;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit ;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Chickadee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, ;;; or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Chickadee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program. If not, see ;;; . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Colors! ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (chickadee graphics color) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (chickadee math) #:export (make-color color? color-r color-g color-b color-a rgba rgb transparency string->color color* color+ color- color-inverse color-lerp white black red green blue yellow magenta cyan transparent tango-light-butter tango-butter tango-dark-butter tango-light-orange tango-orange tango-dark-orange tango-light-chocolate tango-chocolate tango-dark-chocolate tango-light-chameleon tango-chameleon tango-dark-chameleon tango-light-sky-blue tango-sky-blue tango-dark-sky-blue tango-light-plum tango-plum tango-dark-plum tango-light-scarlet-red tango-scarlet-red tango-dark-scarlet-red tango-aluminium-1 tango-aluminium-2 tango-aluminium-3 tango-aluminium-4 tango-aluminium-5 tango-aluminium-6)) (define-record-type (wrap-color bv) color? (bv unwrap-color)) (define-inlinable (color-r color) (f32vector-ref (unwrap-color color) 0)) (define-inlinable (color-g color) (f32vector-ref (unwrap-color color) 1)) (define-inlinable (color-b color) (f32vector-ref (unwrap-color color) 2)) (define-inlinable (color-a color) (f32vector-ref (unwrap-color color) 3)) (define-inlinable (make-color r g b a) (wrap-color (f32vector (clamp 0.0 1.0 r) (clamp 0.0 1.0 g) (clamp 0.0 1.0 b) (clamp 0.0 1.0 a)))) (define (color-component color-code offset) "Return the value of an 8-bit color channel in the range [0,1] for the integer COLOR-CODE, given an OFFSET in bits." (let ((mask (ash #xff offset))) (/ (ash (logand mask color-code) (- offset)) 255.0))) (define (rgba color-code) "Translate an RGBA format string COLOR-CODE into a color object. For example: #xffffffff will return a color with RGBA values 1, 1, 1, 1." (make-color (color-component color-code 24) (color-component color-code 16) (color-component color-code 8) (color-component color-code 0))) (define (rgb color-code) "Translate an RGB format string COLOR-CODE into a color object. For example: #xffffff will return a color with RGBA values 1, 1, 1, 1." (make-color (color-component color-code 16) (color-component color-code 8) (color-component color-code 0) 1.0)) (define (transparency alpha) "Create a new color that is white with a transparency value of ALPHA. ALPHA is clamped to the range [0, 1]." (make-color 1 1 1 alpha)) (define (string->color s) "Convert the color code string S, in a format like \"#RRGGBBAA\", to a color object." (define (parse-digit i) (match (string-ref s i) (#\0 0) (#\1 1) (#\2 2) (#\3 3) (#\4 4) (#\5 5) (#\6 6) (#\7 7) (#\8 8) (#\9 9) ((or #\a #\A) 10) ((or #\b #\B) 11) ((or #\c #\C) 12) ((or #\d #\D) 13) ((or #\e #\E) 14) ((or #\f #\F) 15))) (define (parse-channel i) (/ (+ (* (parse-digit i) 16) (parse-digit (+ i 1))) 255.0)) ;; Support color codes with or without a "#" prefix and with or ;; without an alpha channel. (let* ((start (if (string-prefix? "#" s) 1 0)) (alpha? (> (string-length s) (+ start 6))) (red (parse-channel start)) (green (parse-channel (+ start 2))) (blue (parse-channel (+ start 4))) (alpha (if alpha? (parse-channel (+ start 6)) 1.0))) (make-color red green blue alpha))) (define-inlinable (color* a b) (if (color? b) (make-color (* (color-r a) (color-r b)) (* (color-g a) (color-g b)) (* (color-b a) (color-b b)) (* (color-a a) (color-a b))) ;; Scalar multiplication. (make-color (* (color-r a) b) (* (color-g a) b) (* (color-b a) b) (* (color-a a) b)))) (define-inlinable (color+ a b) (make-color (+ (color-r a) (color-r b)) (+ (color-g a) (color-g b)) (+ (color-b a) (color-b b)) (+ (color-a a) (color-a b)))) (define-inlinable (color- a b) (make-color (- (color-r a) (color-r b)) (- (color-g a) (color-g b)) (- (color-b a) (color-b b)) (- (color-a a) (color-a b)))) (define-inlinable (color-inverse color) (make-color (- 1.0 (color-r color)) (- 1.0 (color-g color)) (- 1.0 (color-b color)) ;; Do not alter alpha channel. (color-a color))) (define-inlinable (color-lerp start end alpha) (color+ (color* start (- 1.0 alpha)) (color* end alpha))) ;;; ;;; Pre-defined Colors ;;; ;; Basic (define white (rgb #xffffff)) (define black (rgb #x000000)) (define red (rgb #xff0000)) (define green (rgb #x00ff00)) (define blue (rgb #x0000ff)) (define yellow (rgb #xffff00)) (define magenta (rgb #xff00ff)) (define cyan (rgb #x00ffff)) (define transparent (make-color 0 0 0 0)) ;; Tango color pallete ;; http://tango.freedesktop.org (define tango-light-butter (rgb #xfce94f)) (define tango-butter (rgb #xedd400)) (define tango-dark-butter (rgb #xc4a000)) (define tango-light-orange (rgb #xfcaf3e)) (define tango-orange (rgb #xf57900)) (define tango-dark-orange (rgb #xce5c00)) (define tango-light-chocolate (rgb #xe9b96e)) (define tango-chocolate (rgb #xc17d11)) (define tango-dark-chocolate (rgb #x8f5902)) (define tango-light-chameleon (rgb #x8ae234)) (define tango-chameleon (rgb #x73d216)) (define tango-dark-chameleon (rgb #x4e9a06)) (define tango-light-sky-blue (rgb #x729fcf)) (define tango-sky-blue (rgb #x3465a4)) (define tango-dark-sky-blue (rgb #x204a87)) (define tango-light-plum (rgb #xad7fa8)) (define tango-plum (rgb #x75507b)) (define tango-dark-plum (rgb #x5c3566)) (define tango-light-scarlet-red (rgb #xef2929)) (define tango-scarlet-red (rgb #xcc0000)) (define tango-dark-scarlet-red (rgb #xa40000)) (define tango-aluminium-1 (rgb #xeeeeec)) (define tango-aluminium-2 (rgb #xd3d7cf)) (define tango-aluminium-3 (rgb #xbabdb6)) (define tango-aluminium-4 (rgb #x888a85)) (define tango-aluminium-5 (rgb #x555753)) (define tango-aluminium-6 (rgb #x2e3436))