;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit ;;; Copyright © 2019 David Thompson ;;; ;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at ;;; ;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ;;; ;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ;;; limitations under the License. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; OpenAL bindings. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (chickadee audio openal) #:use-module (chickadee config) #:use-module (chickadee math vector) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu) #:use-module (system foreign) #:export (open-device close-device device? openal-major-version openal-minor-version default-device-specifier capture-default-device-specifier device-specifier capture-device-specifier device-extensions make-context destroy-context context? set-current-context! current-context with-context context-device make-buffer delete-buffer buffer? buffer-id set-buffer-data! make-source delete-source source? source-id source-buffer source-state set-source-buffer! set-source-looping! set-source-property! source-play source-pause source-stop source-rewind source-queue-buffer source-unqueue-buffer source-buffers-processed listener-volume listener-position listener-velocity listener-orientation set-listener-volume! set-listener-position! set-listener-velocity! set-listener-orientation! doppler-factor speed-of-sound distance-model set-doppler-factor! set-speed-of-sound! set-distance-model!) #:replace (set-source-property!)) ;;; ;;; Low-level Bindings ;;; (define openal-func (let ((lib (dynamic-link* %libopenal))) (lambda (return-type function-name arg-types) (pointer->procedure return-type (dynamic-func function-name lib) arg-types)))) (define-syntax-rule (define-foreign name return-type func-name arg-types) (define name (openal-func return-type func-name arg-types))) ;;; ;;; AL ;;; ;; al.h constants (define AL_FALSE 0) (define AL_TRUE 1) (define AL_NONE 0) (define AL_NO_ERROR 0) (define AL_INVALID_NAME #xA001) (define AL_INVALID_ENUM #xA002) (define AL_INVALID_VALUE #xA003) (define AL_INVALID_OPERATION #xA004) (define AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY #xA005) (define AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE #x202) (define AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE #x1001) (define AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE #x1002) (define AL_PITCH #x1003) (define AL_POSITION #x1004) (define AL_DIRECTION #x1005) (define AL_VELOCITY #x1006) (define AL_LOOPING #x1007) (define AL_BUFFER #x1009) (define AL_GAIN #x100A) (define AL_MIN_GAIN #x100D) (define AL_MAX_GAIN #x100E) (define AL_ORIENTATION #x100F) (define AL_SOURCE_STATE #x1010) (define AL_INITIAL #x1011) (define AL_PLAYING #x1012) (define AL_PAUSED #x1013) (define AL_STOPPED #x1014) (define AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED #x1015) (define AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED #x1016) (define AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE #x1020) (define AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR #x1021) (define AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN #x1022) (define AL_MAX_DISTANCE #x1023) (define AL_SEC_OFFSET #x1024) (define AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET #x1025) (define AL_BYTE_OFFSET #x1026) (define AL_SOURCE_TYPE #x1027) (define AL_STATIC #x1028) (define AL_STREAMING #x1029) (define AL_UNDETERMINED #x1030) (define AL_FORMAT_MONO8 #x1100) (define AL_FORMAT_MONO16 #x1101) (define AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 #x1102) (define AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 #x1103) (define AL_FREQUENCY #x2001) (define AL_BITS #x2002) (define AL_CHANNELS #x2003) (define AL_SIZE #x2004) (define AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR #xC000) (define AL_DOPPLER_VELOCITY #xC001) (define AL_SPEED_OF_SOUND #xC003) (define AL_DISTANCE_MODEL #xD000) (define AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE #xD001) (define AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED #xD002) (define AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE #xD003) (define AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED #xD004) (define AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE #xD005) (define AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED #xD006) (define-foreign al-get-error int "alGetError" '()) (define-foreign al-gen-buffers void "alGenBuffers" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-delete-buffers void "alDeleteBuffers" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-is-buffer uint8 "alIsBuffer" (list unsigned-int)) (define-foreign al-buffer-data void "alBufferData" (list unsigned-int int '* int int)) (define-foreign al-gen-sources void "alGenSources" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-delete-sources void "alDeleteSources" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-is-source uint8 "alIsSource" (list unsigned-int)) (define-foreign al-source-f void "alSourcef" (list unsigned-int int float)) (define-foreign al-source-3f void "alSource3f" (list unsigned-int int float float float)) (define-foreign al-source-fv void "alSourcefv" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-source-i void "alSourcei" (list unsigned-int int int)) (define-foreign al-source-3i void "alSource3i" (list unsigned-int int int int int)) (define-foreign al-source-iv void "alSourceiv" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-source-f void "alGetSourcef" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-source-3f void "alGetSource3f" (list unsigned-int int '* '* '*)) (define-foreign al-get-source-fv void "alGetSourcefv" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-source-i void "alGetSourcei" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-source-3i void "alGetSource3i" (list unsigned-int int '* '* '*)) (define-foreign al-get-source-iv void "alGetSourceiv" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-source-play void "alSourcePlay" (list unsigned-int)) (define-foreign al-source-pause void "alSourcePause" (list unsigned-int)) (define-foreign al-source-stop void "alSourceStop" (list unsigned-int)) (define-foreign al-source-rewind void "alSourceRewind" (list unsigned-int)) (define-foreign al-source-queue-buffers void "alSourceQueueBuffers" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-source-unqueue-buffers void "alSourceUnqueueBuffers" (list unsigned-int int '*)) (define-foreign al-listener-f void "alListenerf" (list int float)) (define-foreign al-listener-3f void "alListener3f" (list int float float float)) (define-foreign al-listener-fv void "alListenerfv" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-listener-i void "alListeneri" (list int int)) (define-foreign al-listener-3i void "alListener3i" (list int int int int)) (define-foreign al-listener-iv void "alListeneriv" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-listener-f void "alGetListenerf" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-listener-3f void "alGetListener3f" (list int '* '* '*)) (define-foreign al-get-listener-fv void "alGetListenerfv" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-listener-i void "alGetListeneri" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-listener-3i void "alGetListener3i" (list int '* '* '*)) (define-foreign al-get-listener-iv void "alGetListeneriv" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-enable void "alEnable" (list int)) (define-foreign al-disable void "alDisable" (list int)) (define-foreign al-is-enabled uint8 "alIsEnabled" (list int)) (define-foreign al-get-boolean uint8 "alGetBoolean" (list int)) (define-foreign al-get-double double "alGetDouble" (list int)) (define-foreign al-get-float float "alGetFloat" (list int)) (define-foreign al-get-integer int "alGetInteger" (list int)) (define-foreign al-get-booleanv void "alGetBooleanv" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-doublev void "alGetDoublev" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-floatv void "alGetFloatv" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-integerv void "alGetIntegerv" (list int '*)) (define-foreign al-get-string '* "alGetString" (list int)) (define-foreign al-distance-model void "alDistanceModel" (list int)) (define-foreign al-doppler-factor void "alDopplerFactor" (list float)) (define-foreign al-speed-of-sound void "alSpeedOfSound" (list float)) ;;; ;;; ALC ;;; ;; alc.h constants (define ALC_FREQUENCY #x1007) (define ALC_REFRESH #x1008) (define ALC_SYNC #x1009) (define ALC_MONO_SOURCES #x1010) (define ALC_STEREO_SOURCES #x1011) (define ALC_NO_ERROR 0) (define ALC_INVALID_DEVICE #xA001) (define ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT #xA002) (define ALC_INVALID_ENUM #xA003) (define ALC_INVALID_VALUE #xA004) (define ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY #xA005) (define ALC_MAJOR_VERSION #x1000) (define ALC_MINOR_VERSION #x1001) (define ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE #x1002) (define ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES #x1003) (define ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER #x1004) (define ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER #x1005) (define ALC_EXTENSIONS #x1006) (define ALC_EXT_CAPTURE 1) (define ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER #x310) (define ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER #x311) (define ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES #x312) (define-foreign alc-get-error int "alcGetError" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-open-device '* "alcOpenDevice" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-close-device uint8 "alcCloseDevice" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-create-context '* "alcCreateContext" '(* *)) (define-foreign alc-process-context void "alcProcessContext" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-suspend-context void "alcSuspendContext" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-destroy-context void "alcDestroyContext" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-make-context-current uint8 "alcMakeContextCurrent" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-get-current-context '* "alcGetCurrentContext" '()) (define-foreign alc-get-contexts-device '* "alcGetContextsDevice" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-get-string '* "alcGetString" (list '* int)) (define-foreign alc-get-integer-v void "alcGetIntegerv" (list '* int int '*)) (define-foreign alc-capture-open-device '* "alcCaptureOpenDevice" (list '* unsigned-int int int)) (define-foreign alc-capture-close-device uint8 "alcCaptureCloseDevice" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-capture-start void "alcCaptureStart" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-capture-stop void "alcCaptureStop" '(*)) (define-foreign alc-capture-samples void "alcCaptureSamples" (list '* '* int)) ;;; ;;; High-level public API ;;; (define (al-check-error func message . args) (let* ((error-id (al-get-error)) (error-string (cond ((= error-id AL_NO_ERROR) "no error") ((= error-id AL_INVALID_NAME) "invalid name parameter passed to an AL call") ((= error-id AL_INVALID_ENUM) "invalid enum parameter passed to an AL call") ((= error-id AL_INVALID_VALUE) "invalid value parameter passed to an AL call") ((= error-id AL_INVALID_OPERATION) "illegal AL call") ((= error-id AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY) "out of memory")))) (unless (zero? error-id) (apply throw 'openal-error func (string-append message ": ~A") (append args (list error-string)))))) ;;; ;;; Devices ;;; (define-wrapped-pointer-type device? wrap-device unwrap-device (lambda (device port) (format port "#" (device-specifier device)))) (define (alc-check-error device func message . args) (let* ((error-id (alc-get-error (unwrap-device device))) (error-string (cond ((= error-id ALC_NO_ERROR) "no error") ((= error-id ALC_INVALID_DEVICE) "invalid device parameter passed to an ALC call") ((= error-id ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT) "invalid context parameter passed to an ALC call") ((= error-id ALC_INVALID_ENUM) "invalid enum parameter passed to an ALC call") ((= error-id ALC_INVALID_VALUE) "invalid value parameter passed to an ALC call") ((= error-id ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY) "out of memory")))) (unless (zero? error-id) (apply throw 'openal-error func (string-append message ": ~A") (append args (list error-string)))))) (define* (open-device #:optional name) "Open the device NAME, or the default device if NAME is #f" (let ((ptr (alc-open-device (if name (string->pointer name) %null-pointer)))) (if (null-pointer? ptr) (al-check-error "open-device" "could not open device '~a'" name) (wrap-device ptr)))) (define (close-device device) "Close DEVICE." (alc-close-device (unwrap-device device)) (alc-check-error device "close-device" "could not close device ~a" device)) (define (openal-major-version device) "Return the OpenAL major version used for DEVICE." (let ((bv (make-s32vector 1))) (alc-get-integer-v (unwrap-device device) ALC_MAJOR_VERSION 1 (bytevector->pointer bv)) (alc-check-error device "openal-major-version" "could not get OpenAL major version") (s32vector-ref bv 0))) (define (openal-minor-version device) "Return the OpenAL minor version used for DEVICE." (let ((bv (make-s32vector 1))) (alc-get-integer-v (unwrap-device device) ALC_MINOR_VERSION 1 (bytevector->pointer bv)) (alc-check-error device "openal-minor-version" "could not get OpenAL minor version") (s32vector-ref bv 0))) (define (device-string device attr proc-name error-msg) (let ((ptr (alc-get-string (unwrap-device device) attr))) (alc-check-error device proc-name error-msg) (pointer->string ptr))) (define (default-device-specifier device) "Return the default device specifier name for DEVICE." (device-string device ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER "default-device-specifier" "could not get default device specifier")) (define (device-specifier device) "Return the device specifier name for DEVICE." (device-string device ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER "device-specifier" "could not get device specifier")) (define (capture-default-device-specifier device) "Return the default capture device specifier name for DEVICE." (device-string device ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER "capture-default-device-specifier" "could not get capture default device specifier")) (define (capture-device-specifier device) "Return the capture device specifier name for DEVICE." (device-string device ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER "capture-device-specifier" "could not get capture device specifier")) (define (device-extensions device) "Return a list of available extensions for DEVICE." (string-split (device-string device ALC_EXTENSIONS "device-extensions" "could not get device extensions") #\space)) ;;; ;;; Contexts ;;; (define-record-type (wrap-context ptr device) context? (ptr unwrap-context) (device context-device)) (define (display-context context port) (format port "#" (context-device context))) (set-record-type-printer! display-context) (define (make-context device) "Return a new OpenAL context for DEVICE." (let ((ptr (alc-create-context (unwrap-device device) %null-pointer))) (if (null-pointer? ptr) (alc-check-error device "make-context" "could not create context for device ~a" device) (wrap-context ptr device)))) (define (destroy-context context) "Destroy CONTEXT. It can no longer be used after this call." (alc-destroy-context (unwrap-context context))) (define *current-context* #f) (define (current-context) "Return the current OpenAL context." *current-context*) (define (set-current-context! context) "Set CONTEXT as the currently active OpenAL context. If CONTEXT is #f, then the current context will be cleared and there will be no active context." (if (= (alc-make-context-current (if context (unwrap-context context) %null-pointer)) 1) (set! *current-context* context))) (define-syntax-rule (with-context context body ...) (let ((prev (current-context))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set-current-context! context)) (lambda () body ...) (lambda () (set-current-context! prev))))) ;;; ;;; Buffers ;;; (define-record-type (%make-buffer id) buffer? (id buffer-id)) (define* (make-buffer #:key data (length (and data (bytevector-length data))) (format 'stereo-16) (frequency 44100)) "Return a new audio buffer." (let ((bv (u32vector 0))) (al-gen-buffers 1 (bytevector->pointer bv)) (al-check-error "make-buffer" "failed to create buffer") (let* ((id (u32vector-ref bv 0)) (buffer (%make-buffer id))) (when data (set-buffer-data! buffer data length format frequency)) buffer))) (define (delete-buffer buffer) "Delete BUFFER." (al-delete-buffers 1 (bytevector->pointer (u32vector (buffer-id buffer)))) (al-check-error "delete-buffer" "failed to delete buffer")) (define (set-buffer-data! buffer bv length format frequency) (al-buffer-data (buffer-id buffer) (match format ('mono-8 AL_FORMAT_MONO8) ('mono-16 AL_FORMAT_MONO16) ('stereo-8 AL_FORMAT_STEREO8) ('stereo-16 AL_FORMAT_STEREO16)) (bytevector->pointer bv) length frequency)) ;;; ;;; Sources ;;; (define-record-type (%make-source id buffer) source? (id source-id) (buffer source-buffer %set-source-buffer!)) (define* (make-source #:key buffer) "Return a new audio source." (let ((bv (u32vector 0))) (al-gen-sources 1 (bytevector->pointer bv)) (al-check-error "make-source" "failed to create source") (let ((source (%make-source (u32vector-ref bv 0) #f))) (when buffer (set-source-buffer! source buffer)) source))) (define (delete-source source) "Delete SOURCE." (al-delete-sources 1 (bytevector->pointer (u32vector (source-id source)))) (al-check-error "delete-source" "failed to delete source ~a" source)) (define source-state (let* ((bv (make-u32vector 1)) (ptr (bytevector->pointer bv))) (lambda (source) (al-get-source-i (source-id source) AL_SOURCE_STATE ptr) (al-check-error "source-state" "failed to get state of source ~a" source) (let ((state (u32vector-ref bv 0))) (cond ((= state AL_INITIAL) 'initial) ((= state AL_PLAYING) 'playing) ((= state AL_PAUSED) 'paused) ((= state AL_STOPPED) 'stopped)))))) (define (set-source-buffer! source buffer) "Associate BUFFER with SOURCE." (al-source-i (source-id source) AL_BUFFER (buffer-id buffer)) (%set-source-buffer! source buffer)) (define (set-source-looping! source loop?) "Enables looping for SOURCE if LOOP? is #t, disables looping otherwise." (al-source-i (source-id source) AL_LOOPING (if loop? 1 0))) (define (source-play source) (al-source-play (source-id source)) (al-check-error "source-play" "failed to play source ~a" source)) (define (source-pause source) (al-source-pause (source-id source)) (al-check-error "source-pause" "failed to pause source ~a" source)) (define (source-stop source) (al-source-stop (source-id source)) (al-check-error "source-stop" "failed to pause source ~a" source)) (define (source-rewind source) (al-source-rewind (source-id source)) (al-check-error "source-rewind" "failed to rewind source ~a" source)) (define source-queue-buffer (let ((bv (make-u32vector 1))) (lambda (source buffer) (u32vector-set! bv 0 (buffer-id buffer)) (al-source-queue-buffers (source-id source) 1 (bytevector->pointer bv)) (al-check-error "source-queue-buffer" "failed to queue buffer ~a" buffer)))) (define source-unqueue-buffer (let ((bv (make-u32vector 1))) (lambda (source) (u32vector-set! bv 0 0) (al-source-unqueue-buffers (source-id source) 1 (bytevector->pointer bv)) (al-check-error "source-unqueue-buffer" "failed to unqueue buffer for source" source) (u32vector-ref bv 0)))) (define (source-buffers-processed source) (let ((bv (make-s32vector 1))) (al-get-source-i (source-id source) AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED (bytevector->pointer bv)) (s32vector-ref bv 0))) (define (set-source-property! source property value) (let ((param (match property ('pitch AL_PITCH) ('gain AL_GAIN) ('max-distance AL_MAX_DISTANCE) ('rolloff-factor AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR) ('reference-distance AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE) ('min-gain AL_MIN_GAIN) ('max-gain AL_MAX_GAIN) ('cone-outer-gain AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN) ('cone-inner-angle AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE) ('cone-outer-angle AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE) ('position AL_POSITION) ('velocity AL_VELOCITY) ('direction AL_DIRECTION) ('relative AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE)))) (match property ('relative (al-source-i (source-id source) param (if value AL_TRUE AL_FALSE))) ((or 'position 'velocity 'direction) (al-source-fv (source-id source) param ((@@ (chickadee math vector) vec3->pointer) value))) (_ (al-source-f (source-id source) param value))))) ;;; ;;; Listener ;;; (define (listener-volume) "Return the current master volume of the listener." (let ((bv (make-f32vector 1))) (al-get-listener-f AL_GAIN (bytevector->pointer bv)) (al-check-error "listener-volume" "failed to get listener gain") (f32vector-ref bv 0))) (define (listener-position) "Return the current position of the listener." (let* ((bv (make-f32vector 3)) (ptr (bytevector->pointer bv))) (al-get-listener-fv AL_POSITION ptr) (al-check-error "listener-position" "failed to get listener position") ((@@ (chickadee math vector) wrap-vec3) bv ptr))) (define (listener-velocity) "Return the current velocity of the listener." (let* ((bv (make-f32vector 3)) (ptr (bytevector->pointer bv))) (al-get-listener-fv AL_VELOCITY ptr) (al-check-error "listener-velocity" "failed to get listener velocity") ((@@ (chickadee math vector) wrap-vec3) bv ptr))) (define (listener-orientation) "Return the current orientation of the listener" (let ((bv (make-f32vector 6))) (al-get-listener-fv AL_ORIENTATION (bytevector->pointer bv)) (al-check-error "listener-orientation" "failed to get listener orientation") (values (vec3 (f32vector-ref bv 0) (f32vector-ref bv 1) (f32vector-ref bv 2)) (vec3 (f32vector-ref bv 3) (f32vector-ref bv 4) (f32vector-ref bv 5))))) (define (set-listener-volume! volume) "Set listener master volume to VOLUME, a value in the range [0, 1]." (al-listener-f AL_GAIN volume) (al-check-error "set-listener-volume!" "failed to set listener gain")) (define (set-listener-position! position) "Set the listener's position to the 3D vector POSITION" (al-listener-fv AL_POSITION ((@@ (chickadee math vector) vec3-pointer) position)) (al-check-error "set-listener-position!" "failed to set listener position")) (define (set-listener-velocity! velocity) "Set the listener's velocity to the 3D vector VELOCITY." (al-listener-fv AL_VELOCITY ((@@ (chickadee math vector) vec3-pointer) velocity)) (al-check-error "set-listener-velocity!" "failed to set listener velocity")) (define (set-listener-orientation! at up) "Set the listener's orientation to the 3D vectors AT and UP." (al-listener-fv AL_ORIENTATION (bytevector->pointer (f32vector (vec3-x at) (vec3-y at) (vec3-z at) (vec3-x up) (vec3-y up) (vec3-z up)))) (al-check-error "set-listener-orientation!" "failed to set listener orientation")) ;;; ;;; Global state ;;; (define (doppler-factor) "Return the current doppler factor." (let ((result (al-get-float AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR))) (al-check-error "doppler-factor" "failed to get doppler factor") result)) (define (speed-of-sound) "Return the current speed of sound." (let ((result (al-get-float AL_SPEED_OF_SOUND))) (al-check-error "speed-of-sound" "failed to get speed of sound") result)) (define (distance-model) "Return the current distance model." (let* ((enum (al-get-integer AL_DISTANCE_MODEL)) (result (cond ((= enum AL_NONE) 'none) ((= enum AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE) 'inverse-distance) ((= enum AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED) 'inverse-distance-clamped) ((= enum AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE) 'linear-distance) ((= enum AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED) 'linear-distance-clamped) ((= enum AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE) 'exponent-distance) ((= enum AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED) 'exponent-distance-clamped)))) (al-check-error "distance-model" "failed to get distance model") result)) (define (set-doppler-factor! doppler-factor) "Change the doppler factor to DOPPLER-FACTOR." (al-doppler-factor doppler-factor) (al-check-error "set-doppler-factor!" "failed to set doppler factor")) (define (set-speed-of-sound! speed-of-sound) "Change the speed of sound to SPEED-OF-SOUND." (al-speed-of-sound speed-of-sound) (al-check-error "set-speed-of-sound!" "failed to set speed of sound")) (define (set-distance-model! distance-model) "Change the distance model to DISTANCE-MODEL. Valid distance models are: - none - inverse-distance - inverse-distance-clamped - linear-distance - linear-distance-clamped - exponent-distance - exponent-distance-clamped" (al-distance-model (match distance-model ('none AL_NONE) ('inverse-distance AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE) ('inverse-distance-clamped AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED) ('linear-distance AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE) ('linear-distance-clamped AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED) ('exponent-distance AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE) ('exponent-distance-clamped AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED))) (al-check-error "set-distance-model!" "failed to set distance model"))