;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit ;;; Copyright © 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Chickadee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, ;;; or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Chickadee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . (define-module (chickadee graphics sprite) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (srfi srfi-4) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) #:use-module (chickadee math matrix) #:use-module (chickadee math rect) #:use-module (chickadee math vector) #:use-module (chickadee graphics blend) #:use-module (chickadee graphics color) #:use-module (chickadee graphics engine) #:use-module (chickadee graphics shader) #:use-module (chickadee graphics texture) #:use-module (chickadee graphics buffer) #:export (draw-sprite* draw-sprite make-sprite-batch sprite-batch? sprite-batch-texture set-sprite-batch-texture! sprite-batch-clear! sprite-batch-add* sprite-batch-add! draw-sprite-batch* draw-sprite-batch with-batched-sprites draw-nine-patch* draw-nine-patch)) (define-geometry-type sprite-vertex-ref sprite-vertex-set! sprite-vertex-append! (position vec2) (texture vec2)) (define-graphics-variable sprite-geometry (make-geometry 4 #:index-capacity 6)) (define-graphics-variable sprite-model-matrix (make-null-matrix4)) (define-graphics-variable sprite-mvp-matrix (make-null-matrix4)) (define-graphics-variable sprite-shader (strings->shader " #ifdef GLSL330 layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; layout (location = 1) in vec2 tex; #elif defined(GLSL130) in vec2 position; in vec2 tex; #elif defined(GLSL120) attribute vec2 position; attribute vec2 tex; #endif #ifdef GLSL120 varying vec2 fragTex; #else out vec2 fragTex; #endif uniform mat4 mvp; void main(void) { fragTex = tex; gl_Position = mvp * vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.0); } " " #ifdef GLSL120 varying vec2 fragTex; #else in vec2 fragTex; #endif #ifdef GLSL330 out vec4 fragColor; #endif uniform sampler2D colorTexture; uniform vec4 tint; void main (void) { #ifdef GLSL330 fragColor = texture(colorTexture, fragTex) * tint; #else gl_FragColor = texture2D(colorTexture, fragTex) * tint; #endif } ")) (define* (draw-sprite* texture rect matrix #:key (tint white) (blend-mode blend:alpha) (texcoords (texture-gl-tex-rect texture))) (let ((shader (graphics-variable-ref sprite-shader)) (geometry (graphics-variable-ref sprite-geometry)) (mvp (graphics-variable-ref sprite-mvp-matrix))) (with-geometry geometry (let* ((x1 (rect-x rect)) (y1 (rect-y rect)) (x2 (+ x1 (rect-width rect))) (y2 (+ y1 (rect-height rect))) (s1 (rect-x texcoords)) (t1 (rect-y texcoords)) (s2 (+ (rect-x texcoords) (rect-width texcoords))) (t2 (+ (rect-y texcoords) (rect-height texcoords)))) (sprite-vertex-append! geometry (x1 y1 s1 t1) (x2 y1 s2 t1) (x2 y2 s2 t2) (x1 y2 s1 t2)) (geometry-index-append! geometry 0 3 2 0 2 1))) (with-graphics-state ((g:blend-mode blend-mode) (g:texture-0 texture)) (shader-apply shader (geometry-vertex-array geometry) #:tint tint #:mvp (if matrix (begin (matrix4-mult! mvp matrix (current-projection)) mvp) (current-projection)))))) (define %null-vec2 (vec2 0.0 0.0)) (define %default-scale (vec2 1.0 1.0)) (define* (draw-sprite texture position #:key (tint white) (origin %null-vec2) (scale %default-scale) (rotation 0.0) (blend-mode blend:alpha) (rect (texture-gl-rect texture))) "Draw TEXTURE at POSITION. Optionally, other transformations may be applied to the sprite. ROTATION specifies the angle to rotate the sprite, in radians. SCALE specifies the scaling factor as a 2D vector. All transformations are applied relative to ORIGIN, a 2D vector. TINT specifies the color to multiply against all the sprite's pixels. By default white is used, which does no tinting at all. By default, alpha blending is used but can be changed by specifying BLEND-MODE." (let ((matrix (graphics-variable-ref sprite-model-matrix))) (matrix4-2d-transform! matrix #:origin origin #:position position #:rotation rotation #:scale scale) (draw-sprite* texture rect matrix #:tint tint #:blend-mode blend-mode))) ;;; ;;; Sprite Batches ;;; (define-geometry-type batched-sprite-ref batched-sprite-set! batched-sprite-append! (position vec2) (texture vec2) (tint vec4)) (define-graphics-variable sprite-batch-shader (strings->shader " #ifdef GLSL330 layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; layout (location = 1) in vec2 tex; layout (location = 2) in vec4 tint; #elif defined(GLSL130) in vec2 position; in vec2 tex; in vec4 tint; #elif defined(GLSL120) attribute vec2 position; attribute vec2 tex; attribute vec4 tint; #endif #ifdef GLSL120 varying vec2 fragTex; varying vec4 fragTint; #else out vec2 fragTex; out vec4 fragTint; #endif uniform mat4 mvp; void main(void) { fragTex = tex; fragTint = tint; gl_Position = mvp * vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.0); } " " #ifdef GLSL120 varying vec2 fragTex; varying vec4 fragTint; #else in vec2 fragTex; in vec4 fragTint; #endif #ifdef GLSL330 out vec4 fragColor; #endif uniform sampler2D colorTexture; void main (void) { #ifdef GLSL330 fragColor = texture(colorTexture, fragTex) * fragTint; #else gl_FragColor = texture2D(colorTexture, fragTex) * fragTint; #endif } ")) (define-record-type (%make-sprite-batch texture geometry size) sprite-batch? (texture sprite-batch-texture set-sprite-batch-texture!) (geometry sprite-batch-geometry) (size sprite-batch-size set-sprite-batch-size!)) (define* (make-sprite-batch texture #:key (capacity 256)) "Make a sprite batch that can hold CAPACITY sprites before needing to resize." (%make-sprite-batch texture (make-geometry (* capacity 4) #:index-capacity (* capacity 6)) 0)) (define (sprite-batch-clear! batch) "Reset BATCH to size 0." (set-sprite-batch-size! batch 0) (geometry-begin! (sprite-batch-geometry batch))) (define (sprite-batch-flush! batch) "Submit the contents of BATCH to the GPU." (geometry-end! (sprite-batch-geometry batch))) (define* (sprite-batch-add* batch rect matrix #:key (tint white) texture-region) "Add RECT, transformed by MATRIX, to BATCH. To render a subsection of the batch's texture, a texture object whose parent is the batch texture may be specified via the TEXTURE-REGION argument." (let* ((geometry (sprite-batch-geometry batch)) (vertex-offset (geometry-vertex-count geometry )) (minx (rect-x rect)) (miny (rect-y rect)) (maxx (+ minx (rect-width rect))) (maxy (+ miny (rect-height rect))) (x1 (matrix4-transform-x matrix minx miny)) (y1 (matrix4-transform-y matrix minx miny)) (x2 (matrix4-transform-x matrix maxx miny)) (y2 (matrix4-transform-y matrix maxx miny)) (x3 (matrix4-transform-x matrix maxx maxy)) (y3 (matrix4-transform-y matrix maxx maxy)) (x4 (matrix4-transform-x matrix minx maxy)) (y4 (matrix4-transform-y matrix minx maxy)) (texcoords (texture-gl-tex-rect (or texture-region (sprite-batch-texture batch)))) (s1 (rect-x texcoords)) (t1 (rect-y texcoords)) (s2 (+ (rect-x texcoords) (rect-width texcoords))) (t2 (+ (rect-y texcoords) (rect-height texcoords))) (r (color-r tint)) (g (color-g tint)) (b (color-b tint)) (a (color-a tint))) (batched-sprite-append! geometry (x1 y1 s1 t1 r g b a) (x2 y2 s2 t1 r g b a) (x3 y3 s2 t2 r g b a) (x4 y4 s1 t2 r g b a)) (geometry-index-append! geometry vertex-offset (+ vertex-offset 3) (+ vertex-offset 2) vertex-offset (+ vertex-offset 2) (+ vertex-offset 1)) (set-sprite-batch-size! batch (+ (sprite-batch-size batch) 1)))) (define* (sprite-batch-add! batch position #:key (origin %null-vec2) (scale %default-scale) (rotation 0.0) (tint white) texture-region) "Add sprite to BATCH at POSITION. To render a subsection of the batch's texture, a texture object whose parent is the batch texture may be specified via the TEXTURE-REGION argument." (let ((matrix (graphics-variable-ref sprite-model-matrix)) (rect (texture-gl-rect (or texture-region (sprite-batch-texture batch))))) (matrix4-2d-transform! matrix #:origin origin #:position position #:rotation rotation #:scale scale) (sprite-batch-add* batch rect matrix #:tint tint #:texture-region texture-region))) (define* (draw-sprite-batch* batch matrix #:key (blend-mode blend:alpha)) "Render the contents of BATCH." (let ((shader (graphics-variable-ref sprite-batch-shader)) (mvp (graphics-variable-ref sprite-mvp-matrix))) (sprite-batch-flush! batch) (matrix4-mult! mvp matrix (current-projection)) (with-graphics-state ((g:blend-mode blend-mode) (g:texture-0 (sprite-batch-texture batch))) (let ((geometry (sprite-batch-geometry batch))) (shader-apply* shader (geometry-vertex-array geometry) 0 (geometry-index-count geometry) #:mvp mvp))))) (define* (draw-sprite-batch batch #:key (position %null-vec2) (origin %null-vec2) (scale %default-scale) (rotation 0.0) (blend-mode blend:alpha)) "Render the contents of BATCH." (let ((matrix (graphics-variable-ref sprite-model-matrix))) (matrix4-2d-transform! matrix #:origin origin #:position position #:rotation rotation #:scale scale) (draw-sprite-batch* batch matrix #:blend-mode blend-mode)))