) (array-list-push! (compositor-cglyphs compositor) (make-composited-glyph compositor glyph color matrix)) (set-vec2-y! size (max (vec2-y size) (vec2-y (compositor-cursor compositor)))))) (define (compositor-reset! compositor) (let ((cglyphs (compositor-cglyphs compositor)) (free-cglyphs (compositor-free-cglyphs compositor))) (set-vec2! (compositor-cursor compositor) 0.0 0.0) (set-vec2! (compositor-size compositor) 0.0 0.0) (while (not (array-list-empty? cglyphs)) (array-list-push! free-cglyphs (array-list-pop! cglyphs))))) ;; Simple left to right, top to bottom typesetting for a single font ;; and color. (define* (typeset-lrtb compositor font text color #:key (start 0) (end (string-length text))) (let ((cursor (compositor-cursor compositor))) (let loop ((i start) (prev #f)) (when (< i end) (let ((c (string-ref text i))) (case c ((#\newline) (set-vec2-x! cursor 0.0) (set-vec2-y! cursor (+ (vec2-y cursor) (font-line-height font)))) (else (let* ((glyph (font-glyph* font c)) (k (font-kerning font c prev))) ;; Adjust cursor with kerning, if present. (when k (set-vec2-x! cursor (+ (vec2-x cursor) (vec2-x k)))) ;; Add glyph. (compositor-put-glyph! compositor glyph color) ;; Move forward to where the next character needs to be drawn. (set-vec2-x! cursor (+ (vec2-x cursor) (vec2-x (glyph-advance glyph))))))) (loop (+ i 1) c)))))) ;;; ;;; Rendering ;;; ;; A page is the "printed" form of a collection of composited glyphs. ;; It is a collection of sprite batches that are ready to be rendered. ;; By compiling text strings to pages, large amounts of static text ;; containing multiple colors, fonts, and transformations can be ;; cached and rendered cheaply. (define-record-type (%make-page free-batches batches scratch-rect bounding-box) page? (free-batches page-free-batches) (batches page-batches) (scratch-rect page-scratch-rect) (bounding-box page-bounding-box)) (define (make-page) (%make-page (make-array-list) (make-hash-table) (make-null-rect) (make-null-rect))) (define (page-reset! page) (let ((free-batches (page-free-batches page)) (bb (page-bounding-box page))) (hash-for-each (lambda (texture batch) (array-list-push! free-batches batch)) (page-batches page)) (hash-clear! (page-batches page)) (set-rect-x! bb 0.0) (set-rect-y! bb 0.0) (set-rect-width! bb 0.0) (set-rect-height! bb 0.0))) (define (page-free-batch page) (let ((free-batches (page-free-batches page))) (if (array-list-empty? free-batches) (make-sprite-batch null-texture) (array-list-pop! free-batches)))) (define (make-page-batch page texture) (let ((batch (page-free-batch page))) (set-sprite-batch-texture! batch texture) batch)) (define (page-batch page texture) (let ((batches (page-batches page))) (or (hashq-ref batches texture) (let ((batch (make-page-batch page texture))) (hashq-set! batches texture batch) (sprite-batch-clear! batch) batch)))) (define %identity-matrix (make-identity-matrix4)) (define (page-write! page compositor) (let ((rect (page-scratch-rect page)) (bb (page-bounding-box page)) (size (compositor-size compositor))) (define (write-glyph i cglyph) (let* ((glyph (composited-glyph-glyph cglyph)) (position (composited-glyph-position cglyph)) (offset (glyph-offset glyph)) (dimensions (glyph-dimensions glyph)) (advance (glyph-advance glyph)) (texture (glyph-texture-region glyph)) (x (vec2-x position)) (y (- (vec2-y size) (vec2-y position))) ;; Not all glyphs have a visual representation, such as ;; the space character. (batch (and texture (page-batch page (texture-parent texture))))) ;; Setup bounding box. (set-rect-x! rect x) (set-rect-y! rect y) (set-rect-width! rect (vec2-x advance)) (set-rect-height! rect (vec2-y dimensions)) (rect-union! bb rect) ; expand bounding box to include this char (when batch ;; Reuse rect for sprite dimensions. (set-rect-x! rect (+ x (vec2-x offset))) (set-rect-y! rect (+ y (vec2-y offset))) (set-rect-width! rect (vec2-x dimensions)) (sprite-batch-add* batch rect (or (composited-glyph-matrix cglyph) %identity-matrix) #:texture-region texture #:tint (composited-glyph-color cglyph))))) (array-list-for-each write-glyph (compositor-cglyphs compositor)))) (define* (draw-page page matrix #:key (blend-mode blend:alpha)) (hash-for-each (lambda (texture batch) (draw-sprite-batch* batch matrix #:blend-mode blend-mode)) (page-batches page))) (define draw-text* (let ((compositor (make-compositor)) (page (make-page))) (lambda* (font text matrix #:key (blend-mode blend:alpha) (color white) (start 0) (end (string-length text)) (typeset typeset-lrtb)) (compositor-reset! compositor) (page-reset! page) (typeset compositor font text color #:start start #:end end) (page-write! page compositor) (draw-page page matrix #:blend-mode blend-mode)))) (define %default-scale (vec2 1.0 1.0)) (define %null-vec2 (vec2 0.0 0.0)) (define %default-font (delay (load-font (scope-datadir "fonts/Inconsolata-Regular.otf") 12))) (define (default-font) (force %default-font)) (define draw-text (let ((matrix (make-null-matrix4))) (lambda* (text position #:key (font (default-font)) (color white) (origin %null-vec2) (rotation 0) (scale %default-scale) (blend-mode blend:alpha) (start 0) (end (string-length text)) (typeset typeset-lrtb)) "Draw the string TEXT with the first character starting at POSITION using FONT." (matrix4-2d-transform! matrix #:origin origin #:position position #:rotation rotation #:scale scale) (draw-text* font text matrix #:blend-mode blend-mode #:color color #:start start #:end end))))