;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit ;;; Copyright © 2018, 2021 David Thompson ;;; Copyright © 2020 Peter Elliott ;;; ;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at ;;; ;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ;;; ;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ;;; limitations under the License. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Core event loop. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (chickadee) #:use-module (chickadee audio) #:use-module (chickadee config) #:use-module (chickadee game-loop) #:use-module (chickadee math matrix) #:use-module (chickadee graphics color) #:use-module (chickadee graphics gpu) ;; #:use-module (chickadee graphics viewport) #:use-module (chickadee utils) #:use-module (ice-9 atomic) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 threads) #:use-module (sdl2) #:use-module (sdl2 events) #:use-module ((sdl2 input game-controller) #:prefix sdl2:) #:use-module (sdl2 input joystick) #:use-module ((sdl2 input keyboard) #:prefix sdl2:) #:use-module ((sdl2 input mouse) #:prefix sdl2:) #:use-module (sdl2 input text) #:use-module ((sdl2 video) #:prefix sdl2:) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) #:export (current-window window? window-width window-height window-x window-y window-title hide-window! show-window! maximize-window! minimize-window! raise-window! restore-window! set-window-border! set-window-title! set-window-size! set-window-position! set-window-fullscreen! elapsed-time controller-button-pressed? controller-button-released? controller-axis controller-name key-pressed? key-released? mouse-x mouse-y mouse-button-pressed? mouse-button-released? warp-mouse set-show-cursor! run-game) #:re-export (abort-game current-timestep)) (define %time-freq (exact->inexact internal-time-units-per-second)) (define (elapsed-time) "Return the current value of the system timer in seconds." (/ (get-internal-real-time) %time-freq)) (define (key-pressed? key) "Return #t if KEY is currently being pressed." (sdl2:key-pressed? key)) (define (key-released? key) "Return #t if KEY is not currently being pressed." (sdl2:key-released? key)) (define (mouse-x) "Return the current X coordinate of the mouse cursor." (sdl2:mouse-x)) (define (mouse-y) "Return the current Y coordinate of the mouse cursor." (sdl2:mouse-y)) (define (mouse-button-pressed? button) "Return #t if BUTTON is currently being pressed." (sdl2:mouse-button-pressed? button)) (define (mouse-button-released? button) "Return #t if BUTTON is not currently being pressed." (sdl2:mouse-button-released? button)) (define (set-show-cursor! show?) (sdl2:set-show-cursor! show?)) (define *controllers* (make-hash-table)) (define (lookup-controller joystick-id) (hashv-ref *controllers* joystick-id)) (define (add-controller joystick-index) (let ((controller (sdl2:open-game-controller joystick-index))) (hashv-set! *controllers* (joystick-instance-id (sdl2:game-controller-joystick controller)) controller) controller)) (define (remove-controller joystick-id) (hashv-remove! *controllers* joystick-id)) (define (controller-button-pressed? controller button) "Return #t if BUTTON is currently being pressed on CONTROLLER." (sdl2:game-controller-button-pressed? controller button)) (define (controller-button-released? controller button) "Return #t if BUTTON is not currently being pressed on CONTROLLER." (not (controller-button-pressed? controller button))) (define (controller-axis controller axis) "Return a floating point value in the range [-1, 1] corresponding to how much AXIS is being pushed on CONTROLLER. 0 is returned if AXIS is not being pushed at all." (/ (sdl2:game-controller-axis controller axis) 32768.0)) (define controller-name ;; Memoize to avoid repeated allocation of strings via ;; pointer->string. (memoize (lambda (controller) (sdl2:game-controller-name controller)))) (define-record-type (wrap-window sdl-window gl-context) window? (sdl-window unwrap-window) (gl-context window-gl-context)) (define* (make-window #:key (title "Chickadee") fullscreen? resizable? (width 640) (height 480) (multisample? #t)) ;; Hint that we want the core profile with deprecated features ;; disabled. Doesn't mean we'll get it, though! (sdl2:set-gl-attribute! 'context-profile-mask 1) ; core profile (sdl2:set-gl-attribute! 'stencil-size 8) ; 8-bit stencil buffer (if multisample? (begin (sdl2:set-gl-attribute! 'multisample-buffers 1) (sdl2:set-gl-attribute! 'multisample-samples 4)) (begin (sdl2:set-gl-attribute! 'multisample-buffers 0) (sdl2:set-gl-attribute! 'multisample-samples 0))) (let* ((window (sdl2:make-window #:opengl? #t #:title title #:size (list width height) #:fullscreen? fullscreen? #:resizable? resizable?)) (gl-context (sdl2:make-gl-context window))) (wrap-window window gl-context))) (define current-window (make-parameter #f)) (define-syntax-rule (define-window-wrapper (name args ...) sdl-proc docstring) (define (name window args ...) docstring (sdl-proc (unwrap-window window) args ...))) (define-window-wrapper (window-title) sdl2:window-title "Return the title of WINDOW.") (define-window-wrapper (hide-window!) sdl2:hide-window! "Hide WINDOW.") (define-window-wrapper (show-window!) sdl2:show-window! "Show WINDOW.") (define-window-wrapper (maximize-window!) sdl2:maximize-window! "Maximize WINDOW.") (define-window-wrapper (minimize-window!) sdl2:minimize-window! "Minimize WINDOW.") (define-window-wrapper (raise-window!) sdl2:raise-window! "Make WINDOW visible over all other windows.") (define-window-wrapper (restore-window!) sdl2:restore-window! "Restore the size and position of a minimized or maximized WINDOW.") (define-window-wrapper (set-window-border! border?) sdl2:set-window-border! "Enable/disable the border around WINDOW. If BORDER? is #f, the border is disabled, otherwise it is enabled.") (define-window-wrapper (set-window-title! title) sdl2:set-window-title! "Set the title of WINDOW to TITLE.") (define-window-wrapper (set-window-fullscreen! fullscreen?) sdl2:set-window-fullscreen! "Enable or disable fullscreen mode for WINDOW. If FULLSCREEN? is #f, fullscreen mode is disabled, otherwise it is enabled.") (define (window-width window) "Return the width of WINDOW." (call-with-values (lambda () (sdl2:window-size (unwrap-window window))) (lambda (w h) w))) (define (window-height window) "Return the height of WINDOW." (call-with-values (lambda () (sdl2:window-size (unwrap-window window))) (lambda (w h) h))) (define (window-x window) "Return the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of WINDOW." (call-with-values (lambda () (sdl2:window-position (unwrap-window window))) (lambda (x y) x))) (define (window-y window) "Return the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of WINDOW." (call-with-values (lambda () (sdl2:window-position (unwrap-window window))) (lambda (x y) y))) (define (set-window-size! window width height) "Change the dimensions of WINDOW to WIDTH x HEIGHT pixels." (sdl2:set-window-size! (unwrap-window window) width height)) (define (set-window-position! window x y) "Move the upper-left corner of WINDOW to pixel coordinates (X, Y)." (sdl2:set-window-position! (unwrap-window window) x y)) (define (warp-mouse x y) (sdl2:warp-mouse x y (unwrap-window (current-window)))) (define noop (const #t)) (define* (run-game #:key (window-title "Chickadee!") (window-width 640) (window-height 480) window-fullscreen? window-resizable? (clear-color black;; %default-clear-color ) (update-hz 60) (load noop) (update noop) (draw noop) (quit abort-game) (key-press noop) (key-release noop) (text-input noop) (mouse-press noop) (mouse-release noop) (mouse-move noop) (mouse-wheel noop) (controller-add noop) (controller-remove noop) (controller-press noop) (controller-release noop) (controller-move noop) (window-keyboard-enter noop) (window-keyboard-leave noop) (window-mouse-enter noop) (window-mouse-leave noop) (window-show noop) (window-hide noop) (window-minimize noop) (window-maximize noop) (window-move noop) (window-resize noop) error) (sdl-init) (start-text-input) (init-audio) ;; We assume here that if window creation fails it is because ;; multisampling is not supported and that we need to try again with ;; multisampling disabled. This is obviously hacky but it solves a ;; real world user issue and I'm not sure how to test for driver ;; features before opening the window. SDL's display mode ;; information doesn't seem to be enough. Help wanted! (let* ((window (or (false-if-exception (make-window #:title window-title #:width window-width #:height window-height #:fullscreen? window-fullscreen? #:resizable? window-resizable?)) (make-window #:title window-title #:width window-width #:height window-height #:fullscreen? window-fullscreen? #:resizable? window-resizable? #:multisample? #f))) ;; (default-viewport (vector ;; (make-viewport 0 0 window-width window-height ;; #:clear-color clear-color))) (default-projection (vector (orthographic-projection 0 window-width window-height 0 0 1))) (gpu (make-gpu (unwrap-window window) (window-gl-context window)))) (define (invert-y y) ;; SDL's origin is the top-left, but our origin is the bottom ;; left so we need to invert Y coordinates that SDL gives us. (- window-height y)) (define (flush-sdl-input) (define (process-event event) (cond ((quit-event? event) (quit)) ((keyboard-down-event? event) (key-press (keyboard-event-key event) (keyboard-event-modifiers event) (keyboard-event-repeat? event))) ((keyboard-up-event? event) (key-release (keyboard-event-key event) (keyboard-event-modifiers event))) ((text-input-event? event) (text-input (text-input-event-text event))) ((mouse-button-down-event? event) (mouse-press (mouse-button-event-button event) (mouse-button-event-clicks event) (mouse-button-event-x event) (invert-y (mouse-button-event-y event)))) ((mouse-button-up-event? event) (mouse-release (mouse-button-event-button event) (mouse-button-event-x event) (invert-y (mouse-button-event-y event)))) ((mouse-motion-event? event) (mouse-move (mouse-motion-event-x event) (invert-y (mouse-motion-event-y event)) (mouse-motion-event-x-rel event) (- (mouse-motion-event-y-rel event)) (mouse-motion-event-buttons event))) ((mouse-wheel-event? event) (mouse-wheel (mouse-wheel-event-x event) (mouse-wheel-event-y event))) ((and (controller-device-event? event) (eq? (controller-device-event-action event) 'added)) (controller-add (add-controller (controller-device-event-which event)))) ((and (controller-device-event? event) (eq? (controller-device-event-action event) 'removed)) (let ((controller (lookup-controller (controller-device-event-which event)))) (controller-remove controller) (remove-controller (controller-device-event-which event)) (sdl2:close-game-controller controller))) ((controller-button-down-event? event) (controller-press (lookup-controller (controller-button-event-which event)) (controller-button-event-button event))) ((controller-button-up-event? event) (controller-release (lookup-controller (controller-button-event-which event)) (controller-button-event-button event))) ((controller-axis-event? event) (controller-move (lookup-controller (controller-axis-event-which event)) (controller-axis-event-axis event) (/ (controller-axis-event-value event) 32768.0))) ((window-focus-gained-event? event) (window-keyboard-enter)) ((window-focus-lost-event? event) (window-keyboard-leave)) ((window-enter-event? event) (window-mouse-enter)) ((window-leave-event? event) (window-mouse-leave)) ((window-shown-event? event) (window-show)) ((window-hidden-event? event) (window-hide)) ((window-minimized-event? event) (window-minimize)) ((window-maximized-event? event) (window-maximize)) ((window-moved-event? event) (match (window-event-vector event) ((x y) (window-move x y)))) ((window-size-changed-event? event) (match (window-event-vector event) ((width height) (set! window-width width) (set! window-height height) ;; (vector-set! default-viewport 0 ;; (make-viewport 0 0 width height ;; #:clear-color clear-color)) (vector-set! default-projection 0 (orthographic-projection 0 width height 0 0 1)) (window-resize width height)))))) ;; Process all pending events. (let loop ((event (poll-event))) (when event (process-event event) (loop (poll-event))))) (define (on-error e stack) (error e stack) ;; Flush all input events that have occurred while in the error ;; state. (while (poll-event) #t)) ;; The game loop will run in its own thread so that updating game ;; state can happen while rendering and input are being processed ;; in the main thread and thus improving overall performance. ;; This is where all user code is executed. (define (game-loop) (parameterize ((current-window window) (current-gpu gpu)) (run-game* #:init load #:update update #:render draw #:error (and error on-error) #:time elapsed-time #:update-hz update-hz))) ;; The main loop handles the input and rendering queues, as input ;; polling and GPU calls have to be done from the main thread in ;; SDL. (define (main-loop) (flush-sdl-input) (update-audio) ;; (graphics-engine-reset! gfx) ;; Enable seamless cube maps. ;; TODO: This should go somewhere else. ;; (set-gpu-seamless-cube-maps! (current-gpu) #t) ;; (with-viewport (vector-ref default-viewport 0) ;; (clear-viewport) ;; (with-graphics-state ((projection (vector-ref default-projection 0))) ;; (draw alpha))) (gpu-tick gpu) (gpu-swap gpu) ;; Free any GPU resources that have been GC'd. (gpu-gc gpu) (usleep 1) ; don't use 100% of the cpu pls (main-loop)) ;; Attempt to activate vsync, if possible. Some systems do ;; not support setting the OpenGL swap interval. (catch #t (lambda () (sdl2:set-gl-swap-interval! 'vsync)) (lambda args (display "warning: could not enable vsync\n" (current-error-port)))) ;; Make lots of game controllers "just work." (sdl2:load-game-controller-mappings! (scope-datadir "gamecontrollerdb.txt")) ;; Launch game loop in a separate thread and start the main loop. (let ((game-thread (call-with-new-thread game-loop))) (main-loop) (quit-audio) (sdl2:delete-gl-context! (window-gl-context window)) (sdl2:close-window! (unwrap-window window)))))